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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
NorthQ NQ-9121 Gas Meter
<Product xmlns=''>
<CommandClass id="32" getsupported="false"/>
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="int" index="1" genre="config" label="Pulse factor" units="" min="10" max="1000000" value="1000">
<Help>set the meter impulse or rotation factor x 10.</Help>
<Value type="list" index="2" genre="config" label="Sensor type" units="" min="1" max="2" value="2" size="1">
<Help>Defines the meter type on which the Power Reader is placed</Help>
<Item label="Magnetic contact meter" value="1"/>
<Item label="Silver spot meter" value="2"/>
<Value type="byte" index="3" genre="config" label="IR Listen period" units="" min="0" max="127" value="0">
Additional time for feedback measurement.
Should always be 0.
<Value type="byte" index="4" genre="config" label="IR Pulse Width" units="" min="0" max="127" value="50">
Adjusts transmit signal so received signal will in average be equal to this values.
Auto calibration might select another value than this.
<Value type="byte" index="5" genre="config" label="Poll / Wake up frequency" units="seconds" min="1" max="50" value="20" >
Wake device up this many times per second.
This value also controls number of measurements per second on mechanical meters.
<Value type="int" index="9" genre="config" label="Pulse count" units="" size="4" min="0" max="2147483647" value="0" >
<Help>In order for the Power Reader to report the proper total meter consumption the value for this registered has to be initialized with total_meter_consumption_stated_on_the_meter * impulse factor.</Help>
<Value type="short" index="10" genre="config" label="Keep alive period" units="second" size="2" min="1" max="32767" value="5">
<Help>set to the number of seconds that it will take the controlling node to send a response / request to the wake up notification</Help>
<Value type="short" index="11" genre="config" label="Real-time mode" units="" size="2" min="0" max="32767" value="0" read_only="true" >
<Help>Set this to enter real-time mode from remote. Contains seconds * poll frequency before going back to sleep. If you press the button once this value will be set.</Help>
<Value type="int" index="12" genre="config" label="serial number" size="4" value="0" read_only="true" >
<Help>The serial numbers written on the Power Reader are in HEX</Help>
<Value type="list" index="13" genre="config" label="Debug" units="" min="0" max="1" value="1" size="1">
<Help>Debug Mode</Help>
<Item label="Off" value="0"/>
<Item label="LED blinks at pulse counting" value="1"/>
<Value type="int" index="15" genre="config" label="Calibration status" size="4" value="0" read_only="true" >
<Help>The calibration progress is calculated as (value[1] - 65 + value[2] / value[3]) * 25
The calibration is finished successfully when value[0] = 2 and value[2] = value[3].
The calibration has failed if value[0] != 1 OR (value[0] = 2 AND value[2] != value[3])</Help>