
4385 lines
175 KiB

Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2019 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C
Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd
Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd
Copyright 2015 OpenMarket Ltd
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE in the repository root for full details.
#import "MXKRoomDataSource.h"
@import MatrixSDK;
#import "MXKQueuedEvent.h"
#import "MXKRoomBubbleTableViewCell.h"
#import "MXKRoomBubbleCellData.h"
#import "MXKTools.h"
#import "MXAggregatedReactions+MatrixKit.h"
#import "MXKAppSettings.h"
#import "GeneratedInterface-Swift.h"
#pragma mark - Constant definitions
NSString *const kMXKRoomBubbleCellDataIdentifier = @"kMXKRoomBubbleCellDataIdentifier";
NSString *const kMXKRoomDataSourceSyncStatusChanged = @"kMXKRoomDataSourceSyncStatusChanged";
NSString *const kMXKRoomDataSourceFailToLoadTimelinePosition = @"kMXKRoomDataSourceFailToLoadTimelinePosition";
NSString *const kMXKRoomDataSourceTimelineError = @"kMXKRoomDataSourceTimelineError";
NSString *const kMXKRoomDataSourceTimelineErrorErrorKey = @"kMXKRoomDataSourceTimelineErrorErrorKey";
NSString * const MXKRoomDataSourceErrorDomain = @"kMXKRoomDataSourceErrorDomain";
typedef NS_ENUM (NSUInteger, MXKRoomDataSourceError) {
MXKRoomDataSourceErrorResendGeneric = 10001,
MXKRoomDataSourceErrorResendInvalidMessageType = 10002,
MXKRoomDataSourceErrorResendInvalidLocalFilePath = 10003,
@interface MXKRoomDataSource ()
If the data is not from a live timeline, `initialEventId` is the event in the past
where the timeline starts.
NSString *initialEventId;
Current pagination request (if any)
MXHTTPOperation *paginationRequest;
The actual listener related to the current pagination in the timeline.
id paginationListener;
The listener to incoming events in the room.
id liveEventsListener;
The listener to redaction events in the room.
id redactionListener;
The listener to receipts events in the room.
id receiptsListener;
The listener to reactions changed in the room.
id reactionsChangeListener;
The listener to edits in the room.
id eventEditsListener;
Current secondary pagination request (if any)
MXHTTPOperation *secondaryPaginationRequest;
The listener to incoming events in the secondary room.
id secondaryLiveEventsListener;
The listener to redaction events in the secondary room.
id secondaryRedactionListener;
The actual listener related to the current pagination in the secondary timeline.
id secondaryPaginationListener;
Mapping between events ids and bubbles.
NSMutableDictionary *eventIdToBubbleMap;
Typing notifications listener.
id typingNotifListener;
List of members who are typing in the room.
NSArray *currentTypingUsers;
Snapshot of the queued events.
NSMutableArray *eventsToProcessSnapshot;
Snapshot of the bubbles used during events processing.
NSMutableArray<id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring>> *bubblesSnapshot;
The room being peeked, if any.
MXPeekingRoom *peekingRoom;
If any, the non terminated series of collapsable events at the start of self.bubbles.
(Such series is determined by the cell data of its oldest event).
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> collapsableSeriesAtStart;
If any, the non terminated series of collapsable events at the end of self.bubbles.
(Such series is determined by the cell data of its oldest event).
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> collapsableSeriesAtEnd;
Observe UIApplicationSignificantTimeChangeNotification to trigger cell change on time formatting change.
id UIApplicationSignificantTimeChangeNotificationObserver;
Observe NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification to trigger cell change on time formatting change.
id NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotificationObserver;
Observe kMXRoomDidFlushDataNotification to trigger cell change when existing room history has been flushed during server sync.
id roomDidFlushDataNotificationObserver;
Observe kMXRoomDidUpdateUnreadNotification to refresh unread counters.
id roomDidUpdateUnreadNotificationObserver;
Emote slash command prefix @"/me "
NSString *emoteMessageSlashCommandPrefix;
Indicate to stop back-paginating when finding an un-decryptable event as previous event.
It is used to hide pre join UTD events before joining the room.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldPreventBackPaginationOnPreviousUTDEvent;
Indicate to stop back-paginating.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldStopBackPagination;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) MXRoom *room;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) MXThread *thread;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) MXRoom *secondaryRoom;
@property (nonatomic, strong) id<MXEventTimeline> secondaryTimeline;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSString *threadId;
@implementation MXKRoomDataSource
+ (void)loadRoomDataSourceWithRoomId:(NSString*)roomId threadId:(NSString*)threadId andMatrixSession:(MXSession*)mxSession onComplete:(void (^)(id roomDataSource))onComplete
MXKRoomDataSource *roomDataSource = [[self alloc] initWithRoomId:roomId andMatrixSession:mxSession threadId:threadId];
[self ensureSessionStateForDataSource:roomDataSource initialEventId:nil andMatrixSession:mxSession onComplete:onComplete];
+ (void)loadRoomDataSourceWithRoomId:(NSString*)roomId initialEventId:(NSString*)initialEventId threadId:(NSString*)threadId andMatrixSession:(MXSession*)mxSession onComplete:(void (^)(id roomDataSource))onComplete
MXKRoomDataSource *roomDataSource = [[self alloc] initWithRoomId:roomId initialEventId:initialEventId threadId:threadId andMatrixSession:mxSession];
[self ensureSessionStateForDataSource:roomDataSource initialEventId:initialEventId andMatrixSession:mxSession onComplete:onComplete];
+ (void)loadRoomDataSourceWithPeekingRoom:(MXPeekingRoom*)peekingRoom andInitialEventId:(NSString*)initialEventId onComplete:(void (^)(id roomDataSource))onComplete
MXKRoomDataSource *roomDataSource = [[self alloc] initWithPeekingRoom:peekingRoom andInitialEventId:initialEventId];
[self finalizeRoomDataSource:roomDataSource onComplete:onComplete];
/// Ensure session state to be store data ready for the roomDataSource.
+ (void)ensureSessionStateForDataSource:(MXKRoomDataSource*)roomDataSource initialEventId:(NSString*)initialEventId andMatrixSession:(MXSession*)mxSession onComplete:(void (^)(id roomDataSource))onComplete
// if store is not ready, roomDataSource.room will be nil. So onComplete block will never be called.
// In order to successfully fetch the room, we should wait for store to be ready.
if (mxSession.state >= MXSessionStateStoreDataReady)
[self finalizeRoomDataSource:roomDataSource onComplete:onComplete];
// wait for session state to be store data ready
__block id sessionStateObserver = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:kMXSessionStateDidChangeNotification object:mxSession queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification * _Nonnull note) {
if (mxSession.state >= MXSessionStateStoreDataReady)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:sessionStateObserver];
[self finalizeRoomDataSource:roomDataSource onComplete:onComplete];
+ (void)finalizeRoomDataSource:(MXKRoomDataSource*)roomDataSource onComplete:(void (^)(id roomDataSource))onComplete
if (roomDataSource)
[roomDataSource finalizeInitialization];
// Asynchronously preload data here so that the data will be ready later
// to synchronously respond to that request
if (roomDataSource.threadId)
[roomDataSource.thread liveTimeline:^(id<MXEventTimeline> _Nonnull liveTimeline) {
[liveTimeline resetPagination];
[roomDataSource.room liveTimeline:^(id<MXEventTimeline> liveTimeline) {
[liveTimeline resetPagination];
[roomDataSource.room liveTimeline:^(id<MXEventTimeline> liveTimeline) {
[liveTimeline resetPagination];
- (instancetype)initWithRoomId:(NSString *)roomId andMatrixSession:(MXSession *)matrixSession threadId:(NSString *)threadId
self = [super initWithMatrixSession:matrixSession];
if (self)
MXLogVerbose(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] initWithRoomId: %@", self, roomId);
_roomId = roomId;
_threadId = threadId;
_secondaryRoomEventTypes = @[
NSString *virtualRoomId = [matrixSession virtualRoomOf:_roomId];
if (virtualRoomId)
_secondaryRoomId = virtualRoomId;
_isLive = YES;
bubbles = [NSMutableArray array];
eventsToProcess = [NSMutableArray array];
eventIdToBubbleMap = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
_filterMessagesWithURL = NO;
emoteMessageSlashCommandPrefix = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ ", [MXKSlashCommandsHelper commandNameFor:MXKSlashCommandEmote]];
// Set default data and view classes
// Cell data
[self registerCellDataClass:MXKRoomBubbleCellData.class forCellIdentifier:kMXKRoomBubbleCellDataIdentifier];
// Set default MXEvent -> NSString formatter
self.eventFormatter = [[MXKEventFormatter alloc] initWithMatrixSession:self.mxSession];
// Apply here the event types filter to display only the wanted event types.
self.eventFormatter.eventTypesFilterForMessages = [MXKAppSettings standardAppSettings].eventsFilterForMessages;
// display the read receips by default
self.showBubbleReceipts = YES;
// show the read marker by default
self.showReadMarker = YES;
// Disable typing notification in cells by default.
self.showTypingNotifications = NO;
self.useCustomDateTimeLabel = NO;
self.useCustomReceipts = NO;
self.useCustomUnsentButton = NO;
// Observe UIApplicationSignificantTimeChangeNotification to refresh bubbles if date/time are shown.
// UIApplicationSignificantTimeChangeNotification is posted if DST is updated, carrier time is updated
UIApplicationSignificantTimeChangeNotificationObserver = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:UIApplicationSignificantTimeChangeNotification object:nil queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] usingBlock:^(NSNotification *notif) {
[self onDateTimeFormatUpdate];
// Observe NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification to refresh bubbles if date/time are shown.
// NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification is triggered when the time swicthes to AM/PM to 24h time format
NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotificationObserver = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification object:nil queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] usingBlock:^(NSNotification *notif) {
[self onDateTimeFormatUpdate];
// Listen to the event sent state changes
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(eventDidChangeSentState:) name:kMXEventDidChangeSentStateNotification object:nil];
// Listen to events decrypted
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(eventDidDecrypt:) name:kMXEventDidDecryptNotification object:nil];
// Listen to virtual rooms change
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(virtualRoomsDidChange:) name:kMXSessionVirtualRoomsDidChangeNotification object:matrixSession];
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithRoomId:(NSString*)roomId initialEventId:(NSString*)initialEventId2 threadId:(NSString*)threadId andMatrixSession:(MXSession*)mxSession
self = [self initWithRoomId:roomId andMatrixSession:mxSession threadId:threadId];
if (self)
if (initialEventId2)
initialEventId = initialEventId2;
_isLive = NO;
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithPeekingRoom:(MXPeekingRoom*)peekingRoom2 andInitialEventId:(NSString*)theInitialEventId
self = [self initWithRoomId:peekingRoom2.roomId initialEventId:theInitialEventId threadId:nil andMatrixSession:peekingRoom2.mxSession];
if (self)
peekingRoom = peekingRoom2;
_isPeeking = YES;
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[self unregisterEventEditsListener];
[self unregisterScanManagerNotifications];
[self unregisterReactionsChangeListener];
- (MXRoomState *)roomState
// @TODO(async-state): Just here for dev
NSAssert(_timeline.state, @"[MXKRoomDataSource] Room state must be preloaded before accessing to MXKRoomDataSource.roomState");
return _timeline.state;
- (void)onDateTimeFormatUpdate
// update the date and the time formatters
[self.eventFormatter initDateTimeFormatters];
// refresh the UI if it is required
if (self.showBubblesDateTime && self.delegate)
// Reload all the table
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
- (void)markAllAsRead
[_room.summary markAllAsRead];
- (void)limitMemoryUsage:(NSInteger)maxBubbleNb
NSInteger bubbleCount;
bubbleCount = bubbles.count;
if (bubbleCount > maxBubbleNb)
// Do nothing if some local echoes are in progress.
NSArray<MXEvent*>* outgoingMessages = _room.outgoingMessages;
for (NSInteger index = 0; index < outgoingMessages.count; index++)
MXEvent *outgoingMessage = [outgoingMessages objectAtIndex:index];
if (outgoingMessage.sentState == MXEventSentStateSending ||
outgoingMessage.sentState == MXEventSentStatePreparing ||
outgoingMessage.sentState == MXEventSentStateEncrypting ||
outgoingMessage.sentState == MXEventSentStateUploading)
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] cancel limitMemoryUsage because some messages are being sent", self);
// Reset the room data source (return in initial state: minimum memory usage).
