ben 6272a329c2 vim: use jinja for .hbs, its close enough 2024-01-03 14:51:37 +01:00
autoload vim: everforest colorscheme 2023-11-24 14:32:42 +01:00
colors vim: everforest colorscheme 2023-11-24 14:32:42 +01:00
doc vim: everforest colorscheme 2023-11-24 14:32:42 +01:00
everforest vim: everforest colorscheme 2023-11-24 14:32:42 +01:00
examples Copying yadm-managed dotfiles to dotfiles repo 2023-11-11 18:35:59 +01:00
plugged Copying yadm-managed dotfiles to dotfiles repo 2023-11-11 18:35:59 +01:00
syntax vim: use jinja for .hbs, its close enough 2024-01-03 14:51:37 +01:00 vim: everforest colorscheme 2023-11-24 14:32:42 +01:00



  • everforest: sainhe/everforest
    • The colorscheme also has themes for airline and lightline, which im not using, so i kept copies of the rest of the files in .vim/everforest.

vim with Lars

  • airline: shows on the bottom if you are in insert-mode or normal-mode
  • switching between normal-mode and insert-mode constantly/often is normal and the right way to use vim
  • indent markers, indent-line is the plugin and file .vim/plugin/indent-line.vim.

Lars says most of what i want is in lrn-care-yadm/.vim/plugin/sets.vim

  • relative line numbers
  • ColorColumn is there, tahts what sets the char limit marker

Theme Lars uses onedark theme with background=dark:

  • colors.vim
