
63 lines
1.8 KiB

secrets = "/etc/appdaemon/secrets.toml"
time_zone = "CET"
latitude = {{ hass_zones.home.latitude }}
longitude = {{ hass_zones.home.longitude }}
elevation = 0
app_dir = "/usr/local/lib/appdaemon/apps/"
missing_app_warnings = true
invalid_config_warnigns = true
use_dictionary_unpacking = true
# in seconds
thread_duration_warning_threshold = 20
# Port the AppDaemon RESTFul API will listen on. If not specified, the
# RESTFul API will be turned off.
#api_port = 8001
# Undocumented, only appears in examples
#api_key = "foobar"
# false: AppDaemon checks for changes in Apps and app config files
# every second.
# true: AppDaemon checks for changes in Apps and app config files only
# on restart
production_mode = {{ hass_ad_prod_mode | default('true') | string | lower }}
type = "hass"
ha_url = "https://{{ hass_url }}"
token = "!secret hass_token"
cert_verify = true
# If specified, when AppDaemon connects to HASS each time, it will
# wait for this number of seconds before initializing apps and
# listening for events. This is useful for HASS instances that have
# subsystems that take time to initialize (e.g., zwave).
#app_init_delay = 10
# time in seconds between retries to connect to hass (default: 5)
retry_secs = 5
url = "http://{{ bridgewithdns.hass_ad }}:8080"
# password = "!secret http_password"
# enables appdaemon api and admin interface, no values/arguments
main_log.filename = "/var/log/appdaemon/appdaemon.log"
error_log.filename = "/var/log/appdaemon/errors.log"
diag_log.filename = "/var/log/appdaemon/diagnostic.log"
access_log.filename = "/dev/null"
#name = "apple_tv"
#filename = "/var/log/appdaemon/apple_tv.log"
#date_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M:%S"
#format = "{asctime} {message}"