466 lines
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466 lines
13 KiB
"""Provide a model for the Z-Wave JS value."""
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import IntEnum, StrEnum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, TypedDict
from ..const import (
from ..event import Event
from ..util.helpers import parse_buffer
from .duration import Duration, DurationDataType
from .node import Node
class ValueType(StrEnum):
"""Enum with all value types."""
ANY = "any"
BOOLEAN = "boolean"
NUMBER = "number"
STRING = "string"
class MetaDataType(TypedDict, total=False):
"""Represent a metadata data dict type."""
type: str # required
readable: bool # required
writeable: bool # required
description: str
label: str
min: int | None
max: int | None
unit: str
states: dict[str, str]
ccSpecific: dict[str, Any]
valueChangeOptions: list[str]
allowManualEntry: bool
stateful: bool
secret: bool
default: int
# Configuration Value specific attributes
valueSize: int
format: int
noBulkSupport: bool # deprecated
isAdvanced: bool
requiresReInclusion: bool
isFromConfig: bool
class ValueDataType(TypedDict, total=False):
"""Represent a value data dict type."""
commandClass: int # required
commandClassName: str # required
endpoint: int
property: int | str # required
propertyName: str # required
propertyKey: int | str
propertyKeyName: str
value: Any
newValue: Any
prevValue: Any
metadata: MetaDataType # required
ccVersion: int # required
def _get_value_id_str_from_dict(node: Node, val: ValueDataType) -> str:
"""Return string ID of value from ValueDataType dict."""
return get_value_id_str(
def get_value_id_str(
node: Node,
command_class: int,
property_: int | str,
endpoint: int | None = None,
property_key: int | str | None = None,
) -> str:
"""Return string ID of value."""
# If endpoint is not provided, assume root endpoint
endpoint_ = endpoint or 0
value_id = f"{node.node_id}-{command_class}-{endpoint_}-{property_}"
# Property key is only included when it has a value
if property_key is not None:
value_id += f"-{property_key}"
return value_id
class ValueMetadata:
"""Represent metadata on a value instance."""
def __init__(self, data: MetaDataType) -> None:
"""Initialize metadata."""
self.data = data
def type(self) -> str:
"""Return type."""
return self.data["type"]
def readable(self) -> bool | None:
"""Return readable."""
return self.data.get("readable")
def writeable(self) -> bool | None:
"""Return writeable."""
return self.data.get("writeable")
def label(self) -> str | None:
"""Return label."""
return self.data.get("label")
def description(self) -> str | None:
"""Return description."""
return self.data.get("description")
def min(self) -> int | None:
"""Return min."""
return self.data.get("min")
def max(self) -> int | None:
"""Return max."""
return self.data.get("max")
def unit(self) -> str | None:
"""Return unit."""
return self.data.get("unit")
def states(self) -> dict:
"""Return (optional) states."""
return self.data.get("states", {})
def cc_specific(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Return ccSpecific."""
return self.data.get("ccSpecific", {})
def value_change_options(self) -> list[str]:
"""Return valueChangeOptions."""
return self.data.get("valueChangeOptions", [])
def allow_manual_entry(self) -> bool | None:
"""Return allowManualEntry."""
return self.data.get("allowManualEntry")
def value_size(self) -> int | None:
"""Return valueSize."""
return self.data.get("valueSize")
def stateful(self) -> bool | None:
"""Return stateful."""
return self.data.get("stateful")
def secret(self) -> bool | None:
"""Return secret."""
return self.data.get("secret")
def default(self) -> int | None:
"""Return default."""
return self.data.get("default")
def format(self) -> ConfigurationValueFormat | None:
"""Return format."""
if (format_ := self.data.get("format")) is None:
return None
return ConfigurationValueFormat(format_)
def no_bulk_support(self) -> bool | None:
"""Return noBulkSupport."""
return self.data.get("noBulkSupport")
def is_advanced(self) -> bool | None:
"""Return isAdvanced."""
return self.data.get("isAdvanced")
def requires_re_inclusion(self) -> bool | None:
"""Return requiresReInclusion."""
return self.data.get("requiresReInclusion")
def is_from_config(self) -> bool | None:
"""Return isFromConfig."""
return self.data.get("isFromConfig")
def update(self, data: MetaDataType) -> None:
"""Update data."""
class Value:
"""Represent a Z-Wave JS value."""
def __init__(self, node: Node, data: ValueDataType) -> None:
"""Initialize value."""
self.node = node
self.data: ValueDataType = {}
self._value: Any = None
self._metadata = ValueMetadata({"type": "unknown"})
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Return the representation."""
return f"{type(self).__name__}(value_id={self.value_id!r})"
def __hash__(self) -> int:
"""Return the hash."""
return hash((self.node, self.value_id))
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
"""Return whether this instance equals another."""
if not isinstance(other, Value):
return False
return self.node == other.node and self.value_id == other.value_id
def value_id(self) -> str:
"""Return value ID."""
return _get_value_id_str_from_dict(self.node, self.data)
def metadata(self) -> ValueMetadata:
"""Return value metadata."""
return self._metadata
def value(self) -> Any | None:
"""Return value."""
