1021 lines
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1021 lines
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import Alamofire
import CoreLocation
import Foundation
import HAKit
import Intents
import ObjectMapper
import PromiseKit
import RealmSwift
import UIKit
import Version
#if os(iOS)
import Reachability
public class HomeAssistantAPI {
public enum APIError: Error, Equatable {
case managerNotAvailable
case invalidResponse
case cantBuildURL
case notConfigured
case updateNotPossible
case mobileAppComponentNotLoaded
case mustUpgradeHomeAssistant(current: Version, minimum: Version)
case noAPIAvailable
case unknown
public static let didConnectNotification = Notification.Name(rawValue: "HomeAssistantAPIConnected")
public private(set) var manager: Alamofire.Session!
public static let unauthenticatedManager: Alamofire.Session = configureSessionManager()
public let tokenManager: TokenManager
public var server: Server
public internal(set) var connection: HAConnection
public static var clientVersionDescription: String {
"\(AppConstants.version) (\(AppConstants.build))"
public static var userAgent: String {
// This matches Alamofire's generated string, for consistency with the past
let bundle = AppConstants.BundleID
let appVersion = AppConstants.version
let appBuild = AppConstants.build
let osNameVersion: String = {
let version = ProcessInfo.processInfo.operatingSystemVersion
let versionString = "\(version.majorVersion).\(version.minorVersion).\(version.patchVersion)"
let notCircularReferenceWrapper = DeviceWrapper()
let osName = notCircularReferenceWrapper.systemName()
return "\(osName) \(versionString)"
return "Home Assistant/\(appVersion) (\(bundle); build:\(appBuild); \(osNameVersion))"
// "Mobile/BUILD_NUMBER" is what CodeMirror sniffs for to decide iOS or not; other things likely look for Safari
public static var applicationNameForUserAgent: String {
HomeAssistantAPI.userAgent + " Mobile/HomeAssistant, like Safari"
/// Initialize an API object with an authenticated tokenManager.
public init(server: Server, urlConfig: URLSessionConfiguration = .default) {
self.server = server
let tokenManager = TokenManager(server: server)
self.tokenManager = tokenManager
self.connection = HAKit.connection(configuration: .init(
connectionInfo: {
do {
if let activeURL = server.info.connection.activeURL() {
return try .init(
url: activeURL,
userAgent: HomeAssistantAPI.userAgent,
evaluateCertificate: { secTrust, completion in
Swift.Result<Void, Error> {
try server.info.connection.securityExceptions.evaluate(secTrust)
} else {
text: "No active URL available to interact with API, please check if you have internal or external URL available, for internal URL you need to specify your network SSID otherwise for security reasons it won't be available.",
type: .networkRequest
Current.Log.error("activeURL was not available when HAAPI called initializer")
return nil
} catch {
Current.Log.error("couldn't create connection info: \(error)")
return nil
fetchAuthToken: { completion in
tokenManager.bearerToken.done {
}.catch {
let manager = HomeAssistantAPI.configureSessionManager(
urlConfig: urlConfig,
interceptor: newInterceptor(),
trustManager: newServerTrustManager()
self.manager = manager
Current.sensors.register(observer: self)
convenience init?() {
if let server = Current.servers.all.first {
self.init(server: server, urlConfig: .default)
} else {
return nil
private static func configureSessionManager(
urlConfig: URLSessionConfiguration = .default,
delegate: SessionDelegate = SessionDelegate(),
interceptor: Interceptor = .init(),
trustManager: ServerTrustManager? = nil
) -> Session {
let configuration = urlConfig
var headers = configuration.httpAdditionalHeaders ?? [:]
headers["User-Agent"] = Self.userAgent
configuration.httpAdditionalHeaders = headers
return Alamofire.Session(
configuration: configuration,
delegate: delegate,
interceptor: interceptor,
serverTrustManager: trustManager
private func newInterceptor() -> Interceptor {
adapters: [
ServerRequestAdapter(server: server),
], retriers: [
], interceptors: [
private func newServerTrustManager() -> ServerTrustManager {
CustomServerTrustManager(server: server)
public func VideoStreamer() -> MJPEGStreamer {
MJPEGStreamer(manager: HomeAssistantAPI.configureSessionManager(
delegate: MJPEGStreamerSessionDelegate(),
interceptor: newInterceptor(),
trustManager: newServerTrustManager()
public enum ConnectReason {
case cold
case warm
case periodic
case background
var updateSensorTrigger: LocationUpdateTrigger {
switch self {
case .cold, .warm, .background:
return .Launch
case .periodic:
return .Periodic
public func Connect(reason: ConnectReason) -> Promise<Void> {
Current.Log.info("running connect for \(reason)")
// websocket
return firstly { () -> Promise<Void> in
guard !Current.isAppExtension else {
Current.Log.info("skipping registration changes in extension")
return Promise<Void>.value(())
return updateRegistration().asVoid().recover { [self] error -> Promise<Void> in
switch error as? WebhookError {
case .unmappableValue,
// cloudhook will send a 404 for deleted
// ha directly will send a 200 with an empty body for deleted
let message = "Integration is missing; registering."
