121 lines
5.8 KiB
121 lines
5.8 KiB
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
booleanParam(name: "use_github", defaultValue: false, description: "use github repos")
booleanParam(name: "rebase_filescans", defaultValue: false, description: "rebase branch for owntone-server#1179 from github:whatdoineed2do/forked-daapd")
booleanParam(name: "build_web", defaultValue: true, description: "build web ui from source with modified websocket url")
booleanParam(name: "web_dark_reader", defaultValue: true, description: "add css from DarkReader (work in progress)")
booleanParam(name: "web_ws_url", defaultValue: true, description: "change wsUrl in the frontend so it access the websocket over https on /ws (on the same port) -- requires using a reverse proxy")
booleanParam(name: "publish", defaultValue: true, description: "publish new builds to gitea")
booleanParam(name: "force_publish", defaultValue: false, description: "always publish succesful builds to gitea")
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '30', numToKeepStr: '10', artifactNumToKeepStr: '1'))
triggers {
parameterizedCron('@weekly %publish=true,build_web=true,web_ws_url=true')
environment {
GITEA_URL = "git.sudo.is"
GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS = "'color.ui=always' 'advice.detachedHead=false'"
OWNTONE_USE_GITHUB = params.use_github.toString()
OWNTONE_REBASE_FILESCANS = params.rebase_filescans.toString()
OWNTONE_BUILD_WEB = params.build_web.toString()
OWNTONE_WEB_DARK_READER = params.web_dark_reader.toString()
OWNTONE_WEB_WS_URL = params.web_ws_url.toString()
OWNTONE_PUBLISH = params.publish.toString()
OWNTONE_FORCE_PUBLISH = params.force_publish.toString()
stages {
stage('checkout') {
steps {
// this stage does the same as .pipeline/init-git.sh, but in Jenkins it makes sense to let Jenkins handle git with its git-functions instead of a shell script
script {
env.GITEA_USER = sh(script: "echo $GIT_URL | cut -d'/' -f4", returnStdout: true).trim()
env.OWNTONE_GIT_URL = params.use_github ? "https://github.com/owntone" : "https://git.sudo.is/mirrors"
dir('owntone-server') {
git(url: env.OWNTONE_GIT_URL + "/owntone-server", branch: env.OWNTONE_MAIN_BRANCH)
sh("git fetch --tags")
env.OWNTONE_VERSION = sh(script: "../.pipeline/version.sh", returnStdout: true).trim()
sh "git checkout ${env.OWNTONE_VERSION}"
currentBuild.displayName += " - v${env.OWNTONE_VERSION}"
currentBuild.description = "OwnTone v${env.OWNTONE_VERSION}"
writeFile(file: "dist/owntone_version.txt", text: env.OWNTONE_VERSION)
sh "ls --color=always -l"
sh "env | grep --color=always OWNTONE"
stage('rebase filescans') {
when {
expression { params.rebase_filescans == true }
steps {
sh ".pipeline/git-rebase-filescans.sh"
stage('build owntone-web') {
when {
expression { params.build_web == true }
steps {
sh ".pipeline/build-owntone-web.sh"
stage('build owntone-server') {
steps {
sh ".pipeline/build-owntone-server.sh"
script {
env.OWNTONE_SERVER_DEB = sh(script: ".pipeline/echo-owntone-server-deb.sh", returnStdout: true).trim()
env.OWNTONE_WEB_DEB = sh(script: ".pipeline/echo-owntone-web-deb.sh", returnStdout: true).trim()
echo "owntone-server: ${env.OWNTONE_SERVER_DEB}"
echo "owntone-web: ${env.OWNTONE_WEB_DEB}"
post {
always {
sh "env | grep OWNTONE"
success {
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: "dist/*.tar.gz,dist/*.deb,dist/*.zip,dist/owntone_version.txt,dist/sha256sums.txt", fingerprint: true)
script {
if (params.publish == true || params.force_publish == true) {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: "gitea-user-${env.GITEA_USER}-full-token", variable: 'GITEA_SECRET')]) {
sh ".pipeline/publish.sh"
[env.OWNTONE_SERVER_DEB, env.OWNTONE_WEB_DEB].each { deb ->
sh "cp -v dist/${deb} ${env.JENKINS_HOME}/artifacts"
job: "/utils/apt",
wait: true,
propagate: true,
parameters: [[
$class: 'StringParameterValue',
name: 'filename',
value: deb
cleanup {
cleanWs(deleteDirs: true, disableDeferredWipeout: true, notFailBuild: true)
sh "docker container rm owntone-build || true"
sh "docker iamge rm owntone-server-builder:${OWNTONE_VERSION} || true"
sh "docker image rm owntone-server:${OWNTONE_VERSION} || true"
sh "docker image rm ${GITEA_URL}/${GITEA_USER}/owntone-server:${OWNTONE_VERSION} || true"
sh "docker image rm ${GITEA_URL}/${GITEA_USER}/owntone-server:latest || true"