# Treat unknown values like they are None
if self._value == VALUE_UNKNOWN:
return None
return self._value
def command_class_name(self) -> str:
"""Return commandClassName."""
return self.data["commandClassName"]
def command_class(self) -> int:
"""Return commandClass."""
return self.data["commandClass"]
def cc_version(self) -> int:
"""Return commandClass version."""
return self.data["ccVersion"]
def endpoint(self) -> int | None:
"""Return endpoint."""
return self.data.get("endpoint")
def property_(self) -> int | str:
"""Return property.
Note the underscore in the end of this property name.
That's there to not confuse Python to think it's a property
return self.data["property"]
def property_key(self) -> int | str | None:
"""Return propertyKey."""
return self.data.get("propertyKey")
def property_name(self) -> str | None:
"""Return propertyName."""
return self.data.get("propertyName")
def property_key_name(self) -> str | None:
"""Return propertyKeyName."""
return self.data.get("propertyKeyName")
def receive_event(self, event: Event) -> None:
"""Receive an event."""
def update(self, data: ValueDataType) -> None:
"""Update data."""
self.data.pop("prevValue", None)
if "newValue" in self.data:
self.data["value"] = self.data.pop("newValue")
if "metadata" in data:
self._value = self.data.get("value")
# Handle buffer dict and json string in value.
if self._value is not None and self.metadata.type == "buffer":
self._value = parse_buffer(self._value)
class ValueNotification(Value):
Model for a Value Notification message.
# format is the same as a Value message, subclassed for easier identifying and
# future use
class ConfigurationValueFormat(IntEnum):
"""Enum of all known configuration value formats."""
# https://github.com/zwave-js/node-zwave-js/blob/cc_api_options/packages/core/src/values/Metadata.ts#L157
class SupervisionResultDataType(TypedDict, total=False):
"""Represent a Supervision result data dict type."""
# https://github.com/zwave-js/node-zwave-js/blob/cc_api_options/packages/core/src/consts/Transmission.ts#L311
status: int
remainingDuration: DurationDataType # not included unless status is 1 (working)
class SupervisionResult:
"""Represent a Supervision result type."""
data: SupervisionResultDataType = field(repr=False)
status: SupervisionStatus = field(init=False)
remaining_duration: Duration | None = field(init=False, default=None)
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
"""Post initialization."""
self.status = SupervisionStatus(self.data["status"])
if remaining_duration := self.data.get("remainingDuration"):
self.remaining_duration = Duration(remaining_duration)
if self.status == SupervisionStatus.WORKING ^ bool(
self.remaining_duration is not None
raise ValueError(
"SupervisionStatus of WORKING requires a remaining duration, all "
"other statuses don't include it"
class ConfigurationValue(Value):
"""Model for a Configuration Value."""
def configuration_value_type(self) -> ConfigurationValueType:
"""Return configuration value type."""
min_ = self.metadata.min
max_ = self.metadata.max
states = self.metadata.states
allow_manual_entry = self.metadata.allow_manual_entry
type_ = self.metadata.type
if (max_ == 1 and min_ == 0 or type_ == ValueType.BOOLEAN) and not states:
return ConfigurationValueType.BOOLEAN
if (
and not max_ == min_ == 0
and not (max_ is None and min_ is None)
return ConfigurationValueType.MANUAL_ENTRY
if states:
return ConfigurationValueType.ENUMERATED
if (max_ is not None or min_ is not None) and not max_ == min_ == 0:
return ConfigurationValueType.RANGE
return ConfigurationValueType.UNDEFINED
class SetValueResultDataType(TypedDict, total=False):
"""Represent a setValue result data dict type."""
# https://github.com/zwave-js/node-zwave-js/blob/v11-dev/packages/cc/src/lib/API.ts#L103
status: int # required
remainingDuration: DurationDataType
message: str
class SetValueResult:
"""Result from setValue command."""
data: SetValueResultDataType = field(repr=False)
status: SetValueStatus = field(init=False)
remaining_duration: Duration | None = field(init=False)
message: str | None = field(init=False)
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
"""Post init."""
self.status = SetValueStatus(self.data["status"])
self.remaining_duration = (
if (duration_data := self.data.get("remainingDuration"))
else None
self.message = self.data.get("message")
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Return the representation."""
status = self.status.name.replace("_", " ").title()
if self.status == SetValueStatus.WORKING:
assert self.remaining_duration
return f"{status} ({self.remaining_duration})"
if self.status in (
assert self.message
return f"{status}: {self.message}"
return status
class SetConfigParameterResult:
"""Result of a set config parameter command."""
status: CommandStatus
result: SupervisionResult | SetValueResult | None = None