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'''A class that provides the same interafaces to the PRNGs as the Arduino class'''
import avrlibcrandom
from os import urandom
class Prng:
def urandom(self, n):
Produce n//8 bytes (~n bits) from urandom in binary. To
conform with the rest of the algs (and keeping pretty)
it has to input the number of bits requested.'''
k = n//8 # Its only going to be used for 2500bytes(20000) bits anyways
# let b be 1 byte from /dev/urandom
b = [format(ord(c), '08b') for c in urandom(k)]
# Conform to expectations of
for bit in b:
yield bit
def avrrandom(self, n, seed=1):
'''avr-libc PRNG
According to a long on
arduino (and therefore avr) is 4 bytes. Produces n//(8*4) bytes (~n
bits) from the avr-libc prng
NOTE: not very pythonic'''
for i in range(n//(8*4)):
# let b be 4 bytes from the prng
b = format(avrlibcrandom.random(), '032b')
yield ''.join(b)
def avrseed(self, x):