82 lines
2.7 KiB
82 lines
2.7 KiB
// Generate service workers
import { deleteAsync } from "del";
import gulp from "gulp";
import { mkdir, readFile, writeFile } from "node:fs/promises";
import { join, relative } from "node:path";
import { injectManifest } from "workbox-build";
import paths from "../paths.cjs";
const SW_MAP = {
[paths.app_output_latest]: "modern",
[paths.app_output_es5]: "legacy",
const SW_DEV =
console.debug('Service worker disabled in development');
self.addEventListener('install', (event) => {
// This will activate the dev service worker,
// removing any prod service worker the dev might have running
`.trim() + "\n";
gulp.task("gen-service-worker-app-dev", async () => {
await mkdir(paths.app_output_root, { recursive: true });
await Promise.all(
Object.values(SW_MAP).map((build) =>
writeFile(join(paths.app_output_root, `sw-${build}.js`), SW_DEV, {
encoding: "utf-8",
gulp.task("gen-service-worker-app-prod", () =>
Object.entries(SW_MAP).map(async ([outPath, build]) => {
const manifest = JSON.parse(
await readFile(join(outPath, "manifest.json"), "utf-8")
const swSrc = join(paths.app_output_root, manifest["service-worker.js"]);
const buildDir = relative(paths.app_output_root, outPath);
const { warnings } = await injectManifest({
swDest: join(paths.app_output_root, `sw-${build}.js`),
injectionPoint: "__WB_MANIFEST__",
// Files that mach this pattern will be considered unique and skip revision check
// ignore JS files + translation files
dontCacheBustURLsMatching: new RegExp(
globDirectory: paths.app_output_root,
globPatterns: [
// Cache all English translations because we catch them as fallback
// Using pattern to match hash instead of * to avoid caching en-GB
// 'v' added as valid hash letter because in dev we hash with 'dev'
// Icon shown on splash screen
// Common fonts
globIgnores: [`${buildDir}/service-worker*`],
if (warnings.length > 0) {
`Problems while injecting ${build} service worker:\n`,
await deleteAsync(`${swSrc}?(.map)`);