.addEvent(ClientEvent(text: message, type: .networkRequest, payload: [
"error": String(describing: error),
return register()
case .unregisteredIdentifier,
// not a WebhookError, or not one we think requires reintegration
Current.Log.info("not re-registering, but failed to update registration: \(error)")
throw error
}.then { [self] () -> Promise<Void> in
var promises: [Promise<Void>] = []
if !Current.isAppExtension {
promises.append(Current.modelManager.fetch(apis: [self]))
promises.append(updateComplications(passively: false).asVoid())
promises.append(UpdateSensors(trigger: reason.updateSensorTrigger).asVoid())
return when(fulfilled: promises).asVoid()
}.get { _ in
name: Self.didConnectNotification,
object: nil,
userInfo: nil
public func CreateEvent(eventType: String, eventData: [String: Any]) -> Promise<Void> {
let intent = FireEventIntent(eventName: eventType, payload: eventData)
INInteraction(intent: intent, response: nil).donate(completion: nil)
return Current.webhooks.sendEphemeral(
server: server,
request: .init(type: "fire_event", data: [
"event_type": eventType,
"event_data": eventData,
public func temporaryDownloadFileURL(appropriateFor downloadingURL: URL? = nil) -> URL? {
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory(), isDirectory: true)
// using a random file name so we always have one, see https://github.com/home-assistant/iOS/issues/1068
.appendingPathComponent(UUID().uuidString, isDirectory: false)
if let downloadingURL {
return url.appendingPathExtension(downloadingURL.pathExtension)
} else {
return url
private func removeOldDownloadDirectory() {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
if let downloadDataDir = fileManager.containerURL(
forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: AppConstants.AppGroupID
)?.appendingPathComponent("downloadedData", isDirectory: true) {
try? fileManager.removeItem(at: downloadDataDir)
public func DownloadDataAt(url: URL, needsAuth: Bool) -> Promise<URL> {
Promise { seal in
var finalURL = url
let dataManager: Alamofire.Session = needsAuth ? self.manager : Self.unauthenticatedManager
if needsAuth {
guard let activeURL = server.info.connection.activeURL() else {
if !url.absoluteString.hasPrefix(activeURL.absoluteString) {
Current.Log.verbose("URL does not contain base URL, prepending base URL to \(url.absoluteString)")
finalURL = activeURL.appendingPathComponent(url.absoluteString)
Current.Log.verbose("Data download needs auth!")
guard let downloadPath = temporaryDownloadFileURL(appropriateFor: finalURL) else {
Current.Log.error("Unable to get download path!")
