
619 lines
24 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns=''>
<!-- Trane Thermostat Model TZEMT524AA21MA -->
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value type="list" index="1" genre="config" label="System Type" units="" min="0" max="1" size="1" value="0">
<Item label="Gas/Electric" value="0" />
<Item label="HeatPump" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="2" genre="config" label="Fan Type" units="" min="0" max="1" size="1" value="0">
0 = Gas, 1 = Elec
<Item label="Gas" value="0" />
<Item label="Electric" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="3" genre="config" label="Change Over Type" units="" min="0" max="1" size="1" value="0">
<Item label="w/Cool" value="0" />
<Item label="w/Heat" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="4" genre="config" label="Units" units="" min="0" max="1" size="1" value="1">
<Item label="Celsius" value="0" />
<Item label="Fahrenheit" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="9" genre="config" label="Display Lock" units="" min="0" max="1" size="1" value="0">
<Item label="Unlocked" value="0" />
<Item label="Locked" value="1" />
<Value type="byte" index="10" genre="config" label="Minimum Off Time" units="minutes" min="5" max="9" value="5">
Sets the minimum off time before another heating/cooling cycle can begin to provide compressor short cycle protection. The thermostat screen will display WAIT when minimum off time is being enforced.
<Value type="byte" index="11" genre="config" label="Minimum Run Time" units="minutes" min="1" max="9" value="6">
Sets the minimum run time before a heating/cooling cycle can turn off to prevent rapid cycling. Thermostat screen will display "Cool ON" or "Heat ON" while the minimum run time is being enforced.
<Value type="byte" index="12" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 1 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="1">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 heating starts.
<Value type="byte" index="13" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 1 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 heating stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 1.
<Value type="byte" index="14" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 2 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="2">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 2 heating starts.
<Value type="byte" index="15" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 2 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 2 heating stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 2.
<Value type="byte" index="16" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 3 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="3">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 3 heating starts.
<Value type="byte" index="17" genre="config" label="Heating Delta Stage 3 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 3 heating stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 3.
<Value type="byte" index="18" genre="config" label="Cooling Delta Stage 1 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="1">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 cooling starts.
<Value type="byte" index="19" genre="config" label="Cooling Delta Stage 1 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 1 cooling stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 1.
<Value type="byte" index="20" genre="config" label="Cooling Delta Stage 2 ON" units="degrees" min="1" max="8" value="2">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 2 cooling starts.
<Value type="byte" index="21" genre="config" label="Cooling Delta Stage 2 OFF" units="degrees" min="0" max="8" value="0">
Sets the delta from setpoint that stage 2 cooling stops. Stage 1 turns off at setpoint minus (-) Delta Stage 2.
<Value type="byte" index="24" genre="config" label="H/C Delta" units="degrees" min="3" max="15" value="3">
Sets the minimum separation between the heating and cooling setpoints. Attempts to lower the cooling below the heating setpoint by this amount will PUSH the heating setpoint down to maintain this separation. Same for setting the heating setpoint above the cooling setpoint, it will PUSH the cooling setpoint up to maintain this separation. Settings in F.
<Value type="list" index="25" genre="config" label="SetBack Mode" units="" min="0" max="2" size="1" value="0">
0 = No Setback, 1 = Setback, 2 if ESM
<Item label="No Setback" value="0" />
<Item label="Setback" value="1" />
<Item label="ESM" value="2" />
<Value type="byte" index="29" genre="config" label="ESM Setpoint--Heating" units="degrees" min="" max="" value="65">
Energy Saving Mode (ESM) Setpoints are the setpoints used when the Energy Saving Mode schedule is selected in the Schedule Mode screen (or via Z-Wave control). Setting in F.
<Value type="byte" index="30" genre="config" label="ESM Setpoint--Cooling" units="degrees" min="" max="" value="80">
Energy Saving Mode (ESM) Setpoints are the setpoints used when the Energy Saving Mode schedule is selected in the Schedule Mode screen (or via Z-Wave control).
