
196 lines
5.6 KiB

# tuncate lat/long to 4 decimals
# Reponse headers (firefox):
# Date Thu, 25 Jun 2020 20:55:23 GMT
# Expires Thu, 25 Jun 2020 21:26:39 GMT
# Seems like 30 mins, but check "Expires"
# Use "If-Modified-Since" request header
# Depending on how i do this, add a random number of mins/secs to
# not do it on the hour/minute
# must support redirects and gzip compression (Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate)
# openweatherap:
# triggers:
# - polling
# - may as well poll nowcast
# ratelimit: 60 calls/minute
# weather condition codes:
# maybe interesting project:
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from decimal import Decimal
import time
import json
import requests
from loguru import logger
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
from import Publisher
from sudoisbot.config import read_config
# rain_conditions = [
# 'rain',
# 'drizzle',
# 'thunderstorm'
# ]
# # raining = 'rain' in main.lower() or 'rain' in desc.lower()
# # snowing = 'snow' in main.lower() or 'snow' in desc.lower()
# # drizzling = 'drizzle' in main.lower() or 'drizzle' in desc.lower()
# # thunderstorm = 'thunderstorm' in main.lower() or 'thunderstorm' in desc.lower()
# # any_percip = raining or snowing or drizzling or thunderstorm
# # if any_percip:
# # logger.bind(odd=True).trace(json.dumps(w))
# # precipitation = {
# # 'raining': raining,
# # 'snowing': snowing,
# # 'drizzling': drizzling,
# # 'thunderstorm': thunderstorm,
# # 'any': any_percip
# # }
def useragent():
import pkg_resources
version = pkg_resources.get_distribution('sudoisbot').version
return f"sudoisbot/{version}"
OWM_URL = "{lat:.4f}&lon={lon:.4f}&appid={token}&sea_level={msl}&units=metric"
class NowcastPublisher(Publisher):
def __init__(self, addr, locations, token, frequency):
super().__init__(addr, b"weather", None, frequency)
self.locations = [{
'name': a['name'],
'lat': Decimal(a['lat']),
'lon': Decimal(a['lon']),
'msl': a['msl']
} for a in locations]
self.token = token
self.base_url = OWM_URL
self.session = requests.Session()
self.session.headers.update({"User-Agent": useragent(),
"Accept": "application/json"})
def get_nowcast(self, location):
url = self.base_url.format(token=self.token, **location)
r = self.session.get(url)
if r.status_code == 203:
logger.warning("deprecation warning: http 203 returned")
w = r.json()
d = dict(
desc = ', '.join([a['description'] for a in w['weather']]),
main = ', '.join([a['main'] for a in w['weather']]),
temp = float(w['main']['temp']),
feel_like = float(w['main']['feels_like']),
pressure = float(w['main']['pressure']),
humidity = float(w['main']['humidity']),
wind_speed = float(w['wind'].get('speed', 0.0)),
wind_deg = float(w['wind'].get('deg', 0.0)),
visibility = w['visibility'],
cloudiness = w['clouds']['all'],
dt = w['dt'],
# misnomer on my behalf
# .fromtimestamp() -> converts to our tz (from UTC)
# .utcfromtimestamp() -> returns in UTC
weather_dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(w['dt']).isoformat()
# only in the data when it's been raining/showing
if 'rain' in w:
rain_1h = w['rain'].get('1h'),
rain_3h = w['rain'].get('3h'),
if 'snow' in w:
snow_1h = w['snow'].get('1h'),
snow_3h = w['snow'].get('3h'),
return d
def publish(self):
for location in self.locations:
nowcast = self.get_nowcast(location)
self.send(location['name'], nowcast)
except RequestException as e:
def send(self, name, weather):
now =
tags = {
'name': name,
'frequency': self.frequency,
'type': 'weather',
'kind': 'weather',
'source': 'api',
'environment': 'outside',
'location': name,
data = {
'measurement': self.topic.decode(),
'tags': tags,
'time': now,
'fields': weather
# for legacy and consistency reasons
for measurement in ['temp', 'humidity']:
data2 = {
'measurement': measurement,
'tags': tags,
'time': now,
'fields': {'value': weather[measurement] }
jdata = json.dumps(data2)
self.socket.send_multipart([b'temp', jdata.encode()])
#bytedata = json.dumps(data).encode()
#self.socket.send_multipart([self.topic, bytedata])
msg =
def main(config):
addr = config['addr']
locations = config['locations']
token = config['owm_token']
freq = config['frequency']
with NowcastPublisher(addr, locations, token, freq) as publisher: