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Developers who wants to debug the application have to open two terminals.

In first terminal run npm run dev to start webpack-dev for front-end developing and hot reloading at http://localhost:8092 (THE PORT FOR DEVELOPING IS 8092)

In the second terminal run npm run dev:server to start the backend server with inspect and auto restart features

To package the application run npm run pkg command and follow the steps

Developing against a different backend

By default running npm run dev:server will proxy the requests to a backend listening on localhost on port 8091.

If you want to run the development frontend against a different backend you have the following environment variables that you can use to redirect to a different backend:

  • SERVER_HOST: [Default: 'localhost'] the hostname or IP of the backend server you want to use;
  • SERVER_PORT: [Default: '8091'] the port of the backend server you want to use;
  • SERVER_SSL: [Default: undefined] if set to a value it will use https/wss to connect to the backend;
  • SERVER_URL: [Default: use the other variables] the full URL for the backend API, IE:
  • SERVER_WS_URL: [Default: use the other variables] the full URL for the backend Socket, IE: wss://
  • INGRESS_TOKEN: [Default: undefined] a token to set the ingress session cookie if you want to develop against a remote backend via an Ingress;