
202 lines
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#coding: utf-8
from collections import defaultdict
from math import floor
from itertools import groupby
class StatTests:
def __init__(self, bitstring):
self.s = bitstring
self.n = len(self.s)
self.fips = (self.n == 20000)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.s)
def monobit(self):
'''Returns 2-tuple (X1, n1)'''
n0 = len([a for a in self.s if a == '0'])
n1 = self.n-n0
X1 = float((n0-n1)**2)/self.n
return (X1, n1)
def twobit(self):
def poker(self, m=4):
'''Divide the sequence s into k non-overlapping parts, each of length m
Let N[i] count the number of occurances of the ith type of sequnce
There are 2^m possible strings so we have that 0 < i <= 2^m'''
k = int(self.n//m) # Floored division
if not k >= 5*2**m:
print "Lower your m! (Or write this code)"
return False
S = [self.s[a:a+m] for a in range(0, self.n, m)][:k]
N = [0]*2**m
# *twich*
for i in S:
N[int(i, 2)] += 1
X3 = float(2**m)/k * sum(map(lambda x: x**2, N)) - k
return X3
def runs(self, k=9):
''' e_i is the number of caps of length i
Let k be the largest i for which we have e_i >= 5
[Methinks it should be calculated on the fly or something]
For n=20000, we have
>>> e = lambda i, n: float(n-i+3)/2**(i+2); e(9, 20000)
>>> e(10, 20000)
It then follows that that the largest i for which we have
e(9) => 5. At i=10, e(10) = 4.8 < 5, it goes below 5 there.
Returns a 3-tuple of
- statistic X4 which follows X^2 with df=2k-2
- number of gaps
- number of blocks'''
# Count 1..k runs
B = [0]*(k+1)
G = B[:]
# Count all groups
# Let c be the length of the longest group
#c = max([len(''.join(a[1])) for a in groupby(self.s)])
#B = [0]*(c+1)
#G = B[:]
# If so happens that c > k, we get IndexErrors below when we calculate X4
#k = c if c > k else k
# Maður lifandi, þetta er sniðugt!
# for groupname, group in groupby(self.s):
# i = len(''.join(group))
# if i >= k:
# continue
# #elif groupname == '1':
# if groupname == '1':
# B[i] += 1
# else:
# G[i] += 1
runs = [(groupname, len(''.join(group))) for groupname, group in groupby(self.s)]
for i in range(1, k):
# Hm.
B[i] = len([a for a in runs if a[1] == i and a[0] == '1'])
G[i] = len([a for a in runs if a[1] == i and a[0] == '0'])
e = lambda i: float(self.n-i+3)/2**(i+2) # Returns a float
X4 = sum([((B[i] - e(i))**2 + (G[i] - e(i))**2)/e(i) for i in range(1, k+1)])
return (X4, G, B)
def autocorrelation(self):
class FipsTests():
"""All tests return at least a 2-tuple, where the 0-index element is if the
test was passed, the 1-index is the statistic and the rest is additional
def __init__(self, bitstring):
self.n = len(bitstring)
if not self.n == 20000:
# Uhm. Not really sure how to do a proper excetion
# raising, this'll have to do
print "n != 20000"
raise Exception
self.s = bitstring
# HACK: Create instance of class so we can use same names. = StatTests(self.s)
def monobit(self):
X1, n1 =
# 9.654 < X1 < 10.346
if (9654 < n1) and (n1 < 10346):
return (True, X1, n1)
return (False, X1, n1)
def poker(self):
X3 =
if (X3 > 1.03) and (X3 < 57.4):
return (True, X3)
return (False, X3)
def runs(self):
'''See table on p. 183 in Menezes. There are limits for all 1<=i<=6.
For the purposes of this test, longer runs than 6 are considered to have
a length of 6.
NOTE: StatTests.runs() only counts runs of length up to k. Easily changed
by commenting the line out'''
X4, G, B =
B[6] += sum(B[7:])
G[6] += sum(G[7:])
limits = [ [],
[2267, 2733],
[1079, 1421],
[502, 748],
[223, 402],
[90, 223],
[90, 223]
#all((l[0] < G[i] < l[1] for i,l in enumerate(limits))
for i in range(1, 7):
# Gaps and blocks separately so we can tell the diff
if not limits[i][0] < G[i] < limits[i][1]:
return (False, X4, G[1:7], B[1:7])
if not limits[i][0] < B[i] < limits[i][1]:
return (False, X4, G[1:7], B[1:7])
return (True, X4, G[1:7], B[1:7])
def longruns(self):
'''The long runs test is passed if there are no runs of length
34 or more. Return a 1-tuple to keep style'''
X4, G, B =
# We use 0 based indexing, so a run of length 34 implies that
# G or B has length 34+1 or greater
if len(G) >= 34+1 or len(B) >= 34+1:
return (False)
return (True)
class RawData:
def __init__(self, l): = l
self.count = len(
self.mean = float(sum(
def freq(self):
freqs = defaultdict(int)
for x in
freqs[x] += 1
# The uniformity factor is how many of the numbers are AT the mean or below
m = int(floor(self.mean))
factor = float(sum([freqs[a] for a in freqs if a <= m]))/self.count
return (freqs, factor)
def correlation(self):
corr = []
for i in range(1, len(
# Absolute value?
corr.append([i] -[i-1])
return corr