229 lines
8.1 KiB
229 lines
8.1 KiB
import requests
import json
import subprocess
from bottle import route, run, template, redirect, response
nginx_conf = """
location ~* ^\/_sensorsnapshot {
proxy_pass {snapshot_url};
#proxy_redirect proxypass / dir / /;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {{ sensor_snapshot_api_token }}",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
url = "https://{{ grafana_url }}/api"
query = {
'q': """SELECT mean("value") FROM "{{ sensor_snapshot_ds }}"."temp" WHERE ("source" = 'sensor') AND time >= now() - {{ sensor_snapshot_time }} GROUP BY time(30s), "name" fill(none)""",
'db': "{{ sensor_snapshot_db }}",
'epoch': "ms"
# query for the data to make a snapshot out of
r = requests.get(url + "/datasources/proxy/3/query", params=query, headers=headers)
series = r.json()['results'][0]['series']
# needs to be conveted to a different format
snapshot_data = list()
for item in series:
times = [a[0] for a in item['values']]
values = [a[1] for a in item['values']]
val_foo = item['columns'][1]
d = {'fields': [{'config': {},
'name': 'Time',
'type': 'time',
'values': times },
{'config': {},
'name': 'Value',
'type': 'number',
'values': values }],
'meta': {'executedQueryString': query['q'] },
'name': item['tags']['name'],
'refid': 'A' }
# make the dashaboard model, and include snapshot_data
# copy json from grafana web ui
# >>> j="""........"""
# >>> import json, pprint
# >>> pprint.pprint(json.loads(f))
dashboard ={'annotations': {'list': [{'builtIn': 1,
'datasource': '-- Grafana --',
'enable': True,
'hide': True,
'iconColor': 'rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)',
'name': 'Annotations & Alerts',
'type': 'dashboard'}]},
'editable': False,
'hideControls': True,
'gnetId': None,
'graphTooltip': 0,
'id': 23,
'links': [],
'panels': [{'aliasColors': {'balcony s21': 'dark-blue',
'rain balcony s21': 'dark-blue'},
'bars': False,
'dashLength': 10,
'dashes': False,
'datasource': 'influxdb-sudoisbot',
'fieldConfig': {'defaults': {'custom': {}}, 'overrides': []},
'fill': 1,
'fillGradient': 1,
'gridPos': {'h': 37, 'w': 24, 'x': 0, 'y': 0},
'hiddenSeries': False,
'id': 2,
'legend': {'avg': False,
'current': False,
'max': False,
'min': False,
'show': True,
'total': False,
'values': False},
'lines': True,
'linewidth': 1,
'nullPointMode': 'null',
'options': {'alertThreshold': True},
'percentage': False,
'pluginVersion': '7.4.0',
'pointradius': 2,
'points': False,
'renderer': 'flot',
'seriesOverrides': [{'alias': 'rain balcony s21',
'fill': 0,
'fillGradient': 4,
'linewidth': 0,
'yaxis': 2}],
'snapshotData': snapshot_data,
'spaceLength': 10,
'stack': False,
'steppedLine': False,
'targets': [{'alias': '$tag_name',
'groupBy': [{'params': ['$__interval'],
'type': 'time'},
{'params': ['name'], 'type': 'tag'},
{'params': ['none'], 'type': 'fill'}],
'measurement': 'temp',
'orderByTime': 'ASC',
'policy': 'sudoisbot-infinite',
'refId': 'A',
'resultFormat': 'time_series',
'select': [[{'params': ['value'], 'type': 'field'},
{'params': [], 'type': 'mean'}]],
'tags': [{'key': 'name',
'operator': '!=',
'value': 'inside'},
{'condition': 'AND',
'key': 'name',
'operator': '!=',
'value': 'test'}]},
{'alias': 'rain $tag_name $tag_location',
'groupBy': [{'params': ['1m'], 'type': 'time'},
{'params': ['location'], 'type': 'tag'},
{'params': ['name'], 'type': 'tag'},
{'params': ['none'], 'type': 'fill'}],
'hide': False,
'measurement': 'rain',
'orderByTime': 'ASC',
'policy': 'sudoisbot-infinite',
'refId': 'B',
'resultFormat': 'time_series',
'select': [[{'params': ['value'], 'type': 'field'},
{'params': [], 'type': 'last'}]],
'tags': []}],
'thresholds': [],
'timeFrom': None,
'timeRegions': [],
'timeShift': None,
'title': 'temps',
'tooltip': {'shared': True, 'sort': 0, 'value_type': 'individual'},
'transformations': [],
'type': 'graph',
'xaxis': {'buckets': None,
'mode': 'time',
'name': None,
'show': True,
'values': []},
'yaxes': [{'decimals': 1,
'format': 'celsius',
'label': 'temperature',
'logBase': 1,
'max': None,
'min': None,
'show': True},
{'decimals': 0,
'format': 'none',
'label': 'rain detected',
'logBase': 1,
'max': '1',
'min': '0',
'show': False}],
'yaxis': {'align': False, 'alignLevel': None}}],
'schemaVersion': 27,
'style': 'dark',
'tags': [],
'templating': {'list': []},
'time': {'from': 'now-24h', 'to': 'now'},
'timepicker': {},
'timezone': '',
'title': 'web-temps',
'uid': 'KP60kGrMk',
'version': 3}
snapshot_request = {
"dashboard": dashboard,
"expires": {{ sensor_snapshot_expires }},
s = requests.post(url + "/snapshots", headers=headers, json=snapshot_request)
j = s.json()
url = j['url']
#with open('/etc/nginx/conf.d/sensorsnapshot.conf', 'w') as f:
# conf = nginx_conf.format(snapshot_url=url)
# f.write(conf + "\n")
#subprocess.run(["service", "nginx", "reload"], check=True)
def hahawtfisthis():
return url
# wget --mirror --convert-links --adjust-extension --page-requisites --no-parent $url
# location /s/ {
# proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/dashboard/snapshot/yevjiGczJzHbfy406Scjn7d8oC80c5n6/;
# proxy_set_header Host $host;
# proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
# proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
# }
def test(uri):
#response.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
if uri == "/":
return requests.get(hahawtfisthis()).text
full = "https://grafana.sudo.is" + uri
# print(full)
#return requests.get(full).text
run(host='', port=8080, debug=True)