[self reload];
- (void)reset
if (roomDidFlushDataNotificationObserver)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:roomDidFlushDataNotificationObserver];
roomDidFlushDataNotificationObserver = nil;
if (roomDidUpdateUnreadNotificationObserver)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:roomDidUpdateUnreadNotificationObserver];
roomDidUpdateUnreadNotificationObserver = nil;
if (paginationRequest)
// We have to remove here the listener. A new pagination request may be triggered whereas the cancellation of this one is in progress
[_timeline removeListener:paginationListener];
paginationListener = nil;
[paginationRequest cancel];
paginationRequest = nil;
if (secondaryPaginationRequest)
// We have to remove here the listener. A new pagination request may be triggered whereas the cancellation of this one is in progress
[_secondaryTimeline removeListener:secondaryPaginationListener];
secondaryPaginationListener = nil;
[secondaryPaginationRequest cancel];
secondaryPaginationRequest = nil;
if (_room && liveEventsListener)
[_timeline removeListener:liveEventsListener];
liveEventsListener = nil;
[_timeline removeListener:redactionListener];
redactionListener = nil;
[_timeline removeListener:receiptsListener];
receiptsListener = nil;
if (_secondaryRoom && secondaryLiveEventsListener)
[_secondaryTimeline removeListener:secondaryLiveEventsListener];
secondaryLiveEventsListener = nil;
[_secondaryTimeline removeListener:secondaryRedactionListener];
secondaryRedactionListener = nil;
if (_room && typingNotifListener)
[_timeline removeListener:typingNotifListener];
typingNotifListener = nil;
currentTypingUsers = nil;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:kMXRoomInitialSyncNotification object:nil];
MXLogVerbose(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] Reset eventsToProcess", self);
[eventsToProcess removeAllObjects];
// Suspend the reset operation if some events is under processing
eventsToProcessSnapshot = nil;
bubblesSnapshot = nil;
for (id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubble in bubbles) {
bubble.prevCollapsableCellData = nil;
bubble.nextCollapsableCellData = nil;
[bubbles removeAllObjects];
[eventIdToBubbleMap removeAllObjects];
self.room = nil;
self.thread = nil;
self.secondaryRoom = nil;
_serverSyncEventCount = 0;
- (void)reload
[self reloadNotifying:YES];
- (void)reloadNotifying:(BOOL)notify
MXLogVerbose(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] Reload - room id: %@", self, _roomId);
[self setState:MXKDataSourceStatePreparing];
[self reset];
// Reload
[self didMXSessionStateChange];
// Notify the delegate to refresh the tableview
if (notify && self.delegate)
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
- (void)destroy
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] Destroy - room id: %@ - thread id: %@", self, _roomId, _threadId);
[self unregisterScanManagerNotifications];
[self unregisterReactionsChangeListener];
[self unregisterEventEditsListener];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:kMXEventDidChangeSentStateNotification object:nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:kMXEventDidDecryptNotification object:nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:kMXEventDidChangeIdentifierNotification object:nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:kMXSessionVirtualRoomsDidChangeNotification object:nil];
if (NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotificationObserver)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotificationObserver];
NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotificationObserver = nil;
if (UIApplicationSignificantTimeChangeNotificationObserver)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:UIApplicationSignificantTimeChangeNotificationObserver];
UIApplicationSignificantTimeChangeNotificationObserver = nil;
// If the room data source was used to peek into a room, stop the events stream on this room
if (peekingRoom)
[_room.mxSession stopPeeking:peekingRoom];
[self reset];
self.eventFormatter = nil;
eventsToProcess = nil;
bubbles = nil;
eventIdToBubbleMap = nil;
[_timeline destroy];
[_secondaryTimeline destroy];
[super destroy];
- (void)didMXSessionStateChange
if (MXSessionStateStoreDataReady <= self.mxSession.state)
if (_threadId)
[self initializeTimelineForThread];
[self initializeTimelineForRoom];
[self initializeTimelineForRoom];
- (void)initializeTimelineForRoom
// Check whether the room is not already set
if (!_room)
// Are we peeking into a random room or displaying a room the user is part of?
if (peekingRoom)
self.room = peekingRoom;
self.room = [self.mxSession roomWithRoomId:_roomId];
if (_room)
// This is the time to set up the timeline according to the called init method
if (_isLive)
[_room liveTimeline:^(id<MXEventTimeline> liveTimeline) {
self->_timeline = liveTimeline;
// Only one pagination process can be done at a time by an MXRoom object.
// This assumption is satisfied by MatrixKit. Only MXRoomDataSource does it.
[self.timeline resetPagination];
// Observe room history flush (sync with limited timeline, or state event redaction)
self->roomDidFlushDataNotificationObserver = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:kMXRoomDidFlushDataNotification object:nil queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] usingBlock:^(NSNotification *notif) {
MXRoom *room = notif.object;
if (self.mxSession == room.mxSession && ([self.roomId isEqualToString:room.roomId] ||
([self.secondaryRoomId isEqualToString:room.roomId])))
// The existing room history has been flushed during server sync because a gap has been observed between local and server storage.
[self reload];
// Add the event listeners, by considering all the event types (the event filtering is applying by the event formatter),
// except if only the events with a url key in their content must be handled.
[self refreshEventListeners:(self.filterMessagesWithURL ? @[kMXEventTypeStringRoomMessage] : [MXKAppSettings standardAppSettings].allEventTypesForMessages)];
// display typing notifications is optional
// the inherited class can manage them by its own.
if (self.showTypingNotifications)
// Register on typing notif
[self listenTypingNotifications];
// Manage unsent messages
[self handleUnsentMessages];
// Update here data source state if it is not already ready
if (!self->_secondaryRoomId)
[self setState:MXKDataSourceStateReady];
// Check user membership in this room
MXMembership membership = self.room.summary.membership;
if (membership == MXMembershipUnknown || membership == MXMembershipInvite)
// Here the initial sync is not ended or the room is a pending invitation.
// Note: In case of invitation, a full sync will be triggered if the user joins this room.
// We have to observe here 'kMXRoomInitialSyncNotification' to reload room data when room sync is done.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(didMXRoomInitialSynced:) name:kMXRoomInitialSyncNotification object:self.room];
if (!_secondaryRoom && _secondaryRoomId)
_secondaryRoom = [self.mxSession roomWithRoomId:_secondaryRoomId];
if (_secondaryRoom)
[_secondaryRoom liveTimeline:^(id<MXEventTimeline> liveTimeline) {
self->_secondaryTimeline = liveTimeline;
// Only one pagination process can be done at a time by an MXRoom object.
// This assumption is satisfied by MatrixKit. Only MXRoomDataSource does it.
[self.secondaryTimeline resetPagination];
// Add the secondary event listeners, by considering the event types in self.secondaryRoomEventTypes
[self refreshSecondaryEventListeners:self.secondaryRoomEventTypes];
// Update here data source state if it is not already ready
[self setState:MXKDataSourceStateReady];
// Check user membership in the secondary room
MXMembership membership = self.secondaryRoom.summary.membership;
if (membership == MXMembershipUnknown || membership == MXMembershipInvite)
// Here the initial sync is not ended or the room is a pending invitation.
// Note: In case of invitation, a full sync will be triggered if the user joins this room.
// We have to observe here 'kMXRoomInitialSyncNotification' to reload room data when room sync is done.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(didMXRoomInitialSynced:) name:kMXRoomInitialSyncNotification object:self.secondaryRoom];
// Past timeline
// Less things need to configured
_timeline = [_room timelineOnEvent:initialEventId];
// Refresh the event listeners. Note: events for past timelines come only from pagination request
[self refreshEventListeners:nil];
// Preload the state and some messages around the initial event
[_timeline resetPaginationAroundInitialEventWithLimit:_paginationLimitAroundInitialEvent success:^{
// Do a "classic" reset. The room view controller will paginate
// from the events stored in the timeline store
[self.timeline resetPagination];
// Update here data source state if it is not already ready
[self setState:MXKDataSourceStateReady];
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] Failed to resetPaginationAroundInitialEventWithLimit", self);
// Notify the error
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kMXKRoomDataSourceTimelineError
kMXKRoomDataSourceTimelineErrorErrorKey: error
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] Warning: The user does not know the room %@", self, _roomId);
// Update here data source state if it is not already ready
[self setState:MXKDataSourceStateFailed];
- (void)initializeTimelineForThread
// Check whether the thread is not already set
if (_thread && self.state == MXKDataSourceStateReady)
_thread = [self.mxSession.threadingService threadWithId:_threadId];
if (!_thread)
// there is not a thread yet available, this will be a new thread
_thread = [self.mxSession.threadingService createTempThreadWithId:_threadId roomId:_roomId];
if (!_room)
// also hold a reference to the room
_room = [self.mxSession roomWithRoomId:_roomId];
if (_thread)
if (_isLive)
[_thread liveTimeline:^(id<MXEventTimeline> _Nonnull liveTimeline) {
self->_timeline = liveTimeline;
// Only one pagination process can be done at a time by an MXThread object.
// This assumption is satisfied by MXRoomDataSource.
[self.timeline resetPagination];
// Add the event listeners, by considering all the event types (the event filtering is applying by the event formatter),
// except if only the events with a url key in their content must be handled.
[self refreshEventListeners:(self.filterMessagesWithURL ? @[kMXEventTypeStringRoomMessage] : [MXKAppSettings standardAppSettings].allEventTypesForMessages)];
// Manage unsent messages
[self handleUnsentMessages];
[self setState:MXKDataSourceStateReady];
// Past timeline
// Less things need to configured
_timeline = [_thread timelineOnEvent:initialEventId];
// Refresh the event listeners. Note: events for past timelines come only from pagination request
[self refreshEventListeners:nil];
// Preload the state and some messages around the initial event
[_timeline resetPaginationAroundInitialEventWithLimit:_paginationLimitAroundInitialEvent success:^{
// Do a "classic" reset. The room view controller will paginate
// from the events stored in the timeline store
[self.timeline resetPagination];
// Update here data source state if it is not already ready
[self setState:MXKDataSourceStateReady];
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] Failed to resetPaginationAroundInitialEventWithLimit", self);
// Notify the error
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kMXKRoomDataSourceTimelineError
kMXKRoomDataSourceTimelineErrorErrorKey: error
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] Warning: The user does not know the thread %@", self, _threadId);
// Update here data source state if it is not already ready
[self setState:MXKDataSourceStateFailed];
- (NSArray *)attachmentsWithThumbnail
NSMutableArray *attachments = [NSMutableArray array];
for (id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData in bubbles)
if (bubbleData.isAttachmentWithThumbnail && bubbleData.attachment.type != MXKAttachmentTypeSticker && !bubbleData.showAntivirusScanStatus)
[attachments addObject:bubbleData.attachment];
return attachments;
- (NSAttributedString *)partialAttributedTextMessage
return _room.partialAttributedTextMessage;
- (void)setPartialAttributedTextMessage:(NSAttributedString *)partialAttributedTextMessage
_room.partialAttributedTextMessage = partialAttributedTextMessage;
- (void)refreshEventListeners:(NSArray *)liveEventTypesFilterForMessages
// Remove the existing listeners
if (liveEventsListener)
[_timeline removeListener:liveEventsListener];
[_timeline removeListener:redactionListener];
[_timeline removeListener:receiptsListener];
// Listen to live events only for live timeline
// Events for past timelines come only from pagination request
if (_isLive)
// Register a new one with the requested filter
liveEventsListener = [_timeline listenToEventsOfTypes:liveEventTypesFilterForMessages onEvent:^(MXEvent *event, MXTimelineDirection direction, MXRoomState *roomState) {
if (MXTimelineDirectionForwards == direction)
if (event.eventType == MXEventTypeRoomMember && event.isUserProfileChange)
[self refreshProfilesIfNeeded];
// Check for local echo suppression
MXEvent *localEcho;
if (self.room.outgoingMessages.count && [event.sender isEqualToString:self.mxSession.myUser.userId])
localEcho = [self.room pendingLocalEchoRelatedToEvent:event];
if (localEcho)
// Check whether the local echo has a timestamp (in this case, it is replaced with the actual event).
if (localEcho.originServerTs != kMXUndefinedTimestamp)
// Replace the local echo by the true event sent by the homeserver
[self replaceEvent:localEcho withEvent:event];
// Remove the local echo, and process independently the true event.
[self replaceEvent:localEcho withEvent:nil];
localEcho = nil;
if (self.secondaryRoom)
[self reloadNotifying:NO];
else if (nil == localEcho)
// Process here incoming events, and outgoing events sent from another device.
if (self.threadId == nil && event.isInThread)
NSInteger index = [self indexOfCellDataWithEventId:event.relatesTo.eventId];
if (index != NSNotFound)
[self reloadNotifying:NO];
[self queueEventForProcessing:event withRoomState:roomState direction:MXTimelineDirectionForwards];
[self processQueuedEvents:nil];
receiptsListener = [_timeline listenToEventsOfTypes:@[kMXEventTypeStringReceipt] onEvent:^(MXEvent *event, MXTimelineDirection direction, MXRoomState *roomState) {
if (MXTimelineDirectionForwards == direction)
// Handle this read receipt
[self didReceiveReceiptEvent:event roomState:roomState];
// Register a listener to handle redaction which can affect live and past timelines
redactionListener = [_timeline listenToEventsOfTypes:@[kMXEventTypeStringRoomRedaction] onEvent:^(MXEvent *redactionEvent, MXTimelineDirection direction, MXRoomState *roomState) {
// Consider only live redaction events
if (direction == MXTimelineDirectionForwards)
// Do the processing on the processing queue
dispatch_async(MXKRoomDataSource.processingQueue, ^{
// Check whether a message contains the redacted event
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData = [self cellDataOfEventWithEventId:redactionEvent.redacts];
if (bubbleData)
BOOL shouldRemoveBubbleData = NO;
BOOL hasChanged = NO;
MXEvent *redactedEvent = nil;
@synchronized (bubbleData)
// Retrieve the original event to redact it
NSArray *events = bubbleData.events;
for (MXEvent *event in events)
if ([event.eventId isEqualToString:redactionEvent.redacts])
// Check whether the event was not already redacted (Redaction may be handled by event timeline too).
if (!event.isRedactedEvent)
redactedEvent = [event prune];
redactedEvent.redactedBecause = redactionEvent.JSONDictionary;
if (redactedEvent)
// Update bubble data
NSUInteger remainingEvents = [bubbleData updateEvent:redactionEvent.redacts withEvent:redactedEvent];
[self refreshRepliesWithUpdatedEventId:redactedEvent.eventId];
hasChanged = YES;
// Remove the bubble if there is no more events
shouldRemoveBubbleData = (remainingEvents == 0);
// Check whether the bubble should be removed
if (shouldRemoveBubbleData)
[self removeCellData:bubbleData];
if (hasChanged)
// Update the delegate on main thread
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (self.delegate)
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
- (void)refreshSecondaryEventListeners:(NSArray *)liveEventTypesFilterForMessages
// Remove the existing listeners
if (secondaryLiveEventsListener)
[_secondaryTimeline removeListener:secondaryLiveEventsListener];
[_secondaryTimeline removeListener:secondaryRedactionListener];
// Listen to live events only for live timeline
// Events for past timelines come only from pagination request
if (_isLive)
// Register a new one with the requested filter
secondaryLiveEventsListener = [_secondaryTimeline listenToEventsOfTypes:liveEventTypesFilterForMessages onEvent:^(MXEvent *event, MXTimelineDirection direction, MXRoomState *roomState) {
if (MXTimelineDirectionForwards == direction)
// Check for local echo suppression
MXEvent *localEcho;
if (self.secondaryRoom.outgoingMessages.count && [event.sender isEqualToString:self.mxSession.myUserId])
localEcho = [self.secondaryRoom pendingLocalEchoRelatedToEvent:event];
if (localEcho)
// Check whether the local echo has a timestamp (in this case, it is replaced with the actual event).
if (localEcho.originServerTs != kMXUndefinedTimestamp)
// Replace the local echo by the true event sent by the homeserver
[self replaceEvent:localEcho withEvent:event];
// Remove the local echo, and process independently the true event.