<Value type="byte" index="75" genre="config" label="Fan ON Time" units="minutes" min="0" max="120" value="0">
The fan cycler function cycles the HVAC system fan for an ON period followed by an OFF period continuously. Used to provide minimum air ventilation requirements. When the Fan ON time is set to a value greater than 0, an additional Cycler Fan mode is present when pressing the FAN button on the thermostat.
<Value type="byte" index="76" genre="config" label="Fan OFF Time" units="minutes" min="10" max="120" value="0">
The fan cycler function cycles the HVAC system fan for an ON period followed by an OFF period continuously. Used to provide minimum air ventilation requirements. When the Fan ON time is set to a value greater than 0, an additional Cycler Fan mode is present when pressing the FAN button on the thermostat.
<Value type="list" index="77" genre="config" label="2nd Stage Heat Enable" units="" min="0" max="1" size="1" value="0">
0 = no 2nd stage heat, 1 = 2nd stage heat.
<Item label="no 2nd stage heat" value="0" />
<Item label="2nd stage heat" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="78" genre="config" label="Aux Heat Enable" units="" min="0" max="1" size="1" value="1">
0 = no aux heat, 1 = aux heat enabled.
<Item label="no aux heat" value="0" />
<Item label="aux heat enabled" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="79" genre="config" label="2nd Stage Cool Enable" units="" min="0" max="1" size="1" value="0">
0 = no 2nd stage cool, 1 = 2nd stage cool
<Item label="no 2nd stage cool" value="0" />
<Item label="2nd stage cool" value="1" />
<Value type="list" index="132" genre="config" label="Run Schedule" units="" min="" max="" size="1" value="0">
Set to 1 if running schedule (RUN is displayed on the thermostat screen).
<Item label="not running schedule" value="0" />
<Item label="running schedule" value="1" />
<Value type="byte" index="134" genre="config" label="Cooling 1 Setpoint" units="degrees" min="" max="" value="80">
HOLD 80F / 26C
RUN 84F / xxC
<Value type="byte" index="136" genre="config" label="Heating 1 Setpoint" units="degrees" min="" max="" value="60">
Heating 1 Setpoint (does this vary with ESM, etc. or is this for the "Hold" setting?
HOLD 55F / 13C
RUN 60F / xxC
ESM 64F / xxC (unless parameter xx has been changed)
<Value type="byte" index="137" genre="config" label="Backlight Timeout" units="seconds" min="0" max="120" value="30">
Backlight Timeout is the time (in seconds) from the last
button press to the backlight going out. The time-out
can be set between 0 and 120
seconds. When set to 0, the backlight will remain
always on.
Default: 30
<Value type="byte" index="138" genre="config" label="Max Heat Setpoint" units="degrees" min="55" max="90" value="90">
Sets the maximum heating setpoint value. Will not ramp
or accept setpoints higher than this maximum.
Minimum: 55F / xxC
Maximum: 90F / xxC
Default: 90F / 32C
<Value type="byte" index="139" genre="config" label="Min Cool Setpoint" units="degrees" min="60" max="99" value="60">
Sets the minimum cooling setpoint value. Will not ramp
or accept setpoints lower than this minimum.
Minimum: 60F / xxC
Maximum: 99F / xxC
Default: 60F / 15C
<Value type="byte" index="141" genre="config" label="Screen Timeout" units="seconds" min="0" max="120" value="0">
This is the time before any screen reverts to the Minimized
Screen (temperature display only), after you stop pushing
buttons. Minimized Screen feature is disabled by setting this
time to 0.
Default: 0
<Value type="byte" index="143" genre="config" label="Sensor (Internal) Offset" units="degrees" min="-7" max="+7" value="0">
The internal temperature sensor can be calibrated to report
values different from its actual reading. The offset can
range from -7 degrees to +7 degrees.
