176 lines
5.7 KiB
176 lines
5.7 KiB
// Task to download the latest Lokalise translations from the nightly workflow artifacts
const del = import("del");
const fs = require("fs/promises");
const path = require("path");
const process = require("process");
const gulp = require("gulp");
const jszip = require("jszip");
const tar = require("tar");
const { Octokit } = require("@octokit/rest");
const { retry } = require("@octokit/plugin-retry");
const { createOAuthDeviceAuth } = require("@octokit/auth-oauth-device");
const MAX_AGE = 24; // hours
const OWNER = "home-assistant";
const REPO = "frontend";
const WORKFLOW_NAME = "nightly.yaml";
const ARTIFACT_NAME = "translations";
const CLIENT_ID = "Iv1.3914e28cb27834d1";
const EXTRACT_DIR = "translations";
const TOKEN_FILE = path.posix.join(EXTRACT_DIR, "token.json");
const ARTIFACT_FILE = path.posix.join(EXTRACT_DIR, "artifact.json");
let allowTokenSetup = false;
gulp.task("allow-setup-fetch-nightly-translations", (done) => {
allowTokenSetup = true;
gulp.task("fetch-nightly-translations", async function () {
// Skip all when environment flag is set (assumes translations are already in place)
console.log("Skipping fetch due to environment signal");
// Read current translations artifact info if it exists,
// and stop if they are not old enough
let currentArtifact;
try {
currentArtifact = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(ARTIFACT_FILE, "utf-8"));
const currentAge =
(Date.now() - Date.parse(currentArtifact.created_at)) / 3600000;
if (currentAge < MAX_AGE) {
"Keeping current translations (only %s hours old)",
} catch {
currentArtifact = null;
// To store file writing promises
const createExtractDir = fs.mkdir(EXTRACT_DIR, { recursive: true });
const writings = [];
// Authenticate to GitHub using GitHub action token if it exists,
// otherwise look for a saved user token or generate a new one if none
let tokenAuth;
if (process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN) {
tokenAuth = { token: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN };
} else {
try {
tokenAuth = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(TOKEN_FILE, "utf-8"));
} catch {
if (!allowTokenSetup) {
console.log("No token found so build wil continue with English only");
const auth = createOAuthDeviceAuth({
clientType: "github-app",
clientId: CLIENT_ID,
onVerification: (verification) => {
"Task needs to authenticate to GitHub to fetch the translations from nightly workflow\n" +
"Please go to %s to authorize this task\n" +
"\nEnter user code: %s\n\n" +
"This code will expire in %s minutes\n" +
"Task will automatically continue after authorization and token will be saved for future use",
(verification.expires_in / 60).toFixed(0)
tokenAuth = await auth({ type: "oauth" });
fs.writeFile(TOKEN_FILE, JSON.stringify(tokenAuth, null, 2))
// Authenticate with token and request workflow runs from GitHub
console.log("Fetching new translations...");
const octokit = new (Octokit.plugin(retry))({
userAgent: "Fetch Nightly Translations",
auth: tokenAuth.token,
const workflowRunsResponse = await octokit.rest.actions.listWorkflowRuns({
owner: OWNER,
repo: REPO,
workflow_id: WORKFLOW_NAME,
status: "success",
event: "schedule",
per_page: 1,
exclude_pull_requests: true,
if (workflowRunsResponse.data.total_count === 0) {
throw Error("No successful nightly workflow runs found");
const latestNightlyRun = workflowRunsResponse.data.workflow_runs[0];
// Stop if current is already the latest, otherwise Find the translations artifact
if (currentArtifact?.workflow_run.id === latestNightlyRun.id) {
console.log("Stopping because current translations are still the latest");
const latestArtifact = (
await octokit.actions.listWorkflowRunArtifacts({
owner: OWNER,
repo: REPO,
run_id: latestNightlyRun.id,
).data.artifacts.find((artifact) => artifact.name === ARTIFACT_NAME);
if (!latestArtifact) {
throw Error("Latest nightly workflow run has no translations artifact");
fs.writeFile(ARTIFACT_FILE, JSON.stringify(latestArtifact, null, 2))
// Remove the current translations
const deleteCurrent = Promise.all(writings).then(
(await del).deleteAsync([
// Get the download URL and follow the redirect to download (stored as ArrayBuffer)
const downloadResponse = await octokit.actions.downloadArtifact({
owner: OWNER,
repo: REPO,
artifact_id: latestArtifact.id,
archive_format: "zip",
if (downloadResponse.status !== 200) {
throw Error("Failure downloading translations artifact");
// Artifact is a tarball, but GitHub adds it to a zip file
console.log("Unpacking downloaded translations...");
const zip = await jszip.loadAsync(downloadResponse.data);
await deleteCurrent;
const extractStream = zip.file(/.*/)[0].nodeStream().pipe(tar.extract());
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
extractStream.on("close", resolve).on("error", reject);