[self replaceEvent:localEcho withEvent:nil];
localEcho = nil;
if (nil == localEcho)
// Process here incoming events, and outgoing events sent from another device.
[self queueEventForProcessing:event withRoomState:roomState direction:MXTimelineDirectionForwards];
[self processQueuedEvents:nil];
// Register a listener to handle redaction which can affect live and past timelines
secondaryRedactionListener = [_secondaryTimeline listenToEventsOfTypes:@[kMXEventTypeStringRoomRedaction] onEvent:^(MXEvent *redactionEvent, MXTimelineDirection direction, MXRoomState *roomState) {
// Consider only live redaction events
if (direction == MXTimelineDirectionForwards)
// Do the processing on the processing queue
dispatch_async(MXKRoomDataSource.processingQueue, ^{
// Check whether a message contains the redacted event
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData = [self cellDataOfEventWithEventId:redactionEvent.redacts];
if (bubbleData)
BOOL shouldRemoveBubbleData = NO;
BOOL hasChanged = NO;
MXEvent *redactedEvent = nil;
@synchronized (bubbleData)
// Retrieve the original event to redact it
NSArray *events = bubbleData.events;
for (MXEvent *event in events)
if ([event.eventId isEqualToString:redactionEvent.redacts])
// Check whether the event was not already redacted (Redaction may be handled by event timeline too).
if (!event.isRedactedEvent)
redactedEvent = [event prune];
redactedEvent.redactedBecause = redactionEvent.JSONDictionary;
if (redactedEvent)
// Update bubble data
NSUInteger remainingEvents = [bubbleData updateEvent:redactionEvent.redacts withEvent:redactedEvent];
hasChanged = YES;
// Remove the bubble if there is no more events
shouldRemoveBubbleData = (remainingEvents == 0);
// Check whether the bubble should be removed
if (shouldRemoveBubbleData)
[self removeCellData:bubbleData];
if (hasChanged)
// Update the delegate on main thread
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (self.delegate)
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
- (void)setFilterMessagesWithURL:(BOOL)filterMessagesWithURL
_filterMessagesWithURL = filterMessagesWithURL;
if (_isLive && _room)
// Update the event listeners by considering the right types for the live events.
[self refreshEventListeners:(_filterMessagesWithURL ? @[kMXEventTypeStringRoomMessage] : [MXKAppSettings standardAppSettings].allEventTypesForMessages)];
- (void)setEventFormatter:(MXKEventFormatter *)eventFormatter
if (_eventFormatter)
// Remove observers on previous event formatter settings
[_eventFormatter.settings removeObserver:self forKeyPath:@"showRedactionsInRoomHistory"];
[_eventFormatter.settings removeObserver:self forKeyPath:@"showUnsupportedEventsInRoomHistory"];
_eventFormatter = eventFormatter;
if (_eventFormatter)
// Add observer to flush stored data on settings changes
[_eventFormatter.settings addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"showRedactionsInRoomHistory" options:0 context:nil];
[_eventFormatter.settings addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"showUnsupportedEventsInRoomHistory" options:0 context:nil];
- (void)setShowBubblesDateTime:(BOOL)showBubblesDateTime
_showBubblesDateTime = showBubblesDateTime;
if (self.delegate)
// Reload all the table
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
- (void)setShowTypingNotifications:(BOOL)shouldShowTypingNotifications
_showTypingNotifications = shouldShowTypingNotifications;
if (shouldShowTypingNotifications)
// Register on typing notif
[self listenTypingNotifications];
// Remove the live listener
if (typingNotifListener)
[_timeline removeListener:typingNotifListener];
currentTypingUsers = nil;
typingNotifListener = nil;
- (void)listenTypingNotifications
// Remove the previous live listener
if (typingNotifListener)
[_timeline removeListener:typingNotifListener];
currentTypingUsers = nil;
// Add typing notification listener
typingNotifListener = [_timeline listenToEventsOfTypes:@[kMXEventTypeStringTypingNotification] onEvent:^(MXEvent *event, MXTimelineDirection direction, MXRoomState *roomState)
// Handle only live events
if (direction == MXTimelineDirectionForwards)
// Retrieve typing users list
NSMutableArray *typingUsers = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:self.room.typingUsers];
// Remove typing info for the current user
NSUInteger index = [typingUsers indexOfObject:self.mxSession.myUser.userId];
if (index != NSNotFound)
[typingUsers removeObjectAtIndex:index];
// Ignore this notification if both arrays are empty
if (self->currentTypingUsers.count || typingUsers.count)
self->currentTypingUsers = typingUsers;
if (self.delegate)
// refresh all the table
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
currentTypingUsers = _room.typingUsers;
- (void)cancelAllRequests
if (paginationRequest)
// We have to remove here the listener. A new pagination request may be triggered whereas the cancellation of this one is in progress
[_timeline removeListener:paginationListener];
paginationListener = nil;
[paginationRequest cancel];
paginationRequest = nil;
[super cancelAllRequests];
- (void)setDelegate:(id<MXKDataSourceDelegate>)delegate
super.delegate = delegate;
// Register to MXScanManager notification only when a delegate is set
if (delegate && self.mxSession.scanManager)
[self registerScanManagerNotifications];
// Register to reaction notification only when a delegate is set
if (delegate)
[self registerReactionsChangeListener];
[self registerEventEditsListener];
- (void)setRoom:(MXRoom *)room
if (![_room isEqual:room])
_room = room;
[self roomDidSet];
- (void)roomDidSet
- (BOOL)shouldQueueEventForProcessing:(MXEvent*)event roomState:(MXRoomState*)roomState direction:(MXTimelineDirection)direction
if (self.filterMessagesWithURL)
// Check whether the event has a value for the 'url' key in its content.
if (!event.getMediaURLs.count)
// ignore the event
return NO;
// Ignore voice message related to an actual voice broadcast.
if (event.content[VoiceBroadcastSettings.voiceBroadcastContentKeyChunkType] != nil) {
return NO;
// Check for undecryptable messages that were sent while the user was not in the room and hide them
if ([MXKAppSettings standardAppSettings].hidePreJoinedUndecryptableEvents
&& direction == MXTimelineDirectionBackwards)
[self checkForPreJoinUTDWithEvent:event roomState:roomState];
// Hide pre joint UTD events
if (self.shouldStopBackPagination)
return NO;
if (!USE_THREAD_TIMELINE && direction == MXTimelineDirectionBackwards && self.threadId)
// when not using a thread timeline, data source will desperately fill the screen with events by filtering them locally.
// we can stop when we see the thread root event when paginating backwards
if ([event.eventId isEqualToString:self.threadId])
self.shouldStopBackPagination = YES;
return YES;
#pragma mark - KVO
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
if ([@"showRedactionsInRoomHistory" isEqualToString:keyPath] || [@"showUnsupportedEventsInRoomHistory" isEqualToString:keyPath])
// Flush the current bubble data and rebuild them
[self reload];
#pragma mark - Public methods
- (id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring>)cellDataAtIndex:(NSInteger)index
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData;
if (index < bubbles.count)
bubbleData = bubbles[index];
return bubbleData;
- (id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring>)cellDataOfEventWithEventId:(NSString *)eventId
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData;
bubbleData = eventIdToBubbleMap[eventId];
return bubbleData;
- (NSInteger)indexOfCellDataWithEventId:(NSString *)eventId
NSInteger index = NSNotFound;
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData;
bubbleData = eventIdToBubbleMap[eventId];
if (bubbleData)
index = [bubbles indexOfObject:bubbleData];
return index;
- (CGFloat)cellHeightAtIndex:(NSInteger)index withMaximumWidth:(CGFloat)maxWidth
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData = [self cellDataAtIndex:index];
// Sanity check
if (bubbleData && self.delegate)
// Compute here height of bubble cell
Class<MXKCellRendering> cellViewClass = [self.delegate cellViewClassForCellData:bubbleData];
return [cellViewClass heightForCellData:bubbleData withMaximumWidth:maxWidth];
return 0;
- (void)invalidateBubblesCellDataCache
for (id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubble in bubbles)
[bubble invalidateTextLayout];
#pragma mark - Pagination
- (void)paginate:(NSUInteger)numItems direction:(MXTimelineDirection)direction onlyFromStore:(BOOL)onlyFromStore success:(void (^)(NSUInteger addedCellNumber))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure
// Check the current data source state, and the actual user membership for this room.
if (state != MXKDataSourceStateReady || ((self.room.summary.membership == MXMembershipUnknown || self.room.summary.membership == MXMembershipInvite) && ![self.roomState.historyVisibility isEqualToString:kMXRoomHistoryVisibilityWorldReadable]))
// Back pagination is not available here.
if (failure)
if (paginationRequest || secondaryPaginationRequest)
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] paginate: a pagination is already in progress", self);
if (failure)
if (NO == [self canPaginate:direction])
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] paginate: No more events to paginate", self);
if (success)
__block NSUInteger addedCellNb = 0;
__block NSMutableArray<NSError*> *operationErrors = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:2];
dispatch_group_t dispatchGroup = dispatch_group_create();
// Define a new listener for this pagination
paginationListener = [_timeline listenToEventsOfTypes:(_filterMessagesWithURL ? @[kMXEventTypeStringRoomMessage] : [MXKAppSettings standardAppSettings].allEventTypesForMessages) onEvent:^(MXEvent *event, MXTimelineDirection direction2, MXRoomState *roomState) {
if (direction2 == direction)
[self queueEventForProcessing:event withRoomState:roomState direction:direction];
// Keep a local reference to this listener.
id localPaginationListenerRef = paginationListener;
// Launch the pagination
paginationRequest = [_timeline paginate:numItems
// Everything went well, remove the listener
self->paginationRequest = nil;
[self.timeline removeListener:self->paginationListener];
self->paginationListener = nil;
// Once done, process retrieved events
[self processQueuedEvents:^(NSUInteger addedHistoryCellNb, NSUInteger addedLiveCellNb) {
addedCellNb += (direction == MXTimelineDirectionBackwards) ? addedHistoryCellNb : addedLiveCellNb;
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] paginateBackMessages fails", self);
// Something wrong happened or the request was cancelled.
// Check whether the request is the actual one before removing listener and handling the retrieved events.
if (localPaginationListenerRef == self->paginationListener)
self->paginationRequest = nil;
[self.timeline removeListener:self->paginationListener];
self->paginationListener = nil;
// Process at least events retrieved from store
[self processQueuedEvents:^(NSUInteger addedHistoryCellNb, NSUInteger addedLiveCellNb) {
[operationErrors addObject:error];
if (addedHistoryCellNb)
addedCellNb += addedHistoryCellNb;
if (_secondaryTimeline)
// Define a new listener for this pagination
secondaryPaginationListener = [_secondaryTimeline listenToEventsOfTypes:_secondaryRoomEventTypes onEvent:^(MXEvent *event, MXTimelineDirection direction2, MXRoomState *roomState) {
if (direction2 == direction)
[self queueEventForProcessing:event withRoomState:roomState direction:direction];
// Keep a local reference to this listener.
id localPaginationListenerRef = secondaryPaginationListener;
// Launch the pagination
secondaryPaginationRequest = [_secondaryTimeline paginate:numItems
// Everything went well, remove the listener
self->secondaryPaginationRequest = nil;
[self.secondaryTimeline removeListener:self->secondaryPaginationListener];
self->secondaryPaginationListener = nil;
// Once done, process retrieved events
[self processQueuedEvents:^(NSUInteger addedHistoryCellNb, NSUInteger addedLiveCellNb) {
addedCellNb += (direction == MXTimelineDirectionBackwards) ? addedHistoryCellNb : addedLiveCellNb;
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] paginateBackMessages fails", self);
// Something wrong happened or the request was cancelled.
// Check whether the request is the actual one before removing listener and handling the retrieved events.
if (localPaginationListenerRef == self->secondaryPaginationListener)
self->secondaryPaginationRequest = nil;
[self.secondaryTimeline removeListener:self->secondaryPaginationListener];
self->secondaryPaginationListener = nil;
// Process at least events retrieved from store
[self processQueuedEvents:^(NSUInteger addedHistoryCellNb, NSUInteger addedLiveCellNb) {
[operationErrors addObject:error];
if (addedHistoryCellNb)
addedCellNb += addedHistoryCellNb;
dispatch_group_notify(dispatchGroup, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (operationErrors.count)
if (failure)
if (success)
- (void)paginateToFillRect:(CGRect)rect direction:(MXTimelineDirection)direction withMinRequestMessagesCount:(NSUInteger)minRequestMessagesCount success:(void (^)(void))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] paginateToFillRect: %@", self, NSStringFromCGRect(rect));
// During the first call of this method, the delegate is supposed defined.
// This delegate may be removed whereas this method is called by itself after a pagination request.