Default: 0
<Value type="byte" index="148" genre="config" label="Screen Contrast" units="" min="0" max="20" value="10">
The Screen Contrast sets the contrast level of the LCD display.
The contrast can be set between 0 and 20. If the display
is too light, use a higher number. If dark lines appear on
the screen, use a lower number.
Default: 10
<Value type="byte" index="185" genre="config" label="Schedule Enable" units="" min="0" max="1" value="0">
When enabled (set to 1), the local thermostat's scheduler
function is enabled.
Default: 0
<Value type="int" index="228" genre="config" label="Schedule Sun-1" units="" min="" max="" value="100681283">
This value holds information about the first schedule
setpoints for Sundays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="229" genre="config" label="Schedule Sun-2" units="" min="" max="" value="134233685">
This value holds information about the second schedule
setpoints for Sundays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="230" genre="config" label="Schedule Sun-3" units="" min="" max="" value="302007886">
This value holds information about the third schedule
setpoints for Sundays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="231" genre="config" label="Schedule Sun-4" units="" min="" max="" value="369114706">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule
setpoints for Sundays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="232" genre="config" label="Schedule Mon-1" units="" min="" max="" value="">
This value holds information about the first schedule
setpoints for Mondays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="233" genre="config" label="Schedule Mon-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule
setpoints for Mondays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="234" genre="config" label="Schedule Mon-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule
setpoints for Mondays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="235" genre="config" label="Schedule Mon-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule
setpoints for Mondays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="236" genre="config" label="Schedule Tue-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule
setpoints for Tuesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="237" genre="config" label="Schedule Tue-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule
setpoints for Tuesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="238" genre="config" label="Schedule Tue-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule
setpoints for Tuesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="239" genre="config" label="Schedule Tue-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule
setpoints for Tuesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="240" genre="config" label="Schedule Wed-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule
setpoints for Wednesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="241" genre="config" label="Schedule Wed-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule setpoints for Wednesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="242" genre="config" label="Schedule Wed-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule setpoints for Wednesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="243" genre="config" label="Schedule Wed-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule setpoints for Wednesdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="244" genre="config" label="Schedule Thu-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule setpoints for Thursdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="245" genre="config" label="Schedule Thu-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule setpoints for Thursdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="246" genre="config" label="Schedule Thu-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule setpoints for Thursdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="247" genre="config" label="Schedule Thu-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule setpoints for Thursdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="248" genre="config" label="Schedule Fri-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule setpoints for Fridays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="249" genre="config" label="Schedule Fri-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule setpoints for Fridays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="250" genre="config" label="Schedule Fri-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule setpoints for Fridays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="251" genre="config" label="Schedule Fri-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule setpoints for Fridays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<Value type="int" index="252" genre="config" label="Schedule Sat-1" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the first schedule setpoints for Saturdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x06004643 06:00AM 70F / 67F
0x06001519 06:00AM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="253" genre="config" label="Schedule Sat-2" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the second schedule setpoints for Saturdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x08003e55 08:00AM 62F / 85F
0x0800101d 08:00AM 16C / 29C
<Value type="int" index="254" genre="config" label="Schedule Sat-3" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the third schedule setpoints for Saturdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x1200464e 06:00PM 70F / 78F
0x12001519 06:00PM 21C / 25C
<Value type="int" index="255" genre="config" label="Schedule Sat-4" units="" min="" max="">
This value holds information about the fourth schedule setpoints for Saturdays.
Byte 1: Hour (0-23)
Byte 2: Minute (0-59)
Byte 3: Heat Setpoint (degrees)
Byte 4: Cool Setpoint (degrees)
Default: 0x16003e52 10:00PM 62F / 82F
0x1600101b 10:00PM 16C / 27C
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<!-- This thermostat's setpoint descriptions are 0 based, not 1 -->
<CommandClass id="67" base="0" />