326 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
326 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
/* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */
import { deleteAsync } from "del";
import { glob } from "glob";
import gulp from "gulp";
import rename from "gulp-rename";
import merge from "lodash.merge";
import { createHash } from "node:crypto";
import { mkdir, readFile } from "node:fs/promises";
import { basename, join } from "node:path";
import { PassThrough, Transform } from "node:stream";
import { finished } from "node:stream/promises";
import env from "../env.cjs";
import paths from "../paths.cjs";
import "./fetch-nightly-translations.js";
const inFrontendDir = "translations/frontend";
const inBackendDir = "translations/backend";
const workDir = "build/translations";
const outDir = join(workDir, "output");
const EN_SRC = join(paths.translations_src, "en.json");
let mergeBackend = false;
gulp.parallel(async () => {
mergeBackend = true;
}, "allow-setup-fetch-nightly-translations")
// Transform stream to apply a function on Vinyl JSON files (buffer mode only).
// The provided function can either return a new object, or an array of
// [object, subdirectory] pairs for fragmentizing the JSON.
class CustomJSON extends Transform {
constructor(func, reviver = null) {
super({ objectMode: true });
this._func = func;
this._reviver = reviver;
async _transform(file, _, callback) {
try {
let obj = JSON.parse(file.contents.toString(), this._reviver);
if (this._func) obj = this._func(obj, file.path);
for (const [outObj, dir] of Array.isArray(obj) ? obj : [[obj, ""]]) {
const outFile = file.clone({ contents: false });
outFile.contents = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(outObj));
outFile.dirname += `/${dir}`;
} catch (err) {
// Transform stream to merge Vinyl JSON files (buffer mode only).
class MergeJSON extends Transform {
_objects = [];
constructor(stem, startObj = {}, reviver = null) {
super({ objectMode: true, allowHalfOpen: false });
this._stem = stem;
this._startObj = structuredClone(startObj);
this._reviver = reviver;
async _transform(file, _, callback) {
try {
this._objects.push(JSON.parse(file.contents.toString(), this._reviver));
if (!this._outFile) this._outFile = file.clone({ contents: false });
} catch (err) {
async _flush(callback) {
try {
const mergedObj = merge(this._startObj, ...this._objects);
this._outFile.contents = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(mergedObj));
this._outFile.stem = this._stem;
callback(null, this._outFile);
} catch (err) {
// Utility to flatten object keys to single level using separator
const flatten = (data, prefix = "", sep = ".") => {
const output = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
if (typeof value === "object") {
Object.assign(output, flatten(value, prefix + key + sep, sep));
} else {
output[prefix + key] = value;
return output;
// Filter functions that can be passed directly to JSON.parse()
const emptyReviver = (_key, value) => value || undefined;
const testReviver = (_key, value) =>
value && typeof value === "string" ? "TRANSLATED" : value;
* Replace Lokalise key placeholders with their actual values.
* We duplicate the behavior of Lokalise here so that placeholders can
* be included in src/translations/en.json, but still be usable while
* developing locally.
* @link https://docs.lokalise.com/en/articles/1400528-key-referencing
const KEY_REFERENCE = /\[%key:([^%]+)%\]/;
const lokaliseTransform = (data, path, original = data) => {
const output = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
if (typeof value === "object") {
output[key] = lokaliseTransform(value, path, original);
} else {
output[key] = value.replace(KEY_REFERENCE, (_match, lokalise_key) => {
const replace = lokalise_key.split("::").reduce((tr, k) => {
if (!tr) {
throw Error(`Invalid key placeholder ${lokalise_key} in ${path}`);
return tr[k];
}, original);
if (typeof replace !== "string") {
throw Error(`Invalid key placeholder ${lokalise_key} in ${path}`);
return replace;
return output;
gulp.task("clean-translations", () => deleteAsync([workDir]));
const makeWorkDir = () => mkdir(workDir, { recursive: true });
const createTestTranslation = () =>
? Promise.resolve()
: gulp
.pipe(new CustomJSON(null, testReviver))
* This task will build a master translation file, to be used as the base for
* all languages. This starts with src/translations/en.json, and replaces all
* Lokalise key placeholders with their target values. Under normal circumstances,
* this will be the same as translations/en.json However, we build it here to
* facilitate both making changes in development mode, and to ensure that the
* project is buildable immediately after merging new translation keys, since
* the Lokalise update to translations/en.json will not happen immediately.