// The delegate is required here to be able to compute cell height (and prevent infinite loop in case of reentrancy).
if (!self.delegate)
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] paginateToFillRect ignored (delegate is undefined)", self);
if (failure)
// Get the total height of cells already loaded in memory
CGFloat minMessageHeight = CGFLOAT_MAX;
CGFloat bubblesTotalHeight = 0;
// Check whether data has been aldready loaded
if (bubbles.count)
NSUInteger eventsCount = 0;
for (NSInteger i = bubbles.count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData = bubbles[i];
eventsCount += bubbleData.events.count;
CGFloat bubbleHeight = [self cellHeightAtIndex:i withMaximumWidth:rect.size.width];
// Sanity check
if (bubbleHeight)
bubblesTotalHeight += bubbleHeight;
if (bubblesTotalHeight > rect.size.height)
// No need to compute more cells heights, there are enough to fill the rect
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] -> %tu already loaded bubbles (%tu events) are enough to fill the screen", self, bubbles.count - i, eventsCount);
// Compute the minimal height an event takes
minMessageHeight = MIN(minMessageHeight, bubbleHeight / bubbleData.events.count);
else if (minRequestMessagesCount && [self canPaginate:direction])
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] paginateToFillRect: Prefill with data from the store", self);
// Give a chance to load data from the store before doing homeserver requests
// Reuse minRequestMessagesCount because we need to provide a number.
[self paginate:minRequestMessagesCount direction:direction onlyFromStore:YES success:^(NSUInteger addedCellNumber) {
// Then retry
[self paginateToFillRect:rect direction:direction withMinRequestMessagesCount:minRequestMessagesCount success:success failure:failure];
} failure:failure];
// Is there enough cells to cover all the requested height?
if (bubblesTotalHeight < rect.size.height)
// No. Paginate to get more messages
if ([self canPaginate:direction])
// Bound the minimal height to 44
minMessageHeight = MIN(minMessageHeight, 44);
// Load messages to cover the remaining height
// Use an extra of 50% to manage unsupported/unexpected/redated events
NSUInteger messagesToLoad = ceil((rect.size.height - bubblesTotalHeight) / minMessageHeight * 1.5);
// It does not worth to make a pagination request for only 1 message.
// So, use minRequestMessagesCount
messagesToLoad = MAX(messagesToLoad, minRequestMessagesCount);
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] paginateToFillRect: need to paginate %tu events to cover %fpx", self, messagesToLoad, rect.size.height - bubblesTotalHeight);
[self paginate:messagesToLoad direction:direction onlyFromStore:NO success:^(NSUInteger addedCellNumber) {
[self paginateToFillRect:rect direction:direction withMinRequestMessagesCount:minRequestMessagesCount success:success failure:failure];
} failure:failure];
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] paginateToFillRect: No more events to paginate", self);
if (success)
// Yes. Nothing to do
if (success)
#pragma mark - Sending
- (void)sendTextMessage:(NSString *)text success:(void (^)(NSString *))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
__block MXEvent *localEchoEvent = nil;
BOOL isEmote = [self isMessageAnEmote:text];
NSString *sanitizedText = [self sanitizedMessageText:text];
NSString *html = [self htmlMessageFromSanitizedText:sanitizedText];
// Make the request to the homeserver
if (isEmote)
[_room sendEmote:sanitizedText formattedText:html threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&localEchoEvent success:success failure:failure];
[_room sendTextMessage:sanitizedText formattedText:html threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&localEchoEvent success:success failure:failure];
if (localEchoEvent)
// Make the data source digest this fake local echo message
[self queueEventForProcessing:localEchoEvent withRoomState:self.roomState direction:MXTimelineDirectionForwards];
[self processQueuedEvents:nil];
- (void)sendReplyToEvent:(MXEvent*)eventToReply
withTextMessage:(NSString *)text
success:(void (^)(NSString *))success
failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
__block MXEvent *localEchoEvent = nil;
NSString *sanitizedText = [self sanitizedMessageText:text];
NSString *html = [self htmlMessageFromSanitizedText:sanitizedText];
id<MXSendReplyEventStringLocalizerProtocol> stringLocalizer = [MXKSendReplyEventStringLocalizer new];
[_room sendReplyToEvent:eventToReply withTextMessage:sanitizedText formattedTextMessage:html stringLocalizer:stringLocalizer threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&localEchoEvent success:success failure:failure];
if (localEchoEvent)
// Make the data source digest this fake local echo message
[self queueEventForProcessing:localEchoEvent withRoomState:self.roomState direction:MXTimelineDirectionForwards];
[self processQueuedEvents:nil];
- (BOOL)isMessageAnEmote:(NSString*)text
return [text hasPrefix:emoteMessageSlashCommandPrefix];
- (NSString*)sanitizedMessageText:(NSString*)rawText
NSString *text;
//Remove NULL bytes from the string, as they are likely to trip up many things later,
//including our own C-based Markdown-to-HTML convertor.
//Normally, we don't expect people to be entering NULL bytes in messages,
//but because of a bug in iOS 11, it's easy to have it happen.
//iOS 11's Smart Punctuation feature "conveniently" converts double hyphens (`--`) to longer en-dashes (`—`).
//However, when adding any kind of dash/hyphen after such an en-dash,
//iOS would also insert a NULL byte inbetween the dashes (`<en-dash>NULL<some other dash>`).
//Even if a future iOS update fixes this,
//we'd better be defensive and always remove occurrences of NULL bytes from text messages.
text = [rawText stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", 0x00000000] withString:@""];
// Check whether the message is an emote
if ([self isMessageAnEmote:text])
// Remove "/me " string
text = [text substringFromIndex:emoteMessageSlashCommandPrefix.length];
return text;
- (NSString*)htmlMessageFromSanitizedText:(NSString*)sanitizedText
NSString *html;
// Did user use Markdown text?
NSString *htmlStringFromMarkdown = [_eventFormatter htmlStringFromMarkdownString:sanitizedText];
if ([htmlStringFromMarkdown isEqualToString:sanitizedText])
// No formatted string
html = nil;
html = htmlStringFromMarkdown;
return html;
- (void)sendImage:(UIImage *)image success:(void (^)(NSString *))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
// Make sure the uploaded image orientation is up
image = [MXKTools forceImageOrientationUp:image];
// Only jpeg image is supported here
NSString *mimetype = @"image/jpeg";
NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 0.9);
// Shall we need to consider a thumbnail?
UIImage *thumbnail = nil;
if (_room.summary.isEncrypted)
// Thumbnail is useful only in case of encrypted room
thumbnail = [MXKTools reduceImage:image toFitInSize:CGSizeMake(800, 600)];
if (thumbnail == image)
thumbnail = nil;
[self sendImageData:imageData withImageSize:image.size mimeType:mimetype andThumbnail:thumbnail success:success failure:failure];
- (BOOL)canReplyToEventWithId:(NSString*)eventIdToReply
MXEvent *eventToReply = [self eventWithEventId:eventIdToReply];
return [self.room canReplyToEvent:eventToReply];
- (void)sendImage:(NSData *)imageData mimeType:(NSString *)mimetype success:(void (^)(NSString *))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithData:imageData];
// Shall we need to consider a thumbnail?
UIImage *thumbnail = nil;
if (_room.summary.isEncrypted)
// Thumbnail is useful only in case of encrypted room
thumbnail = [MXKTools reduceImage:image toFitInSize:CGSizeMake(800, 600)];
if (thumbnail == image)
thumbnail = nil;
[self sendImageData:imageData withImageSize:image.size mimeType:mimetype andThumbnail:thumbnail success:success failure:failure];
- (void)sendImageData:(NSData*)imageData withImageSize:(CGSize)imageSize mimeType:(NSString*)mimetype andThumbnail:(UIImage*)thumbnail success:(void (^)(NSString *eventId))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure
__block MXEvent *localEchoEvent = nil;
[_room sendImage:imageData withImageSize:imageSize mimeType:mimetype andThumbnail:thumbnail threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&localEchoEvent success:success failure:failure];
if (localEchoEvent)
// Make the data source digest this fake local echo message
[self queueEventForProcessing:localEchoEvent withRoomState:self.roomState direction:MXTimelineDirectionForwards];
[self processQueuedEvents:nil];
- (void)sendVideo:(NSURL *)videoLocalURL withThumbnail:(UIImage *)videoThumbnail success:(void (^)(NSString *))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
AVURLAsset *videoAsset = [AVURLAsset assetWithURL:videoLocalURL];
[self sendVideoAsset:videoAsset withThumbnail:videoThumbnail success:success failure:failure];
- (void)sendVideoAsset:(AVAsset *)videoAsset withThumbnail:(UIImage *)videoThumbnail success:(void (^)(NSString *))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
__block MXEvent *localEchoEvent = nil;
[_room sendVideoAsset:videoAsset withThumbnail:videoThumbnail threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&localEchoEvent success:success failure:failure];
if (localEchoEvent)
// Make the data source digest this fake local echo message
[self queueEventForProcessing:localEchoEvent withRoomState:self.roomState direction:MXTimelineDirectionForwards];
[self processQueuedEvents:nil];
- (void)sendAudioFile:(NSURL *)audioFileLocalURL mimeType:mimeType success:(void (^)(NSString *))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
__block MXEvent *localEchoEvent = nil;
[_room sendAudioFile:audioFileLocalURL mimeType:mimeType threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&localEchoEvent success:success failure:failure keepActualFilename:YES];
if (localEchoEvent)
// Make the data source digest this fake local echo message
[self queueEventForProcessing:localEchoEvent withRoomState:self.roomState direction:MXTimelineDirectionForwards];
[self processQueuedEvents:nil];
- (void)sendVoiceMessage:(NSURL *)audioFileLocalURL
additionalContentParams:(NSDictionary *)additionalContentParams
samples:(NSArray<NSNumber *> *)samples
success:(void (^)(NSString *))success
failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
__block MXEvent *localEchoEvent = nil;
[_room sendVoiceMessage:audioFileLocalURL additionalContentParams:additionalContentParams mimeType:mimeType duration:duration samples:samples threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&localEchoEvent success:success failure:failure keepActualFilename:YES];
if (localEchoEvent)
// Make the data source digest this fake local echo message
[self queueEventForProcessing:localEchoEvent withRoomState:self.roomState direction:MXTimelineDirectionForwards];
[self processQueuedEvents:nil];
- (void)sendFile:(NSURL *)fileLocalURL mimeType:(NSString*)mimeType success:(void (^)(NSString *))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
__block MXEvent *localEchoEvent = nil;
[_room sendFile:fileLocalURL mimeType:mimeType threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&localEchoEvent success:success failure:failure];
if (localEchoEvent)
// Make the data source digest this fake local echo message
[self queueEventForProcessing:localEchoEvent withRoomState:self.roomState direction:MXTimelineDirectionForwards];
[self processQueuedEvents:nil];
- (void)sendMessageWithContent:(NSDictionary *)msgContent success:(void (^)(NSString *))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
__block MXEvent *localEchoEvent = nil;
// Make the request to the homeserver
[_room sendMessageWithContent:msgContent threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&localEchoEvent success:success failure:failure];
if (localEchoEvent)
// Make the data source digest this fake local echo message
[self queueEventForProcessing:localEchoEvent withRoomState:self.roomState direction:MXTimelineDirectionForwards];
[self processQueuedEvents:nil];
- (void)sendLocationWithLatitude:(double)latitude
description:(NSString *)description
success:(void (^)(NSString *))success
failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
__block MXEvent *localEchoEvent = nil;
// Make the request to the homeserver
[_room sendLocationWithLatitude:latitude
success:success failure:failure];
if (localEchoEvent)
// Make the data source digest this fake local echo message
[self queueEventForProcessing:localEchoEvent withRoomState:self.roomState direction:MXTimelineDirectionForwards];
[self processQueuedEvents:nil];
- (void)sendEventOfType:(MXEventTypeString)eventTypeString content:(NSDictionary<NSString*, id>*)msgContent success:(void (^)(NSString *eventId))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure
__block MXEvent *localEchoEvent = nil;
// Make the request to the homeserver
[_room sendEventOfType:eventTypeString content:msgContent threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&localEchoEvent success:success failure:failure];
if (localEchoEvent)
// Make the data source digest this fake local echo message
[self queueEventForProcessing:localEchoEvent withRoomState:self.roomState direction:MXTimelineDirectionForwards];
[self processQueuedEvents:nil];
- (void)resendEventWithEventId:(NSString *)eventId success:(void (^)(NSString *))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
MXEvent *event = [self eventWithEventId:eventId];
// Sanity check
if (!event)
MXLogInfo(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] resendEventWithEventId. EventId: %@", self, event.eventId);
// Check first whether the event is encrypted
if ([event.wireType isEqualToString:kMXEventTypeStringRoomEncrypted])
// We try here to resent an encrypted event
// Note: we keep the existing local echo.
[_room sendEventOfType:kMXEventTypeStringRoomEncrypted content:event.wireContent threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&event success:success failure:failure];
else if ([event.type isEqualToString:kMXEventTypeStringRoomMessage])
// And retry the send the message according to its type
NSString *msgType = event.content[kMXMessageTypeKey];
if ([msgType isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeText] || [msgType isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeEmote])
// Resend the Matrix event by reusing the existing echo
[_room sendMessageWithContent:event.content threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&event success:success failure:failure];
else if ([msgType isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeImage])
// Check whether the sending failed while uploading the data.
// If the content url corresponds to a upload id, the upload was not complete.
NSString *contentURL = event.content[@"url"];
if (contentURL && [contentURL hasPrefix:kMXMediaUploadIdPrefix])
NSString *mimetype = nil;
if (event.content[@"info"])
mimetype = event.content[@"info"][@"mimetype"];
NSString *localImagePath = [MXMediaManager cachePathForMatrixContentURI:contentURL andType:mimetype inFolder:_roomId];
UIImage* image = [MXMediaManager loadPictureFromFilePath:localImagePath];
if (image)
// Restart sending the image from the beginning.
// Remove the local echo.