let destination: DownloadRequest.Destination = { _, _ in
(downloadPath, [.removePreviousFile, .createIntermediateDirectories])
dataManager.download(finalURL, to: destination).validate().responseData { downloadResponse in
switch downloadResponse.result {
case .success:
case let .failure(error):
public func getConfig() -> Promise<Void> {
let promise: Promise<ConfigResponse> = Current.webhooks.sendEphemeral(
server: server,
request: .init(type: "get_config", data: [:])
return promise.done { [self] config in
server.update { server in
server.connection.cloudhookURL = config.CloudhookURL
server.connection.set(address: config.RemoteUIURL, for: .remoteUI)
server.remoteName = config.LocationName ?? ServerInfo.defaultName
server.hassDeviceId = config.hassDeviceId
if let version = try? Version(hassVersion: config.Version) {
server.version = version
Current.crashReporter.setUserProperty(value: config.Version, name: "HA_Version")
public func GetLogbook() -> Promise<[LogbookEntry]> {
request(path: "logbook", callingFunctionName: "\(#function)")
public func CallService(
domain: String,
service: String,
serviceData: [String: Any],
shouldLog: Bool = true
) -> Promise<Void> {
let intent = CallServiceIntent(domain: domain, service: service, payload: serviceData)
INInteraction(intent: intent, response: nil).donate(completion: nil)
return Current.webhooks.send(
identifier: .serviceCall,
server: server,
request: .init(type: "call_service", data: [
"domain": domain,
"service": service,
"service_data": serviceData,
public func GetCameraImage(cameraEntityID: String) -> Promise<UIImage> {
Promise { seal in
guard let queryUrl = server.info.connection.activeAPIURL()?
.appendingPathComponent("camera_proxy/\(cameraEntityID)") else {
_ = manager.request(queryUrl)
.responseData { response in
switch response.result {
case let .success(data):
if let image = UIImage(data: data) {
case let .failure(error):
Current.Log.error("Error when attemping to GetCameraImage(): \(error)")
public func register() -> Promise<Void> {
path: "mobile_app/registrations",
callingFunctionName: "\(#function)",
method: .post,
parameters: buildMobileAppRegistration(),
encoding: JSONEncoding.default
).recover { error -> Promise<MobileAppRegistrationResponse> in
if case AFError.responseValidationFailed(reason: .unacceptableStatusCode(code: 404)) = error {
throw APIError.mobileAppComponentNotLoaded
throw error
}.done { [server] (resp: MobileAppRegistrationResponse) in
Current.Log.verbose("Registration response \(resp)")
server.update { server in
server.connection.set(address: resp.RemoteUIURL, for: .remoteUI)
server.connection.cloudhookURL = resp.CloudhookURL
server.connection.webhookID = resp.WebhookID
server.connection.webhookSecret = resp.WebhookSecret
public func updateRegistration() -> Promise<MobileAppRegistrationResponse> {
server: server,
request: .init(
type: "update_registration",
data: buildMobileAppUpdateRegistration()
public func GetMobileAppConfig() -> Promise<MobileAppConfig> {
firstly { () -> Promise<MobileAppConfig> in
if server.info.version < .actionSyncing {
let old: Promise<MobileAppConfigPush> = requestImmutable(
path: "ios/push",
callingFunctionName: "\(#function)"
return old.map { MobileAppConfig(push: $0) }
} else {
return requestImmutable(path: "ios/config", callingFunctionName: "\(#function)")
}.recover { error -> Promise<MobileAppConfig> in
if case AFError.responseValidationFailed(reason: .unacceptableStatusCode(code: 404)) = error {
Current.Log.info("ios component is not loaded; pretending there's no push config")
return .value(.init())
throw error
public func StreamCamera(entityId: String) -> Promise<StreamCameraResponse> {
server: server,
request: .init(
type: "stream_camera",
data: ["camera_entity_id": entityId]
private func buildMobileAppRegistration() -> [String: Any] {
