298 lines
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298 lines
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import AppIntents
import Intents
import SFSafeSymbols
import Shared
import SwiftUI
import WidgetKit
@available(iOS 17, *)
struct WidgetCustom: Widget {
var body: some WidgetConfiguration {
kind: WidgetsKind.custom.rawValue,
provider: WidgetCustomTimelineProvider()
) { timelineEntry in
if let widget = timelineEntry.widget {
WidgetBasicContainerView(emptyViewGenerator: {
}, contents: modelsForWidget(
infoProvider: timelineEntry.magicItemInfoProvider,
states: timelineEntry.entitiesState,
showStates: timelineEntry.showStates
), type: .custom, showLastUpdate: timelineEntry.showLastUpdateTime)
} else {
private var emptyView: some View {
let url = URL(string: "\(AppConstants.deeplinkURL.absoluteString)createCustomWidget")!
return Link(destination: url.withWidgetAuthenticity()) {
VStack(spacing: Spaces.two) {
Image(systemSymbol: .squareBadgePlusFill)
.font(.system(size: 55))
private func modelsForWidget(
_ widget: CustomWidget?,
infoProvider: MagicItemProviderProtocol,
states: [MagicItem: WidgetCustomEntry.ItemState],
showStates: Bool
) -> [WidgetBasicViewModel] {
guard let widget else { return [] }
return widget.items.map { magicItem in
let info = infoProvider.getInfo(for: magicItem)
let state: WidgetCustomEntry.ItemState? = states[magicItem]
var backgroundColor: Color? = nil
var textColor: Color? = nil
if let backgroundColorHex = magicItem.customization?.backgroundColor {
backgroundColor = Color(hex: backgroundColorHex)
if let textColorHex = magicItem.customization?.textColor {
textColor = Color(hex: textColorHex)
let icon: MaterialDesignIcons = {
if let info {
return magicItem.icon(info: info)
} else {
return .gridIcon
let iconColor: Color = {
let magicItemIconColor = {
if let iconColor = magicItem.customization?.iconColor {
return Color(hex: iconColor)
} else {
return Color.asset(Asset.Colors.haPrimary)
if !widget.itemsStates.isEmpty {
return Color.gray
} else if showStates, [.light, .switch, .inputBoolean].contains(magicItem.domain) {
if state?.domainState == Domain.State.off {
return Color.gray
} else {
return magicItemIconColor
} else {
return magicItemIconColor
let title: String = {
if let info {
return magicItem.name(info: info)
} else {
return magicItem.id
let useCustomColors = backgroundColor != nil || textColor != nil
let showConfirmation = {
if let itemState = widget.itemsStates.first(where: { $0.key == magicItem.serverUniqueId })?.value {
return itemState == .pendingConfirmation
} else {
return false
return WidgetBasicViewModel(
id: magicItem.serverUniqueId,
title: title,
subtitle: state?.value,
interactionType: interactionTypeForItem(magicItem),
icon: icon,
textColor: textColor ?? Color(uiColor: .label),
iconColor: iconColor,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor ?? Color.asset(Asset.Colors.tileBackground),
useCustomColors: useCustomColors,
showConfirmation: showConfirmation,
requiresConfirmation: magicItem.customization?.requiresConfirmation ?? true,
widgetId: widget.id,
disabled: !widget.itemsStates.isEmpty
private func interactionTypeForItem(_ magicItem: MagicItem) -> WidgetBasicViewModel.InteractionType {
guard let domain = magicItem.domain else { return .appIntent(.refresh) }
var interactionType: WidgetBasicViewModel.InteractionType = .appIntent(.refresh)
if let magicItemAction = magicItem.action, magicItemAction != .default {
switch magicItemAction {
case .default:
// This block of code should not be reached, default should not be handled here
// Returning something to avoid compiler error
interactionType = .appIntent(.refresh)
case .nothing:
interactionType = .appIntent(.refresh)
case let .navigate(path):
interactionType = navigateIntent(magicItem, path: path)
case let .runScript(serverId, scriptId):
interactionType = .appIntent(.activate(
entityId: scriptId,
domain: Domain.script.rawValue,
serverId: serverId
case let .assist(serverId, pipelineId, startListening):
interactionType = assistIntent(
serverId: serverId,
pipelineId: pipelineId,
startListening: startListening
} else {
switch domain {
case .button, .inputButton:
interactionType = .appIntent(.press(
entityId: magicItem.id,
domain: domain.rawValue,
serverId: magicItem.serverId
case .cover, .inputBoolean, .light, .switch:
interactionType = .appIntent(.toggle(
entityId: magicItem.id,
domain: domain.rawValue,
serverId: magicItem.serverId
case .lock:
// TODO: Support lock action in widgets
interactionType = .appIntent(.refresh)
case .scene, .script:
interactionType = .appIntent(.activate(
entityId: magicItem.id,
domain: domain.rawValue,
serverId: magicItem.serverId
interactionType = .appIntent(.refresh)
return interactionType
private func navigateIntent(_ magicItem: MagicItem, path: String) -> WidgetBasicViewModel.InteractionType {
var path = path
if path.hasPrefix("/") {
if let url =
string: "\(AppConstants.deeplinkURL.absoluteString)navigate/\(path)?server=\(magicItem.serverId)"
) {
return .widgetURL(url)
} else {
return .appIntent(.refresh)
private func assistIntent(serverId: String, pipelineId: String, startListening: Bool) -> WidgetBasicViewModel
.InteractionType {
if let url =
string: "\(AppConstants.deeplinkURL.absoluteString)assist?serverId=\(serverId)&pipelineId=\(pipelineId)&startListening=\(startListening)"
) {
return .widgetURL(url)
} else {
return .appIntent(.refresh)
enum WidgetCustomSupportedFamilies {
@available(iOS 16.0, *)
static let families: [WidgetFamily] = [
@available(iOS 17, *)
#Preview(as: .systemSmall) {
} timeline: {
date: .now,
widget: .init(id: "123", name: "My widget", items: [
.init(id: "1", serverId: "1", type: .entity),
.init(id: "2", serverId: "2", type: .entity),
magicItemInfoProvider: MockMagicItemProvider(),
entitiesState: [:],
showLastUpdateTime: true,
showStates: true
@available(iOS 17, *)
#Preview(as: .systemMedium) {
} timeline: {
date: .now,
widget: nil,
magicItemInfoProvider: MockMagicItemProvider(),
entitiesState: [:],
showLastUpdateTime: true,
showStates: true
@available(iOS 17, *)
#Preview(as: .systemLarge) {
} timeline: {
date: .now,
widget: nil,
magicItemInfoProvider: MockMagicItemProvider(),
entitiesState: [:],
showLastUpdateTime: true,
showStates: true
final class MockMagicItemProvider: MagicItemProviderProtocol {
func loadInformation(completion: @escaping ([String: [Shared.HAAppEntity]]) -> Void) {
/* no-op */
func loadInformation() async -> [String: [Shared.HAAppEntity]] {
func getInfo(for item: Shared.MagicItem) -> Shared.MagicItem.Info? {
if item.id == "1" {
return .init(id: "1", name: "Abc", iconName: "script", customization: nil)
} else {
return .init(id: "2", name: "Cba", iconName: "heart", customization: .init(iconColor: "#FFFFFF"))