[self removeEventWithEventId:eventId];
if (mimetype)
NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:localImagePath];
[self sendImage:imageData mimeType:mimetype success:success failure:failure];
[self sendImage:image success:success failure:failure];
if (failure)
failure([NSError errorWithDomain:MXKRoomDataSourceErrorDomain code:MXKRoomDataSourceErrorResendGeneric userInfo:nil]);
MXLogWarning(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] resendEventWithEventId: Warning - Unable to resend room message of type: %@", self, msgType);
// Resend the Matrix event by reusing the existing echo
[_room sendMessageWithContent:event.content threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&event success:success failure:failure];
else if ([msgType isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeAudio])
// Check whether the sending failed while uploading the data.
// If the content url corresponds to a upload id, the upload was not complete.
NSString *contentURL = event.content[@"url"];
if (!contentURL || ![contentURL hasPrefix:kMXMediaUploadIdPrefix])
// Resend the Matrix event by reusing the existing echo
[_room sendMessageWithContent:event.content threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&event success:success failure:failure];
NSString *mimetype = event.content[@"info"][@"mimetype"];
NSString *localFilePath = [MXMediaManager cachePathForMatrixContentURI:contentURL andType:mimetype inFolder:_roomId];
NSURL *localFileURL = [NSURL URLWithString:localFilePath];
if (![NSFileManager.defaultManager fileExistsAtPath:localFilePath]) {
if (failure)
failure([NSError errorWithDomain:MXKRoomDataSourceErrorDomain code:MXKRoomDataSourceErrorResendInvalidLocalFilePath userInfo:nil]);
MXLogWarning(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] resendEventWithEventId: Warning - Unable to resend voice message, invalid file path.", self);
// Remove the local echo.
[self removeEventWithEventId:eventId];
if (event.isVoiceMessage) {
// Voice message
NSNumber *duration = event.content[kMXMessageContentKeyExtensibleAudioMSC1767][kMXMessageContentKeyExtensibleAudioDuration];
NSArray<NSNumber *> *samples = event.content[kMXMessageContentKeyExtensibleAudioMSC1767][kMXMessageContentKeyExtensibleAudioWaveform];
// Additional content params in case it is a voicebroacast chunk
NSDictionary* additionalContentParams = nil;
if (event.content[kMXEventRelationRelatesToKey] != nil && event.content[VoiceBroadcastSettings.voiceBroadcastContentKeyChunkType] != nil) {
additionalContentParams = @{
kMXEventRelationRelatesToKey: event.content[kMXEventRelationRelatesToKey],
VoiceBroadcastSettings.voiceBroadcastContentKeyChunkType: event.content[VoiceBroadcastSettings.voiceBroadcastContentKeyChunkType]
[self sendVoiceMessage:localFileURL additionalContentParams:additionalContentParams mimeType:mimetype duration:duration.doubleValue samples:samples success:success failure:failure];
} else {
[self sendAudioFile:localFileURL mimeType:mimetype success:success failure:failure];
else if ([msgType isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeVideo])
// Check whether the sending failed while uploading the data.
// If the content url corresponds to a upload id, the upload was not complete.
NSString *contentURL = event.content[@"url"];
if (contentURL && [contentURL hasPrefix:kMXMediaUploadIdPrefix])
// TODO: Support resend on attached video when upload has been failed.
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] resendEventWithEventId: Warning - Unable to resend attached video (upload was not complete)", self);
failure([NSError errorWithDomain:MXKRoomDataSourceErrorDomain code:MXKRoomDataSourceErrorResendInvalidMessageType userInfo:nil]);
// Resend the Matrix event by reusing the existing echo
[_room sendMessageWithContent:event.content threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&event success:success failure:failure];
else if ([msgType isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeFile])
// Check whether the sending failed while uploading the data.
// If the content url corresponds to a upload id, the upload was not complete.
NSString *contentURL = event.content[@"url"];
if (contentURL && [contentURL hasPrefix:kMXMediaUploadIdPrefix])
NSString *mimetype = nil;
if (event.content[@"info"])
mimetype = event.content[@"info"][@"mimetype"];
if (mimetype)
// Restart sending the image from the beginning.
// Remove the local echo
[self removeEventWithEventId:eventId];
NSString *localFilePath = [MXMediaManager cachePathForMatrixContentURI:contentURL andType:mimetype inFolder:_roomId];
[self sendFile:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:localFilePath isDirectory:NO] mimeType:mimetype success:success failure:failure];
if (failure)
failure([NSError errorWithDomain:MXKRoomDataSourceErrorDomain code:MXKRoomDataSourceErrorResendGeneric userInfo:nil]);
MXLogWarning(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] resendEventWithEventId: Warning - Unable to resend room message of type: %@", self, msgType);
// Resend the Matrix event by reusing the existing echo
[_room sendMessageWithContent:event.content threadId:self.threadId localEcho:&event success:success failure:failure];
if (failure)
failure([NSError errorWithDomain:MXKRoomDataSourceErrorDomain code:MXKRoomDataSourceErrorResendInvalidMessageType userInfo:nil]);
MXLogWarning(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] resendEventWithEventId: Warning - Unable to resend room message of type: %@", self, msgType);
if (failure)
failure([NSError errorWithDomain:MXKRoomDataSourceErrorDomain code:MXKRoomDataSourceErrorResendInvalidMessageType userInfo:nil]);
MXLogWarning(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] MXKRoomDataSource: Warning - Only resend of MXEventTypeRoomMessage is allowed. Event.type: %@", self, event.type);
#pragma mark - Events management
- (MXEvent *)eventWithEventId:(NSString *)eventId
MXEvent *theEvent;
// First, retrieve the cell data hosting the event
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData = [self cellDataOfEventWithEventId:eventId];
if (bubbleData)
// Then look into the events in this cell
for (MXEvent *event in bubbleData.events)
if ([event.eventId isEqualToString:eventId])
theEvent = event;
return theEvent;
- (void)removeEventWithEventId:(NSString *)eventId
MXLogVerbose(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] removeEventWithEventId: %@", self, eventId);
// First, retrieve the cell data hosting the event
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData = [self cellDataOfEventWithEventId:eventId];
if (bubbleData)
NSUInteger remainingEvents;
@synchronized (bubbleData)
remainingEvents = [bubbleData removeEvent:eventId];
// If there is no more events in the bubble, remove it
if (0 == remainingEvents)
[self removeCellData:bubbleData];
// Remove the event from the outgoing messages storage
[_room removeOutgoingMessage:eventId];
// Update the delegate
if (self.delegate)
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
- (void)didReceiveReceiptEvent:(MXEvent *)receiptEvent roomState:(MXRoomState *)roomState
// Do the processing on the same processing queue
dispatch_async(MXKRoomDataSource.processingQueue, ^{
// Remove the previous displayed read receipt for each user who sent a
// new read receipt.
// To implement it, we need to find the sender id of each new read receipt
// among the read receipts array of all events in all bubbles.
NSArray *readReceiptSenders = receiptEvent.readReceiptSenders;
for (MXKRoomBubbleCellData *cellData in self->bubbles)
NSMutableDictionary<NSString* /* eventId */, NSArray<MXReceiptData*> *> *updatedCellDataReadReceipts = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSDictionary<NSString*, NSArray<MXReceiptData*>*> *readReceiptsCopy = [cellData.readReceipts mutableDeepCopy];
for (NSString *eventId in readReceiptsCopy)
for (MXReceiptData *receiptData in readReceiptsCopy[eventId])
for (NSString *senderId in readReceiptSenders)
if ([receiptData.userId isEqualToString:senderId])
if (!updatedCellDataReadReceipts[eventId])
updatedCellDataReadReceipts[eventId] = readReceiptsCopy[eventId];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"userId!=%@", receiptData.userId];
updatedCellDataReadReceipts[eventId] = [updatedCellDataReadReceipts[eventId] filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
// Flush found changed to the cell data
for (NSString *eventId in updatedCellDataReadReceipts)
if (updatedCellDataReadReceipts[eventId].count)
[self updateCellData:cellData withReadReceipts:updatedCellDataReadReceipts[eventId] forEventId:eventId];
[self updateCellData:cellData withReadReceipts:nil forEventId:eventId];
dispatch_group_t dispatchGroup = dispatch_group_create();
// Update cell data we have received a read receipt for
NSArray *readEventIds = receiptEvent.readReceiptEventIds;
if (RiotSettings.shared.enableThreads)
NSArray *readThreadIds = receiptEvent.readReceiptThreadIds;
for (int i = 0 ; i < readEventIds.count ; i++)
NSString *eventId = readEventIds[i];
MXKRoomBubbleCellData *cellData = [self cellDataOfEventWithEventId:eventId];
if (cellData)
if ([readThreadIds[i] isEqualToString:kMXEventUnthreaded])
// Unthreaded RR must be propagated through all threads.
[self.mxSession.threadingService allThreadsInRoomWithId:self.roomId onlyParticipated:NO completion:^(NSArray<id<MXThreadProtocol>> *threads) {
NSMutableArray *threadIds = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:kMXEventTimelineMain];
for (id<MXThreadProtocol> thread in threads)
[threadIds addObject:thread.id];
for (NSString *threadId in threadIds)
[self addReadReceiptsForEvent:eventId threadId:threadId inCellDatas:self->bubbles startingAtCellData:cellData completion:^{
NSString *threadId = readThreadIds[i];
[self addReadReceiptsForEvent:eventId threadId:threadId inCellDatas:self->bubbles startingAtCellData:cellData completion:^{
// If
for (NSString *eventId in readEventIds)
MXKRoomBubbleCellData *cellData = [self cellDataOfEventWithEventId:eventId];
[self addReadReceiptsForEvent:eventId threadId:kMXEventTimelineMain inCellDatas:self->bubbles startingAtCellData:cellData completion:^{
dispatch_group_notify(dispatchGroup, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (self.delegate)
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
- (void)updateCellData:(MXKRoomBubbleCellData*)cellData withReadReceipts:(NSArray<MXReceiptData*>*)readReceipts forEventId:(NSString*)eventId
cellData.readReceipts[eventId] = readReceipts;
// Indicate that the text message layout should be recomputed.
[cellData invalidateTextLayout];
- (void)handleUnsentMessages
// Add the unsent messages at the end of the conversation
NSArray<MXEvent*>* outgoingMessages = _room.outgoingMessages;
[self.mxSession decryptEvents:outgoingMessages inTimeline:nil onComplete:^(NSArray<MXEvent *> *failedEvents) {
for (MXEvent *outgoingMessage in outgoingMessages)
[self queueEventForProcessing:outgoingMessage withRoomState:self.roomState direction:MXTimelineDirectionForwards];
MXLogVerbose(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] handleUnsentMessages: queued %tu events", self, outgoingMessages.count);
[self processQueuedEvents:nil];
#pragma mark - Bubble collapsing
- (void)collapseRoomBubble:(id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring>)bubbleData collapsed:(BOOL)collapsed
if (bubbleData.collapsed != collapsed)
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> nextBubbleData = bubbleData;
nextBubbleData.collapsed = collapsed;
while ((nextBubbleData = nextBubbleData.nextCollapsableCellData));
if (self.delegate)
// Reload all the table
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
#pragma mark - Private methods
- (void)replaceEvent:(MXEvent*)eventToReplace withEvent:(MXEvent*)event
MXLogVerbose(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] replaceEvent: %@ with: %@", self, eventToReplace.eventId, event.eventId);
if (eventToReplace.isLocalEvent)
// Stop listening to the identifier change for the replaced event.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:kMXEventDidChangeIdentifierNotification object:eventToReplace];
// Retrieve the cell data hosting the replaced event
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData = [self cellDataOfEventWithEventId:eventToReplace.eventId];
if (!bubbleData)
NSUInteger remainingEvents;
@synchronized (bubbleData)
// Check whether the local echo is replaced or removed
if (event)
remainingEvents = [bubbleData updateEvent:eventToReplace.eventId withEvent:event];
remainingEvents = [bubbleData removeEvent:eventToReplace.eventId];
// Update bubbles mapping
@synchronized (eventIdToBubbleMap)
// Remove the broken link from the map
[eventIdToBubbleMap removeObjectForKey:eventToReplace.eventId];
if (event && remainingEvents)
eventIdToBubbleMap[event.eventId] = bubbleData;
if (event.isLocalEvent)
// Listen to the identifier change for the local events.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(localEventDidChangeIdentifier:) name:kMXEventDidChangeIdentifierNotification object:event];
// If there is no more events in the bubble, remove it
if (0 == remainingEvents)
[self removeCellData:bubbleData];
// Update the delegate
if (self.delegate)
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
- (NSArray<NSIndexPath *> *)removeCellData:(id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring>)cellData
NSMutableArray *deletedRows = [NSMutableArray array];
MXLogVerbose(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] removeCellData: %@", self, [cellData.events valueForKey:@"eventId"]);
// Remove potential occurrences in bubble map
@synchronized (eventIdToBubbleMap)
for (MXEvent *event in cellData.events)
[eventIdToBubbleMap removeObjectForKey:event.eventId];
if (event.isLocalEvent)
// Stop listening to the identifier change for this event.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:kMXEventDidChangeIdentifierNotification object:event];
// Check whether the adjacent bubbles can merge together
NSUInteger index = [bubbles indexOfObject:cellData];
if (index != NSNotFound)
[bubbles removeObjectAtIndex:index];
[deletedRows addObject:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:index inSection:0]];
if (bubbles.count)
// Update flag in remaining data
if (index == 0)
// We removed here the first bubble.
// We have to update the 'isPaginationFirstBubble' and 'shouldHideSenderInformation' flags of the new first bubble.
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> firstCellData = bubbles.firstObject;
firstCellData.isPaginationFirstBubble = ((self.bubblesPagination == MXKRoomDataSourceBubblesPaginationPerDay) && firstCellData.date);
// Keep visible the sender information by default,
// except if the bubble has no display (composed only by ignored events).
firstCellData.shouldHideSenderInformation = firstCellData.hasNoDisplay;
else if (index < bubbles.count)
// We removed here a bubble which is not the before last.