let ident = mobileAppRegistrationRequestModel()
var json = Mapper().toJSON(ident)
if server.info.version < .canSendDeviceID {
// device_id was added in 0.104, but prior it would error for unknown keys
json.removeValue(forKey: "device_id")
return json
private func mobileAppRegistrationRequestModel() -> MobileAppRegistrationRequest {
with(MobileAppRegistrationRequest()) {
if let pushID = Current.settingsStore.pushID {
$0.AppData = [
"push_url": "https://mobile-apps.home-assistant.io/api/sendPushNotification",
"push_token": pushID,
$0.AppIdentifier = AppConstants.BundleID
$0.AppName = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleDisplayName"] as? String
$0.AppVersion = HomeAssistantAPI.clientVersionDescription
$0.DeviceID = Current.settingsStore.integrationDeviceID
$0.DeviceName = server.info.setting(for: .overrideDeviceName) ?? Current.device.deviceName()
$0.Manufacturer = "Apple"
$0.Model = Current.device.systemModel()
$0.OSName = Current.device.systemName()
$0.OSVersion = Current.device.systemVersion()
$0.SupportsEncryption = true
private func buildMobileAppUpdateRegistration() -> [String: Any] {
let registerRequest = mobileAppRegistrationRequestModel()
let ident = with(MobileAppUpdateRegistrationRequest()) {
$0.AppData = registerRequest.AppData
$0.AppVersion = registerRequest.AppVersion
$0.DeviceName = registerRequest.DeviceName
$0.Manufacturer = registerRequest.Manufacturer
$0.Model = registerRequest.Model
$0.OSVersion = registerRequest.OSVersion
return Mapper().toJSON(ident)
public func SubmitLocation(
updateType: LocationUpdateTrigger,
location rawLocation: CLLocation?,
zone: RLMZone?
) -> Promise<Void> {
let update: WebhookUpdateLocation
let location: CLLocation?
let localMetadata = WebhookResponseLocation.localMetdata(
trigger: updateType,
zone: zone
switch server.info.setting(for: .locationPrivacy) {
case .exact:
update = .init(trigger: updateType, location: rawLocation, zone: zone)
location = rawLocation
case .zoneOnly:
if updateType == .BeaconRegionEnter {
update = .init(trigger: updateType, usingNameOf: zone)
} else if let rawLocation {
// note this is a different zone than the event - e.g. the zone may be the one we are exiting
update = .init(trigger: updateType, usingNameOf: RLMZone.zone(of: rawLocation, in: server))
} else {
update = .init(trigger: updateType)
location = nil
case .never:
update = .init(trigger: updateType)
location = nil
return firstly {
let realm = Current.realm()
return when(resolved: realm.reentrantWrite {
let accuracyAuthorization: CLAccuracyAuthorization = CLLocationManager().accuracyAuthorization
updateType: updateType,
location: location,
zone: zone,
accuracyAuthorization: accuracyAuthorization,
payload: update.toJSONString(prettyPrint: false) ?? "(unknown)"
}.map { () -> [String: Any] in
let payloadDict = Mapper<WebhookUpdateLocation>().toJSON(update)
Current.Log.info("Location update payload: \(payloadDict)")
return payloadDict
}.then { [self] payload in
UpdateSensors(trigger: updateType, location: location).asVoid(),
identifier: .location,
server: server,
request: .init(
type: "update_location",
data: payload,
localMetadata: localMetadata
public var sharedEventDeviceInfo: [String: String] { [
"sourceDevicePermanentID": AppConstants.PermanentID,
"sourceDeviceName": server.info.setting(for: .overrideDeviceName) ?? Current.device.deviceName(),
"sourceDeviceID": Current.settingsStore.deviceID,
] }
public enum ActionSource: String, CaseIterable, CustomStringConvertible {
case Watch = "watch"
case Widget = "widget"
case AppShortcut = "appShortcut" // UIApplicationShortcutItem
case Preview = "preview"
case SiriShortcut = "siriShortcut"
case URLHandler = "urlHandler"
case CarPlay = "carPlay"
public var description: String {
public func legacyNotificationActionEvent(
identifier: String,
category: String?,
actionData: Any?,
textInput: String?