const createMasterTranslation = () =>
.src([EN_SRC, ...(mergeBackend ? [`${inBackendDir}/en.json`] : [])])
.pipe(new CustomJSON(lokaliseTransform))
.pipe(new MergeJSON("en"))
const FRAGMENTS = ["base"];
const toggleSupervisorFragment = async () => {
FRAGMENTS[0] = "supervisor";
const panelFragment = (fragment) =>
fragment !== "base" && fragment !== "supervisor";
const HASHES = new Map();
const createTranslations = async () => {
// Parse and store the master to avoid repeating this for each locale, then
// add the panel fragments when processing the app.
const enMaster = JSON.parse(await readFile(`${workDir}/en.json`, "utf-8"));
if (FRAGMENTS[0] === "base") {
// The downstream pipeline is setup first. It hashes the merged data for
// each locale, then fragmentizes and flattens the data for final output.
const translationFiles = await glob([
...(env.isProdBuild() ? [] : [`${workDir}/test.json`]),
const hashStream = new Transform({
objectMode: true,
transform: async (file, _, callback) => {
const hash = env.isProdBuild()
? createHash("md5").update(file.contents).digest("hex")
: "dev";
HASHES.set(file.stem, hash);
file.stem += `-${hash}`;
callback(null, file);
}).setMaxListeners(translationFiles.length + 1);
const fragmentsStream = hashStream
new CustomJSON((data) =>
FRAGMENTS.map((fragment) => {
switch (fragment) {
case "base":
// Remove the panels and supervisor to create the base translations
return [
ui: { ...data.ui, panel: undefined },
supervisor: undefined,
case "supervisor":
// Supervisor key is at the top level
return [flatten(data.supervisor), ""];
// Create a fragment with only the given panel
return [
flatten(data.ui.panel[fragment], `ui.panel.${fragment}.`),
// Send the English master downstream first, then for each other locale
// generate merged JSON data to continue piping. It begins with the master
// translation as a failsafe for untranslated strings, and merges all parent
// tags into one file for each specific subtag
// TODO: This is a naive interpretation of BCP47 that should be improved.
// Will be OK for now as long as we don't have anything more complicated
// than a base translation + region.
.pipe(new PassThrough({ objectMode: true }))
.pipe(hashStream, { end: false });
const mergesFinished = [];
for (const translationFile of translationFiles) {
const locale = basename(translationFile, ".json");
const subtags = locale.split("-");
const mergeFiles = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= subtags.length; i++) {
const lang = subtags.slice(0, i).join("-");
if (lang === "test") {
} else if (lang !== "en") {
if (mergeBackend) {
const mergeStream = gulp
.src(mergeFiles, { allowEmpty: true })
.pipe(new MergeJSON(locale, enMaster, emptyReviver));
mergeStream.pipe(hashStream, { end: false });
// Wait for all merges to finish, then it's safe to end writing to the
// downstream pipeline and wait for all fragments to finish writing.
await Promise.all(mergesFinished);
await finished(fragmentsStream);
const writeTranslationMetaData = () =>
new CustomJSON((meta) => {
// Add the test translation in development.
if (!env.isProdBuild()) {
meta.test = { nativeName: "Test" };
// Filter out locales without a native name, and add the hashes.
for (const locale of Object.keys(meta)) {
if (!meta[locale].nativeName) {
meta[locale] = undefined;
`Skipping locale ${locale} because native name is not translated.`
} else {
meta[locale].hash = HASHES.get(locale);
return {
fragments: FRAGMENTS.filter(panelFragment),
translations: meta,
gulp.series("clean-translations", makeWorkDir)
gulp.series(toggleSupervisorFragment, "build-translations")