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> cellData1 = bubbles[index-1];
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> cellData2 = bubbles[index];
// Check first whether the neighbor bubbles can merge
Class class = [self cellDataClassForCellIdentifier:kMXKRoomBubbleCellDataIdentifier];
if ([class instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(mergeWithBubbleCellData:)])
if ([cellData1 mergeWithBubbleCellData:cellData2])
[bubbles removeObjectAtIndex:index];
[deletedRows addObject:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:(index + 1) inSection:0]];
cellData2 = nil;
if (cellData2)
// Update its 'isPaginationFirstBubble' and 'shouldHideSenderInformation' flags
// Pagination handling
if (self.bubblesPagination == MXKRoomDataSourceBubblesPaginationPerDay && !cellData2.isPaginationFirstBubble)
// Check whether a new pagination starts on the second cellData
NSString *cellData1DateString = [self.eventFormatter dateStringFromDate:cellData1.date withTime:NO];
NSString *cellData2DateString = [self.eventFormatter dateStringFromDate:cellData2.date withTime:NO];
if (!cellData1DateString)
cellData2.isPaginationFirstBubble = (cellData2DateString && cellData.isPaginationFirstBubble);
cellData2.isPaginationFirstBubble = (cellData2DateString && ![cellData2DateString isEqualToString:cellData1DateString]);
// Check whether the sender information is relevant for this bubble.
// Check first if the bubble is not composed only by ignored events.
cellData2.shouldHideSenderInformation = cellData2.hasNoDisplay;
if (!cellData2.shouldHideSenderInformation && cellData2.isPaginationFirstBubble == NO)
// Check whether the neighbor bubbles have been sent by the same user.
cellData2.shouldHideSenderInformation = [cellData2 hasSameSenderAsBubbleCellData:cellData1];
return deletedRows;
- (void)didMXRoomInitialSynced:(NSNotification *)notif
// Refresh the room data source when the room has been initialSync'ed
MXRoom *room = notif.object;
if (self.mxSession == room.mxSession &&
([self.roomId isEqualToString:room.roomId] || [self.secondaryRoomId isEqualToString:room.roomId]))
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] didMXRoomInitialSynced for room: %@", self, room.roomId);
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:kMXRoomInitialSyncNotification object:room];
[self reload];
- (void)eventDidChangeSentState:(NSNotification *)notif
MXEvent *event = notif.object;
if ([event.roomId isEqualToString:_roomId])
MXLogVerbose(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] eventDidChangeSentState: %@, to: %tu", self, event.eventId, event.sentState);
// Retrieve the cell data hosting the local echo
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData = [self cellDataOfEventWithEventId:event.eventId];
if (!bubbleData)
// Initial state for local echos
BOOL isInitial = event.isLocalEvent &&
(event.sentState == MXEventSentStateSending || event.sentState == MXEventSentStateEncrypting);
if (!isInitial)
MXLogWarning(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] eventDidChangeSentState: Cannot find bubble data for event: %@", self, event.eventId);
@synchronized (bubbleData)
[bubbleData updateEvent:event.eventId withEvent:event];
// Inform the delegate
if (self.delegate && (self.secondaryRoom ? bubbles.count > 0 : YES))
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
- (void)localEventDidChangeIdentifier:(NSNotification *)notif
MXEvent *event = notif.object;
NSString *previousId = notif.userInfo[kMXEventIdentifierKey];
MXLogVerbose(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] localEventDidChangeIdentifier from: %@ to: %@", self, previousId, event.eventId);
if (event && previousId)
// Update bubbles mapping
@synchronized (eventIdToBubbleMap)
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData = eventIdToBubbleMap[previousId];
if (bubbleData && event.eventId)
eventIdToBubbleMap[event.eventId] = bubbleData;
[eventIdToBubbleMap removeObjectForKey:previousId];
// The bubble data must use the final event id too
[bubbleData updateEvent:previousId withEvent:event];
if (!event.isLocalEvent)
// Stop listening to the identifier change when the event becomes an actual event.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:kMXEventDidChangeIdentifierNotification object:event];
- (void)eventDidDecrypt:(NSNotification *)notif
MXEvent *event = notif.object;
if ([event.roomId isEqualToString:_roomId] ||
([event.roomId isEqualToString:_secondaryRoomId] && [_secondaryRoomEventTypes containsObject:event.type]))
// Retrieve the cell data hosting the event
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData = [self cellDataOfEventWithEventId:event.eventId];
if (!bubbleData)
// We need to update the data of the cell that displays the event.
// The trickiest update is when the cell contains several events and the event
// to update turns out to be an attachment.
// In this case, we need to split the cell into several cells so that the attachment
// has its own cell.
if (bubbleData.events.count == 1 || ![_eventFormatter isSupportedAttachment:event])
// If the event is still a text, a simple update is enough
// If the event is an attachment, it has already its own cell. Let the bubble
// data handle the type change.
@synchronized (bubbleData)
[bubbleData updateEvent:event.eventId withEvent:event];
@synchronized (bubbleData)
BOOL eventIsFirstInBubble = NO;
NSInteger bubbleDataIndex = [bubbles indexOfObject:bubbleData];
if (NSNotFound == bubbleDataIndex)
// If bubbleData is not in bubbles there is nothing to update for this event, its not displayed.
// We need to create a dedicated cell for the event attachment.
// From the current bubble, remove the updated event and all events after.
NSMutableArray<MXEvent*> *removedEvents;
NSUInteger remainingEvents = [bubbleData removeEventsFromEvent:event.eventId removedEvents:&removedEvents];
// If there is no more events in this bubble, remove it
if (0 == remainingEvents)
eventIsFirstInBubble = YES;
@synchronized (eventsToProcessSnapshot)
[bubbles removeObjectAtIndex:bubbleDataIndex];
// Create a dedicated bubble for the attachment
if (removedEvents.count)
Class class = [self cellDataClassForCellIdentifier:kMXKRoomBubbleCellDataIdentifier];
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> newBubbleData = [[class alloc] initWithEvent:removedEvents[0] andRoomState:self.roomState andRoomDataSource:self];
if (eventIsFirstInBubble)
// Apply same config as before
newBubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble = bubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble;
newBubbleData.shouldHideSenderInformation = bubbleData.shouldHideSenderInformation;
// This new bubble is not the first. Show nothing
newBubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble = NO;
newBubbleData.shouldHideSenderInformation = YES;
// Update bubbles mapping
@synchronized (eventIdToBubbleMap)
eventIdToBubbleMap[event.eventId] = newBubbleData;
@synchronized (eventsToProcessSnapshot)
[bubbles insertObject:newBubbleData atIndex:bubbleDataIndex + 1];
// And put other cutted events in another bubble
if (removedEvents.count > 1)
Class class = [self cellDataClassForCellIdentifier:kMXKRoomBubbleCellDataIdentifier];
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> newBubbleData;
for (NSUInteger i = 1; i < removedEvents.count; i++)
MXEvent *removedEvent = removedEvents[i];
if (i == 1)
newBubbleData = [[class alloc] initWithEvent:removedEvent andRoomState:self.roomState andRoomDataSource:self];
[newBubbleData addEvent:removedEvent andRoomState:self.roomState];
// Update bubbles mapping
@synchronized (eventIdToBubbleMap)
eventIdToBubbleMap[removedEvent.eventId] = newBubbleData;
// Do not show the
newBubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble = NO;
newBubbleData.shouldHideSenderInformation = YES;
@synchronized (eventsToProcessSnapshot)
[bubbles insertObject:newBubbleData atIndex:bubbleDataIndex + 2];
// Update the delegate
if (self.delegate)
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
// Indicates whether an event has base requirements to allow actions (like reply, reactions, edit, etc.)
- (BOOL)canPerformActionOnEvent:(MXEvent*)event
BOOL isSent = event.sentState == MXEventSentStateSent;
if (!isSent) {
return NO;
if (event.isTimelinePollEvent) {
return YES;
// Specific case for voice broadcast event
if (event.eventType == MXEventTypeCustom &&
[event.type isEqualToString:VoiceBroadcastSettings.voiceBroadcastInfoContentKeyType]) {
// Ensures that we only support reactions for a start event
VoiceBroadcastInfo* voiceBroadcastInfo = [VoiceBroadcastInfo modelFromJSON: event.content];
if ([VoiceBroadcastInfo isStartedFor: voiceBroadcastInfo.state]) {
return YES;
BOOL isRoomMessage = (event.eventType == MXEventTypeRoomMessage);
if (!isRoomMessage) {
return NO;
NSString *messageType = event.content[kMXMessageTypeKey];
if (messageType == nil || [messageType isEqualToString:@"m.bad.encrypted"]) {
return NO;
return YES;
- (void)setState:(MXKDataSourceState)newState
if (self->state != newState)
self->state = newState;
if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(dataSource:didStateChange:)])
[self.delegate dataSource:self didStateChange:self->state];
- (void)setSecondaryRoomId:(NSString *)secondaryRoomId
if (_secondaryRoomId != secondaryRoomId)
_secondaryRoomId = secondaryRoomId;
if (self.state == MXKDataSourceStateReady)
[self reload];
- (void)setSecondaryRoomEventTypes:(NSArray<MXEventTypeString> *)secondaryRoomEventTypes
if (_secondaryRoomEventTypes != secondaryRoomEventTypes)
_secondaryRoomEventTypes = secondaryRoomEventTypes;
if (self.state == MXKDataSourceStateReady)
[self reload];
#pragma mark - Asynchronous events processing
+ (dispatch_queue_t)processingQueue
static dispatch_queue_t processingQueue;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
processingQueue = dispatch_queue_create("MXKRoomDataSource", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
return processingQueue;
- (void)queueEventForProcessing:(MXEvent*)event withRoomState:(MXRoomState*)roomState direction:(MXTimelineDirection)direction
if (event.isLocalEvent)
MXLogVerbose(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] queueEventForProcessing: %@", self, event.eventId);
if (![self shouldQueueEventForProcessing:event roomState:roomState direction:direction])
MXKQueuedEvent *queuedEvent = [[MXKQueuedEvent alloc] initWithEvent:event andRoomState:roomState direction:direction];
// Count queued events when the server sync is in progress
if (self.mxSession.state == MXSessionStateSyncInProgress)
queuedEvent.serverSyncEvent = YES;
if (_serverSyncEventCount == 1)
// Notify that sync process starts
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kMXKRoomDataSourceSyncStatusChanged object:self userInfo:nil];
[eventsToProcess addObject:queuedEvent];
if (self.secondaryRoom)
// use a stable sorting here, which means it won't change the order of events unless it has to.
[eventsToProcess sortWithOptions:NSSortStable
usingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(MXKQueuedEvent * _Nonnull event1, MXKQueuedEvent * _Nonnull event2) {
return [event2.eventDate compare:event1.eventDate];
- (BOOL)canPaginate:(MXTimelineDirection)direction
if (_secondaryTimeline)
if (![_timeline canPaginate:direction] && ![_secondaryTimeline canPaginate:direction])
return NO;
if (![_timeline canPaginate:direction])
return NO;
if (direction == MXTimelineDirectionBackwards && self.shouldStopBackPagination)
return NO;
return YES;
// Check for undecryptable messages that were sent while the user was not in the room.
- (void)checkForPreJoinUTDWithEvent:(MXEvent*)event roomState:(MXRoomState*)roomState
// Only check for encrypted rooms
if (!self.room.summary.isEncrypted)
// Back pagination is stopped do not check for other pre join events
if (self.shouldStopBackPagination)
// if we reach a UTD and flag is set, hide previous encrypted messages and stop back-paginating
if (event.eventType == MXEventTypeRoomEncrypted
&& [event.decryptionError.domain isEqualToString:MXDecryptingErrorDomain]
&& self.shouldPreventBackPaginationOnPreviousUTDEvent)
self.shouldStopBackPagination = YES;
self.shouldStopBackPagination = NO;
if (event.eventType != MXEventTypeRoomMember)
NSString *userId = event.stateKey;
// Only check "m.room.member" event for current user
if (![userId isEqualToString:self.mxSession.myUserId])
BOOL shouldPreventBackPaginationOnPreviousUTDEvent = NO;
MXRoomMember *member = [roomState.members memberWithUserId:userId];
if (member)
switch (member.membership) {
case MXMembershipJoin:
// if we reach a join event for the user:
// - if prev-content is invite, continue back-paginating
// - if prev-content is join (was just an avatar or displayname change), continue back-paginating
// - otherwise, set a flag and continue back-paginating
NSString *previousMemberhsip = event.prevContent[@"membership"];
BOOL isPrevContentAnInvite = [previousMemberhsip isEqualToString:@"invite"];
BOOL isPrevContentAJoin = [previousMemberhsip isEqualToString:@"join"];
if (!(isPrevContentAnInvite || isPrevContentAJoin))
shouldPreventBackPaginationOnPreviousUTDEvent = YES;
case MXMembershipInvite:
// if we reach an invite event for the user, set flag and continue back-paginating
shouldPreventBackPaginationOnPreviousUTDEvent = YES;
self.shouldPreventBackPaginationOnPreviousUTDEvent = shouldPreventBackPaginationOnPreviousUTDEvent;
- (BOOL)checkBing:(MXEvent*)event
BOOL isHighlighted = NO;
// read receipts have no rule
if (![event.type isEqualToString:kMXEventTypeStringReceipt]) {
// Check if we should bing this event
MXPushRule *rule = [self.mxSession.notificationCenter ruleMatchingEvent:event roomState:self.roomState];
if (rule)
// Check whether is there an highlight tweak on it
for (MXPushRuleAction *ruleAction in rule.actions)
if (ruleAction.actionType == MXPushRuleActionTypeSetTweak)
if ([ruleAction.parameters[@"set_tweak"] isEqualToString:@"highlight"])
// Check the highlight tweak "value"
// If not present, highlight. Else check its value before highlighting
if (nil == ruleAction.parameters[@"value"] || YES == [ruleAction.parameters[@"value"] boolValue])
isHighlighted = YES;
event.mxkIsHighlighted = isHighlighted;
return isHighlighted;
- (void)processQueuedEvents:(void (^)(NSUInteger addedHistoryCellNb, NSUInteger addedLiveCellNb))onComplete
// Do the processing on the processing queue
dispatch_async(MXKRoomDataSource.processingQueue, ^{
// Note: As this block is always called from the same processing queue,
// only one batch process is done at a time. Thus, an event cannot be
// processed twice
// Snapshot queued events to avoid too long lock.
if (self->eventsToProcess.count)
self->eventsToProcessSnapshot = self->eventsToProcess;
if (self.secondaryRoom)
[self->bubblesSnapshot removeAllObjects];
self->eventsToProcess = [NSMutableArray array];
NSUInteger serverSyncEventCount = 0;
NSUInteger addedHistoryCellCount = 0;
NSUInteger addedLiveCellCount = 0;
dispatch_group_t dispatchGroup = dispatch_group_create();
// Lock on `eventsToProcessSnapshot` to suspend reload or destroy during the process.