) -> (eventType: String, eventData: [String: Any]) {
var eventData: [String: Any] = sharedEventDeviceInfo
eventData["actionName"] = identifier
if let category {
eventData["categoryName"] = category
if let actionData {
eventData["action_data"] = actionData
if let textInput {
eventData["response_info"] = textInput
eventData["textInput"] = textInput
return (eventType: "ios.notification_action_fired", eventData: eventData)
public func mobileAppNotificationActionEvent(
identifier: String,
category: String?,
actionData: Any?,
textInput: String?
) -> (eventType: String, eventData: [String: Any]) {
var eventData = [String: Any]()
eventData["action"] = identifier
if let actionData {
eventData["action_data"] = actionData
if let textInput {
eventData["reply_text"] = textInput
return (eventType: "mobile_app_notification_action", eventData: eventData)
public func actionEvent(
actionID: String,
actionName: String,
source: ActionSource
) -> (eventType: String, eventData: [String: String]) {
var eventData = sharedEventDeviceInfo
eventData["actionName"] = actionName
eventData["actionID"] = actionID
eventData["triggerSource"] = source.description
return (eventType: "ios.action_fired", eventData: eventData)
public func actionScene(
actionID: String,
source: ActionSource
) -> (serviceDomain: String, serviceName: String, serviceData: [String: String]) {
(serviceDomain: "scene", serviceName: "turn_on", serviceData: ["entity_id": actionID])
public func tagEvent(
tagPath: String
) -> (eventType: String, eventData: [String: String]) {
var eventData: [String: String] = sharedEventDeviceInfo
eventData["tag_id"] = tagPath
if server.info.version < .tagWebhookAvailable {
eventData["device_id"] = Current.settingsStore.integrationDeviceID
return (eventType: "tag_scanned", eventData: eventData)
@available(watchOS, unavailable)
public func zoneStateEvent(
region: CLRegion,
state: CLRegionState,
zone: RLMZone
) -> (eventType: String, eventData: [String: Any]) {
var eventData: [String: Any] = sharedEventDeviceInfo
eventData["zone"] = zone.entityId
if region.identifier.contains("@"), let subId = region.identifier.split(separator: "@").last {
eventData["multi_region_zone_id"] = String(subId)
if state == .inside {
return (eventType: "ios.zone_entered", eventData: eventData)
} else {
return (eventType: "ios.zone_exited", eventData: eventData)
public func shareEvent(
entered: String,
url: URL?,
text: String?
) -> (eventType: String, eventData: [String: String]) {
var eventData = sharedEventDeviceInfo
eventData["entered"] = entered
eventData["url"] = url?.absoluteString
eventData["text"] = text
return (
eventType: "mobile_app.share",
eventData: eventData
public struct PushActionInfo: ImmutableMappable {
public var identifier: String
public var category: String?
public var textInput: String?
public var actionData: Any?
public init?(response: UNNotificationResponse) {
guard response.actionIdentifier != UNNotificationDefaultActionIdentifier else {
return nil
self.identifier = UNNotificationContent.uncombinedAction(from: response.actionIdentifier)
self.category = response.notification.request.content.categoryIdentifier
self.actionData = response.notification.request.content.userInfo["homeassistant"]
self.textInput = (response as? UNTextInputNotificationResponse)?.userText
public init(map: ObjectMapper.Map) throws {
self.identifier = try map.value("identifier")
self.category = try? map.value("category")
self.textInput = try? map.value("textInput")
self.actionData = try? map.value("actionData")
public func mapping(map: ObjectMapper.Map) {
identifier >>> map["identifier"]
category >>> map["category"]
textInput >>> map["textInput"]
actionData >>> map["actionData"]
public func handlePushAction(for info: PushActionInfo) -> Promise<Void> {
let actions = [
identifier: info.identifier,
category: info.category,
actionData: info.actionData,
