
150 lines
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'''Let C be the number of calls that a program has made to the
avr-libc random() function (the Arduino is equipped with it). This
program finds the seed value with reasonable guessing-time (runs in
Since the analogRead() function is heavily biased, we use a sampling
to create a probability distribution that we select from. The idea is
to supply a standard sample space as well as enable the option of
supply a stream of values, either live or from a file.
This code is heavily commented to make writing the section about it
easier. Oh, and if i ever have to read this mess again sometime.
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from arduino import ArdFile, Arduino
from avrlibcrandom import random, srandom
class Seedfinder:
def __init__(self, samplesource=None):
# If samplesource is None, assume the default
if samplesource == None:
samplesource = ArdFile(fname='samples.txt')
self.p, self.g = self._makefreq(samplesource)
def fromcomplete(self, sequence):
'''Find the seed when given the whole sequence.'''
# Let's use lits
#lastk = [deque()]*1024
lastk = [[]]*1024
k = len(sequence)
while len(self.p) > 0:
i = self.p.pop()
for x in xrange(k):
r = random()
if r == sequence[x]:
# We got the wrong value, pointless to go on
if lastk[i] == sequence:
return i
# Happens if the seed is larger than 2**10-1 or we have a bad sequence.
return None
def findseed(self, sequence, m=1):
'''Finds the seed given a sequcence that does not have to be
complete from the seed.
Let S_0 be the initial sequence of length k with s as seed,
and S_n be the sequence with radom variables
s_{n-k},..,s_k. Let S_1 be the observerd sequnce, also of
length k.
In each iteration, this program will generate all sequences
S_i of s_{last},...,s{last+k+m}.
Thus m is in a wayan estimation of C. One of those
performance-tuning thingies.
The program makes infinitely many iterations until it finds it
unless the debug value is set. '''
# Giveup option for testing purposes
giveup = 50
k = len(sequence)
lastk = [deque([]) for i in self.p]
# Expand all the deques by k elements from p[i] for each i.
# => generate initial sequences.
# 1024*k operations → O(k)
for i in self.p:
#lastk[i] = deque([random() for _ in range(k)])
for _ in xrange(k):
# If we recieved a sequence dervied directly from the seed
if list(lastk[i]) == sequence:
return i
#while True:
for _ in xrange(giveup):
# This has to be a little more sophisticated than a crude
# bruteforce attack.
# This program has the rather curious property that it has
# an essentially unknown running boundary. It is
# completely dependent upon the number of calls made to
# the PRNG before the sequence given to us appeared (until
# we find the sequence, we stay inside the while loop. Let
# C denote this value. Let m be our best estimation of C.
# For every value i, we have started with the intial sequnce
# of length k. In each iteration we will check east of the
# m+k sequential ques for a match.
for i in self.p:
for _ in range(m+k):
v = random()
if list(lastk[i]) == sequence:
return i
# If we haven't found anything yet, we stay in the while loop. This program
# may never halt, if we are given a bad sequence (that originated from some
# other PRNG or perhaps not from a PRNG at all).
# Giving up
return -1
def _makefreq(self, source, n=20000):
'''Builds the probability distribution from n samples from
source. If source is a FileSamples object, n is finite and we
force it to be the number of lines in the file.
Returns a 2-tuple, the full probabilty distribution and an integer
g that represents how many different numbers were observed in the sample'''
if type(source) == type(ArdFile):
n = max(len(source), n) # Not possible on file objects
freqs = defaultdict(int)
for x in xrange(n):
freqs[source.readint()] += 1
# {Value: count}
f = sorted(freqs.keys(), key=freqs.__getitem__, reverse=False)
d = set(range(1024)) - set(f) # Fill in unobserved values
g = len(set(f)) # N.o. observerd values
return (list(d) + f, g)