// Is there events to process?
// The list can be empty because several calls of processQueuedEvents may be processed
// in one pass in the processingQueue
if (self->eventsToProcessSnapshot.count)
// Make a quick copy of changing data to avoid to lock it too long time
self->bubblesSnapshot = [self->bubbles mutableCopy];
NSMutableSet<id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring>> *collapsingCellDataSeriess = [NSMutableSet set];
for (MXKQueuedEvent *queuedEvent in self->eventsToProcessSnapshot)
@synchronized (self->eventIdToBubbleMap)
// Check whether the event processed before
if (self->eventIdToBubbleMap[queuedEvent.event.eventId])
MXLogVerbose(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] processQueuedEvents: Skip event: %@, state: %tu", self, queuedEvent.event.eventId, queuedEvent.event.sentState);
// Count events received while the server sync was in progress
if (queuedEvent.serverSyncEvent)
serverSyncEventCount ++;
// Check whether the event must be highlighted
[self checkBing:queuedEvent.event];
// Retrieve the MXKCellData class to manage the data
Class class = [self cellDataClassForCellIdentifier:kMXKRoomBubbleCellDataIdentifier];
NSAssert([class conformsToProtocol:@protocol(MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring)], @"MXKRoomDataSource only manages MXKCellData that conforms to MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring protocol");
BOOL eventManaged = NO;
BOOL updatedBubbleDataHadNoDisplay = NO;
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData;
if ([class instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(addEvent:andRoomState:)] && 0 < self->bubblesSnapshot.count)
// Try to concatenate the event to the last or the oldest bubble?
if (queuedEvent.direction == MXTimelineDirectionBackwards)
bubbleData = self->bubblesSnapshot.firstObject;
bubbleData = self->bubblesSnapshot.lastObject;
@synchronized (bubbleData)
updatedBubbleDataHadNoDisplay = bubbleData.hasNoDisplay;
eventManaged = [bubbleData addEvent:queuedEvent.event andRoomState:queuedEvent.state];
if (NO == eventManaged)
// The event has not been concatenated to an existing cell, create a new bubble for this event
bubbleData = [[class alloc] initWithEvent:queuedEvent.event andRoomState:queuedEvent.state andRoomDataSource:self];
if (!bubbleData)
// The event is ignored
// Check cells collapsing
if (bubbleData.hasAttributedTextMessage)
if (bubbleData.collapsable)
if (queuedEvent.direction == MXTimelineDirectionBackwards)
// Try to collapse it with the series at the start of self.bubbles
if (self->collapsableSeriesAtStart && [self->collapsableSeriesAtStart collapseWith:bubbleData])
// bubbleData becomes the oldest cell data of the current series
self->collapsableSeriesAtStart.prevCollapsableCellData = bubbleData;
bubbleData.nextCollapsableCellData = self->collapsableSeriesAtStart;
// The new cell must have the collapsed state as the series
bubbleData.collapsed = self->collapsableSeriesAtStart.collapsed;
// Release data of the previous header
self->collapsableSeriesAtStart.collapseState = nil;
self->collapsableSeriesAtStart.collapsedAttributedTextMessage = nil;
[collapsingCellDataSeriess removeObject:self->collapsableSeriesAtStart];
// And keep a ref of data for the new start of the series
self->collapsableSeriesAtStart = bubbleData;
self->collapsableSeriesAtStart.collapseState = queuedEvent.state;
[collapsingCellDataSeriess addObject:self->collapsableSeriesAtStart];
// This is a ending point for a new collapsable series of cells
self->collapsableSeriesAtStart = bubbleData;
self->collapsableSeriesAtStart.collapseState = queuedEvent.state;
[collapsingCellDataSeriess addObject:self->collapsableSeriesAtStart];
// Try to collapse it with the series at the end of self.bubbles
if (self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd && [self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd collapseWith:bubbleData])
// Put bubbleData at the series tail
// Find the tail
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> tailBubbleData = self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd;
while (tailBubbleData.nextCollapsableCellData)
tailBubbleData = tailBubbleData.nextCollapsableCellData;
tailBubbleData.nextCollapsableCellData = bubbleData;
bubbleData.prevCollapsableCellData = tailBubbleData;
// The new cell must have the collapsed state as the series
bubbleData.collapsed = tailBubbleData.collapsed;
// If the start of the collapsible series stems from an event in a different processing
// batch, we need to track it here so that we can update the summary string later
if (![collapsingCellDataSeriess containsObject:self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd]) {
[collapsingCellDataSeriess addObject:self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd];
// This is a starting point for a new collapsable series of cells
self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd = bubbleData;
self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd.collapseState = queuedEvent.state;
[collapsingCellDataSeriess addObject:self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd];
// The new bubble is not collapsable.
// We can close one border of the current series being built (if any)
if (queuedEvent.direction == MXTimelineDirectionBackwards && self->collapsableSeriesAtStart)
// This is the begin border of the series
self->collapsableSeriesAtStart = nil;
else if (queuedEvent.direction == MXTimelineDirectionForwards && self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd)
// This is the end border of the series
self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd = nil;
if (queuedEvent.direction == MXTimelineDirectionBackwards)
// The new bubble data will be inserted at first position.
// We have to update the 'isPaginationFirstBubble' and 'shouldHideSenderInformation' flags of the current first bubble.
// Pagination handling
if ((self.bubblesPagination == MXKRoomDataSourceBubblesPaginationPerDay) && bubbleData.date)
// A new pagination starts with this new bubble data
bubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble = YES;
// Check whether the current first displayed pagination title is still relevant.
if (self->bubblesSnapshot.count)
NSInteger index = 0;
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> previousFirstBubbleDataWithDate;
NSString *firstBubbleDateString;
while (index < self->bubblesSnapshot.count)
previousFirstBubbleDataWithDate = self->bubblesSnapshot[index++];
firstBubbleDateString = [self.eventFormatter dateStringFromDate:previousFirstBubbleDataWithDate.date withTime:NO];
if (firstBubbleDateString)
if (firstBubbleDateString)
NSString *bubbleDateString = [self.eventFormatter dateStringFromDate:bubbleData.date withTime:NO];
previousFirstBubbleDataWithDate.isPaginationFirstBubble = (bubbleDateString && ![firstBubbleDateString isEqualToString:bubbleDateString]);
bubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble = NO;
// Sender information are required for this new first bubble data,
// except if the bubble has no display (composed only by ignored events).
bubbleData.shouldHideSenderInformation = bubbleData.hasNoDisplay;
// Check whether this information is relevant for the current first bubble.
if (!bubbleData.shouldHideSenderInformation && self->bubblesSnapshot.count)
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> previousFirstBubbleData = self->bubblesSnapshot.firstObject;
if (previousFirstBubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble == NO)
// Check whether the current first bubble has been sent by the same user.
previousFirstBubbleData.shouldHideSenderInformation |= [previousFirstBubbleData hasSameSenderAsBubbleCellData:bubbleData];
// Insert the new bubble data in first position
[self->bubblesSnapshot insertObject:bubbleData atIndex:0];
// The new bubble data will be added at the last position
// We have to update its 'isPaginationFirstBubble' and 'shouldHideSenderInformation' flags according to the previous last bubble.
// Pagination handling
if (self.bubblesPagination == MXKRoomDataSourceBubblesPaginationPerDay)
// Check whether a new pagination starts at this bubble
NSString *bubbleDateString = [self.eventFormatter dateStringFromDate:bubbleData.date withTime:NO];
// Look for the current last bubble with date
NSInteger index = self->bubblesSnapshot.count;
NSString *lastBubbleDateString;
while (index--)
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> previousLastBubbleData = self->bubblesSnapshot[index];
lastBubbleDateString = [self.eventFormatter dateStringFromDate:previousLastBubbleData.date withTime:NO];
if (lastBubbleDateString)
if (lastBubbleDateString)
bubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble = (bubbleDateString && ![bubbleDateString isEqualToString:lastBubbleDateString]);
bubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble = (bubbleDateString != nil);
bubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble = NO;
// Check whether the sender information is relevant for this new bubble.
bubbleData.shouldHideSenderInformation = bubbleData.hasNoDisplay;
if (!bubbleData.shouldHideSenderInformation && self->bubblesSnapshot.count && (bubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble == NO))
// Check whether the previous bubble has been sent by the same user.
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> previousLastBubbleData = self->bubblesSnapshot.lastObject;
bubbleData.shouldHideSenderInformation = [bubbleData hasSameSenderAsBubbleCellData:previousLastBubbleData];
// Insert the new bubble in last position
[self->bubblesSnapshot addObject:bubbleData];
else if (updatedBubbleDataHadNoDisplay && !bubbleData.hasNoDisplay)
// Here the event has been added in an existing bubble data which had no display,
// and the added event provides a display to this bubble data.
if (queuedEvent.direction == MXTimelineDirectionBackwards)
// The bubble is the first one.
// Pagination handling
if ((self.bubblesPagination == MXKRoomDataSourceBubblesPaginationPerDay) && bubbleData.date)
// A new pagination starts with this bubble data
bubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble = YES;
// Look for the first next bubble with date to check whether its pagination title is still relevant.
if (self->bubblesSnapshot.count)
NSInteger index = 1;
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> nextBubbleDataWithDate;
NSString *firstNextBubbleDateString;
while (index < self->bubblesSnapshot.count)
nextBubbleDataWithDate = self->bubblesSnapshot[index++];
firstNextBubbleDateString = [self.eventFormatter dateStringFromDate:nextBubbleDataWithDate.date withTime:NO];
if (firstNextBubbleDateString)
if (firstNextBubbleDateString)
NSString *bubbleDateString = [self.eventFormatter dateStringFromDate:bubbleData.date withTime:NO];
nextBubbleDataWithDate.isPaginationFirstBubble = (bubbleDateString && ![firstNextBubbleDateString isEqualToString:bubbleDateString]);
bubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble = NO;
// Sender information are required for this new first bubble data
bubbleData.shouldHideSenderInformation = NO;
// Check whether this information is still relevant for the next bubble.
if (self->bubblesSnapshot.count > 1)
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> nextBubbleData = self->bubblesSnapshot[1];
if (nextBubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble == NO)
// Check whether the current first bubble has been sent by the same user.
nextBubbleData.shouldHideSenderInformation |= [nextBubbleData hasSameSenderAsBubbleCellData:bubbleData];
// The bubble data is the last one
// Pagination handling
if (self.bubblesPagination == MXKRoomDataSourceBubblesPaginationPerDay)
// Check whether a new pagination starts at this bubble
NSString *bubbleDateString = [self.eventFormatter dateStringFromDate:bubbleData.date withTime:NO];
// Look for the first previous bubble with date
NSInteger index = self->bubblesSnapshot.count - 1;
NSString *firstPreviousBubbleDateString;
while (index--)
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> previousBubbleData = self->bubblesSnapshot[index];
firstPreviousBubbleDateString = [self.eventFormatter dateStringFromDate:previousBubbleData.date withTime:NO];
if (firstPreviousBubbleDateString)
if (firstPreviousBubbleDateString)
bubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble = (bubbleDateString && ![bubbleDateString isEqualToString:firstPreviousBubbleDateString]);
bubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble = (bubbleDateString != nil);
bubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble = NO;
// Check whether the sender information is relevant for this new bubble.
bubbleData.shouldHideSenderInformation = NO;
if (self->bubblesSnapshot.count && (bubbleData.isPaginationFirstBubble == NO))
// Check whether the previous bubble has been sent by the same user.
NSInteger index = self->bubblesSnapshot.count - 1;
if (index--)
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> previousBubbleData = self->bubblesSnapshot[index];
bubbleData.shouldHideSenderInformation = [bubbleData hasSameSenderAsBubbleCellData:previousBubbleData];
[self updateCellDataReactions:bubbleData forEventId:queuedEvent.event.eventId];
// Store event-bubble link to the map
@synchronized (self->eventIdToBubbleMap)
self->eventIdToBubbleMap[queuedEvent.event.eventId] = bubbleData;
if (queuedEvent.event.isLocalEvent)
// Listen to the identifier change for the local events.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(localEventDidChangeIdentifier:) name:kMXEventDidChangeIdentifierNotification object:queuedEvent.event];
for (MXKQueuedEvent *queuedEvent in self->eventsToProcessSnapshot)
[self addReadReceiptsForEvent:queuedEvent.event.eventId
startingAtCellData:self->eventIdToBubbleMap[queuedEvent.event.eventId] completion:^{
// Check if all cells of self.bubbles belongs to a single collapse series.