textInput: info.textInput
identifier: info.identifier,
category: info.category,
actionData: info.actionData,
textInput: info.textInput
return when(resolved: actions.map { action -> Promise<Void> in
Current.Log.verbose("Sending action: \(action.eventType) payload: \(action.eventData)")
return CreateEvent(eventType: action.eventType, eventData: action.eventData)
public func HandleAction(actionID: String, source: ActionSource) -> Promise<Void> {
guard let action = Current.realm().object(ofType: Action.self, forPrimaryKey: actionID) else {
Current.Log.error("couldn't find action with id \(actionID)")
return .init(error: HomeAssistantAPI.APIError.cantBuildURL)
let intent = PerformActionIntent(action: action)
INInteraction(intent: intent, response: nil).donate(completion: nil)
switch action.triggerType {
case .event:
let actionInfo = actionEvent(actionID: action.ID, actionName: action.Name, source: source)
Current.Log.verbose("Sending action: \(actionInfo.eventType) payload: \(actionInfo.eventData)")
return CreateEvent(
eventType: actionInfo.eventType,
eventData: actionInfo.eventData
case .scene:
let serviceInfo = actionScene(actionID: action.ID, source: source)
Current.Log.verbose("activating scene: \(action.ID)")
return CallService(
domain: serviceInfo.serviceDomain,
service: serviceInfo.serviceName,
serviceData: serviceInfo.serviceData
// currentItemState is used only for lock domain since it can't be toggled
public func executeMagicItem(item: MagicItem, currentItemState: String = "", completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
Current.Log.verbose("Selected magic item id: \(item.id)")
firstly { () -> Promise<Void> in
switch item.type {
case .script:
let domain = Domain.script.rawValue
let service = item.id.replacingOccurrences(of: "\(domain).", with: "")
return Current.api(for: server)?.CallService(
domain: domain,
service: service,
serviceData: [:],
shouldLog: true
) ?? .init(error: HomeAssistantAPI.APIError.noAPIAvailable)
case .action:
return Current.api(for: server)?
.HandleAction(actionID: item.id, source: .CarPlay) ??
.init(error: HomeAssistantAPI.APIError.noAPIAvailable)
case .scene:
let domain = Domain.scene.rawValue
return Current.api(for: server)?.CallService(
domain: domain,
service: "turn_on",
serviceData: ["entity_id": item.id],
shouldLog: true
) ?? .init(error: HomeAssistantAPI.APIError.noAPIAvailable)
case .entity:
guard let domain = item.domain else {
throw MagicItemError.unknownDomain
return executeActionForDomainType(
domain: domain,
entityId: item.id,
state: currentItemState
}.done {
}.catch { err in
Current.Log.error("Error during magic item event fire: \(err)")
public func executeActionForDomainType(domain: Domain, entityId: String, state: String) -> Promise<Void> {
var request: HATypedRequest<HAResponseVoid>?
switch domain {
case .button, .inputButton:
request = .pressButton(domain: domain, entityId: entityId)
case .cover, .inputBoolean, .light, .switch:
request = .toggleDomain(domain: domain, entityId: entityId)
case .scene:
request = .applyScene(entityId: entityId)
case .script:
request = .runScript(entityId: entityId)
case .lock:
guard let state = Domain.State(rawValue: state) else { return .value }
switch state {
case .unlocking, .unlocked, .opening:
request = .lockLock(entityId: entityId)
case .locked, .locking:
request = .unlockLock(entityId: entityId)
case .sensor, .binarySensor, .zone, .person:
if let request {
return connection.send(request).promise
.map { _ in () }
} else {
return .value
public func registerSensors() -> Promise<Void> {
firstly {
Current.sensors.sensors(reason: .registration, server: server).map(\.sensors)
}.get { sensors in
Current.Log.verbose("Registering sensors \(sensors.map(\.UniqueID))")
}.thenMap { [server] sensor in
Current.webhooks.send(server: server, request: .init(type: "register_sensor", data: sensor.toJSON()))
}.tap { result in
