68 lines
1.1 KiB
68 lines
1.1 KiB
#pager = less -F -X
pager = cat
editor = vim
hooksPath = "~/.local/share/githooks"
email = ben@sudo.is
name = Ben Kristinsson
signingkey = "~/.ssh/id_ed25519"
format = ssh
coloring = recent
submodule = log
# when true, defaults to: git pull --rebase
rebase = true
default = current
defaultBranch = main
co = checkout
n = checkout -b
b = branch
p = pull
c = commit -m
st = status
pa = push --atomic
br = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
l = log -3
graph = log --graph --all --pretty=format:"%h%x09%d%x20%s"
# will take all uncomitted and un-staged changes currently in workding dir and add to previous commit
caa = commit -a --amend -C HEAD
fixup = !sh -c 'git commit --fixup HEAD && EDITOR=cat git rebase --autosquash -i HEAD~2 | grep -v "^#"' -
fu = fixup
submodulesummary = 1
recurse = true
recurse = false
helper = store
ui = true
gpgsign = true
path = .gitconfig.local