Current.Log.info("finished registering sensors: \(result)")
public func UpdateSensors(
trigger: LocationUpdateTrigger,
location: CLLocation? = nil
) -> Promise<Void> {
UpdateSensors(trigger: trigger, limitedTo: nil, location: location)
func UpdateSensors(
trigger: LocationUpdateTrigger,
limitedTo: [SensorProvider.Type]?,
location: CLLocation? = nil
) -> Promise<Void> {
firstly {
reason: .trigger(trigger.rawValue),
limitedTo: limitedTo,
location: location,
server: server
}.map { sensorResponse -> (SensorResponse, [[String: Any]]) in
Current.Log.info("updating sensors \(sensorResponse.sensors.map { $0.UniqueID ?? "unknown" })")
let mapper = Mapper<WebhookSensor>(
context: WebhookSensorContext(update: true),
shouldIncludeNilValues: false
return (sensorResponse, mapper.toJSONArray(sensorResponse.sensors))
}.then { [server] _, payload -> Promise<Void> in
if payload.isEmpty {
Current.Log.info("skipping network request for unchanged sensor update")
return .value(())
} else {
return Current.webhooks.send(
identifier: .updateSensors,
server: server,
request: .init(type: "update_sensor_states", data: payload)
#if os(iOS)
public enum ManualUpdateType {
case userRequested
case programmatic
var allowsTemporaryAccess: Bool {
switch self {
case .userRequested: return true
case .programmatic: return false
public static func manuallyUpdate(
applicationState: UIApplication.State,
type: ManualUpdateType
) -> Promise<Void> {
Current.backgroundTask(withName: "manual-location-update") { _ in
firstly { () -> Guarantee<Void> in
Guarantee { seal in
let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
guard locationManager.accuracyAuthorization != .fullAccuracy else {
// already have full accuracy, don't need to request
return seal(())
guard type.allowsTemporaryAccess else {
return seal(())
Current.Log.info("requesting full accuracy for manual update")
withPurposeKey: "TemporaryFullAccuracyReasonManualUpdate"
) { error in
Current.Log.info("got temporary full accuracy result: \(String(describing: error))")
withExtendedLifetime(locationManager) {
}.then { () -> Promise<Void> in
func updateWithoutLocation() -> Promise<Void> {
when(fulfilled: Current.apis.map { $0.UpdateSensors(trigger: .Manual) })
if Current.settingsStore.isLocationEnabled(for: applicationState) {
return firstly {
Current.location.oneShotLocation(.Manual, nil)
}.then { location in
when(fulfilled: Current.apis.map { api in
api.SubmitLocation(updateType: .Manual, location: location, zone: nil)
}.recover { error -> Promise<Void> in
if error is CLError {
Current.Log.info("couldn't get location, sending remaining sensor data")
return updateWithoutLocation()
} else {
throw error
} else {
return updateWithoutLocation()
extension HomeAssistantAPI.APIError: LocalizedError {
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .managerNotAvailable:
return L10n.HaApi.ApiError.managerNotAvailable
case .invalidResponse:
return L10n.HaApi.ApiError.invalidResponse
case .cantBuildURL:
return L10n.HaApi.ApiError.cantBuildUrl
case .notConfigured:
return L10n.HaApi.ApiError.notConfigured
case .updateNotPossible:
return L10n.HaApi.ApiError.updateNotPossible
case .mobileAppComponentNotLoaded:
return L10n.HaApi.ApiError.mobileAppComponentNotLoaded
case let .mustUpgradeHomeAssistant(current: current, minimum: minimum):
return L10n.HaApi.ApiError.mustUpgradeHomeAssistant(
case .noAPIAvailable:
return L10n.HaApi.ApiError.noAvailableApi
case .unknown:
return L10n.HaApi.ApiError.unknown
extension HomeAssistantAPI: SensorObserver {
public func sensorContainer(
_ container: SensorContainer,
didSignalForUpdateBecause reason: SensorContainerUpdateReason
) {
Current.backgroundTask(withName: "signaled-update-sensors") { _ in
UpdateSensors(trigger: .Signaled)
public func sensorContainer(_ container: SensorContainer, didUpdate update: SensorObserverUpdate) {
// we don't do anything for this