// In this case, collapsableSeriesAtStart and collapsableSeriesAtEnd must be equal
// in order to handle next forward or backward pagination.
if (self->collapsableSeriesAtStart && self->collapsableSeriesAtStart == self->bubbles.firstObject)
// Find the tail
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> tailBubbleData = self->collapsableSeriesAtStart;
while (tailBubbleData.nextCollapsableCellData)
tailBubbleData = tailBubbleData.nextCollapsableCellData;
if (tailBubbleData == self->bubbles.lastObject)
self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd = self->collapsableSeriesAtStart;
else if (self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd)
// Find the start
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> startBubbleData = self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd;
while (startBubbleData.prevCollapsableCellData)
startBubbleData = startBubbleData.prevCollapsableCellData;
if (startBubbleData == self->bubbles.firstObject)
self->collapsableSeriesAtStart = self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd;
// Compose (= compute collapsedAttributedTextMessage) of collapsable seriess
for (id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData in collapsingCellDataSeriess)
// Get all events of the series
NSMutableArray<MXEvent*> *events = [NSMutableArray array];
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> nextBubbleData = bubbleData;
[events addObjectsFromArray:nextBubbleData.events];
while ((nextBubbleData = nextBubbleData.nextCollapsableCellData));
// Build the summary string for the series
bubbleData.collapsedAttributedTextMessage = [self.eventFormatter attributedStringFromEvents:events
// Release collapseState objects, even the one of collapsableSeriesAtStart.
// We do not need to keep its state because if an collapsable event comes before collapsableSeriesAtStart,
// we will take the room state of this event.
if (bubbleData != self->collapsableSeriesAtEnd)
bubbleData.collapseState = nil;
self->eventsToProcessSnapshot = nil;
// Check whether some events have been processed
if (self->bubblesSnapshot)
// Updated data can be displayed now
// Block MXKRoomDataSource.processingQueue while the processing is finalised on the main thread
dispatch_group_wait(dispatchGroup, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Check whether self has not been reloaded or destroyed
if (self.state == MXKDataSourceStateReady && self->bubblesSnapshot)
if (self.serverSyncEventCount)
self->_serverSyncEventCount -= serverSyncEventCount;
if (!self.serverSyncEventCount)
// Notify that sync process ends
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kMXKRoomDataSourceSyncStatusChanged object:self userInfo:nil];
if (self.secondaryRoom) {
[self->bubblesSnapshot sortWithOptions:NSSortStable
usingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(MXKRoomBubbleCellData * _Nonnull bubbleData1, MXKRoomBubbleCellData * _Nonnull bubbleData2) {
if (bubbleData1.date)
if (bubbleData2.date)
return [bubbleData1.date compare:bubbleData2.date];
return NSOrderedDescending;
if (bubbleData2.date)
return NSOrderedAscending;
return NSOrderedSame;
self->bubbles = self->bubblesSnapshot;
self->bubblesSnapshot = nil;
if (self.delegate)
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
// Check the memory usage of the data source. Reload it if the cache is too huge.
[self limitMemoryUsage:self.maxBackgroundCachedBubblesCount];
// Inform about the end if requested
if (onComplete)
onComplete(addedHistoryCellCount, addedLiveCellCount);
// No new event has been added, we just inform about the end if requested.
if (onComplete)
dispatch_group_notify(dispatchGroup, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
onComplete(0, 0);
Add the read receipts of an event into the timeline (which is in array of cell datas)
If the event is not displayed, read receipts will be added to a previous displayed message.
@param eventId the id of the event.
@param threadId the Id of the thread related of the event.
@param cellDatas the working array of cell datas.
@param cellData the original cell data the event belongs to.
@param completion completion block
- (void)addReadReceiptsForEvent:(NSString*)eventId
threadId:(NSString *)threadId
completion:(void (^)(void))completion
if (self.showBubbleReceipts)
if (self.room)
[self.room getEventReceipts:eventId threadId:threadId sorted:YES completion:^(NSArray<MXReceiptData *> * _Nonnull readReceipts) {
if (readReceipts.count)
NSInteger cellDataIndex = [cellDatas indexOfObject:cellData];
if (cellDataIndex != NSNotFound)
[self addReadReceipts:readReceipts forEvent:eventId inCellDatas:cellDatas atCellDataIndex:cellDataIndex];
if (!RiotSettings.shared.enableThreads)
// If threads are disabled, we may have several threaded RR with same userId
// but different threadId within the same timeline.
// We just need to keep the latest one.
[self clearDuplicatedReadReceiptsInCellDatas:cellDatas];
if (completion)
else if (completion)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
else if (completion)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
- (void)addReadReceipts:(NSArray<MXReceiptData*> *)readReceipts forEvent:(NSString*)eventId inCellDatas:(NSArray<id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring>>*)cellDatas atCellDataIndex:(NSInteger)cellDataIndex
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> cellData = cellDatas[cellDataIndex];
if ([cellData isKindOfClass:MXKRoomBubbleCellData.class])
MXKRoomBubbleCellData *roomBubbleCellData = (MXKRoomBubbleCellData*)cellData;
BOOL areReadReceiptsAssigned = NO;
for (MXKRoomBubbleComponent *component in roomBubbleCellData.bubbleComponents.reverseObjectEnumerator)
if (component.attributedTextMessage)
if (roomBubbleCellData.readReceipts[component.event.eventId])
NSArray<MXReceiptData*> *currentReadReceipts = roomBubbleCellData.readReceipts[component.event.eventId];
NSMutableArray<MXReceiptData*> *newReadReceipts = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:currentReadReceipts];
for (MXReceiptData *readReceipt in readReceipts)
BOOL alreadyHere = NO;
for (MXReceiptData *currentReadReceipt in currentReadReceipts)
if ([readReceipt.userId isEqualToString:currentReadReceipt.userId])
alreadyHere = YES;
if (!alreadyHere)
[newReadReceipts addObject:readReceipt];
[self updateCellData:roomBubbleCellData withReadReceipts:newReadReceipts forEventId:component.event.eventId];
[self updateCellData:roomBubbleCellData withReadReceipts:readReceipts forEventId:component.event.eventId];
areReadReceiptsAssigned = YES;
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] addReadReceipts: Read receipts for an event(%@) that is not displayed", self, eventId);
if (!areReadReceiptsAssigned)
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] addReadReceipts: Try to attach read receipts to an older message: %@", self, eventId);
// Try to assign RRs to a previous cell data
if (cellDataIndex >= 1)
[self addReadReceipts:readReceipts forEvent:eventId inCellDatas:cellDatas atCellDataIndex:cellDataIndex - 1];
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] addReadReceipts: Fail to attach read receipts for an event(%@)", self, eventId);
Clear all potential duplicated RR with same user ID within a given list of cell data.
This is needed for client with threads disabled in order to clean threaded RRs.
@param cellDatas the working array of cell datas.
- (void)clearDuplicatedReadReceiptsInCellDatas:(NSArray<id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring>>*)cellDatas
NSMutableSet<NSString *> *seenUserIds = [NSMutableSet set];
for (id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> cellData in cellDatas.reverseObjectEnumerator)
if ([cellData isKindOfClass:MXKRoomBubbleCellData.class])
MXKRoomBubbleCellData *roomBubbleCellData = (MXKRoomBubbleCellData*)cellData;
for (MXKRoomBubbleComponent *component in roomBubbleCellData.bubbleComponents)
if (component.attributedTextMessage)
if (roomBubbleCellData.readReceipts[component.event.eventId])
NSArray<MXReceiptData*> *currentReadReceipts = roomBubbleCellData.readReceipts[component.event.eventId];
NSMutableArray<MXReceiptData*> *newReadReceipts = [NSMutableArray array];
for (MXReceiptData *readReceipt in currentReadReceipts)
if (![seenUserIds containsObject:readReceipt.userId])
[newReadReceipts addObject:readReceipt];
[seenUserIds addObject:readReceipt.userId];
[self updateCellData:roomBubbleCellData withReadReceipts:newReadReceipts forEventId:component.event.eventId];
#pragma mark - UITableViewDataSource
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
// PATCH: Presently no bubble must be displayed until the user joins the room.
// FIXME: Handle room data source in case of room preview
if (self.room.summary.membership == MXMembershipInvite)
return 0;
NSInteger count;
count = bubbles.count;
return count;
- (void)scanBubbleDataIfNeeded:(id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring>)bubbleData
MXScanManager *scanManager = self.mxSession.scanManager;
if (!scanManager && ![bubbleData isKindOfClass:MXKRoomBubbleCellData.class])
MXKRoomBubbleCellData *roomBubbleCellData = (MXKRoomBubbleCellData*)bubbleData;
NSString *contentURL = roomBubbleCellData.attachment.contentURL;
// If the content url corresponds to an upload id, the upload is in progress or not complete.
// Create a fake event scan with in progress status when uploading media.
// Since there is no event scan in database it will be overriden by MXScanManager on media upload complete.
if (contentURL && [contentURL hasPrefix:kMXMediaUploadIdPrefix])
MXKRoomBubbleComponent *firstBubbleComponent = roomBubbleCellData.bubbleComponents.firstObject;
MXEvent *firstBubbleComponentEvent = firstBubbleComponent.event;
if (firstBubbleComponent && firstBubbleComponent.eventScan.antivirusScanStatus != MXAntivirusScanStatusInProgress && firstBubbleComponentEvent)
MXEventScan *uploadEventScan = [MXEventScan new];
uploadEventScan.eventId = firstBubbleComponentEvent.eventId;
uploadEventScan.antivirusScanStatus = MXAntivirusScanStatusInProgress;
uploadEventScan.antivirusScanDate = nil;
uploadEventScan.mediaScans = @[];
firstBubbleComponent.eventScan = uploadEventScan;
for (MXKRoomBubbleComponent *bubbleComponent in roomBubbleCellData.bubbleComponents)
MXEvent *event = bubbleComponent.event;
if ([event isContentScannable])
[scanManager scanEventIfNeeded:event];
// NOTE: - [MXScanManager scanEventIfNeeded:] perform modification in background, so - [MXScanManager eventScanWithId:] do not retrieve the last state of event scan.
// It is noticeable when eventScan should be created for the first time. It would be better to return an eventScan with an in progress scan status instead of nil.
MXEventScan *eventScan = [scanManager eventScanWithId:event.eventId];
bubbleComponent.eventScan = eventScan;
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
UITableViewCell<MXKCellRendering> *cell;
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData = [self cellDataAtIndex:indexPath.row];
// Launch an antivirus scan on events contained in bubble data if needed
[self scanBubbleDataIfNeeded:bubbleData];
if (bubbleData && self.delegate)
// Retrieve the cell identifier according to cell data.
NSString *identifier = [self.delegate cellReuseIdentifierForCellData:bubbleData];
if (identifier)
cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:identifier forIndexPath:indexPath];
// Make sure we listen to user actions on the cell
cell.delegate = self;
// Update typing flag before rendering
bubbleData.isTyping = _showTypingNotifications && currentTypingUsers && ([currentTypingUsers indexOfObject:bubbleData.senderId] != NSNotFound);
// Report the current timestamp display option
bubbleData.showBubbleDateTime = self.showBubblesDateTime;
// display the read receipts
bubbleData.showBubbleReceipts = self.showBubbleReceipts;
// let the caller application manages the time label?
bubbleData.useCustomDateTimeLabel = self.useCustomDateTimeLabel;
// let the caller application manages the receipt?
bubbleData.useCustomReceipts = self.useCustomReceipts;
// let the caller application manages the unsent button?
bubbleData.useCustomUnsentButton = self.useCustomUnsentButton;
// Make the bubble display the data
[cell render:bubbleData];
// Sanity check: this method may be called during a layout refresh while room data have been modified.
if (!cell)
// Return an empty cell
return [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:@"fakeCell"];
return cell;
#pragma mark - MXScanManager notifications
- (void)registerScanManagerNotifications
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:MXScanManagerEventScanDidChangeNotification object:nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(eventScansDidChange:) name:MXScanManagerEventScanDidChangeNotification object:nil];
- (void)unregisterScanManagerNotifications
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:MXScanManagerEventScanDidChangeNotification object:nil];
- (void)eventScansDidChange:(NSNotification*)notification
// TODO: Avoid to call the delegate to often. Set a minimum time interval to avoid table view flickering.
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
#pragma mark - Reactions
- (void)registerReactionsChangeListener
if (!self.showReactions || reactionsChangeListener)
reactionsChangeListener = [self.mxSession.aggregations listenToReactionCountUpdateInRoom:self.roomId block:^(NSDictionary<NSString *,MXReactionCountChange *> * _Nonnull changes) {
BOOL updated = NO;
for (NSString *eventId in changes)
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData = [self cellDataOfEventWithEventId:eventId];
if (bubbleData)
// TODO: Be smarted and use changes[eventId]
[self updateCellDataReactions:bubbleData forEventId:eventId];
updated = YES;
if (updated)
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
- (void)unregisterReactionsChangeListener
if (reactionsChangeListener)
[self.mxSession.aggregations removeListener:reactionsChangeListener];
reactionsChangeListener = nil;
- (void)updateCellDataReactions:(id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring>)cellData forEventId:(NSString*)eventId
if (!self.showReactions || ![cellData isKindOfClass:MXKRoomBubbleCellData.class])
MXKRoomBubbleCellData *roomBubbleCellData = (MXKRoomBubbleCellData*)cellData;
MXAggregatedReactions *aggregatedReactions = [self.mxSession.aggregations aggregatedReactionsOnEvent:eventId inRoom:self.roomId].aggregatedReactionsWithNonZeroCount;
if (self.showOnlySingleEmojiReactions)
aggregatedReactions = aggregatedReactions.aggregatedReactionsWithSingleEmoji;
if (aggregatedReactions)
if (!roomBubbleCellData.reactions)
roomBubbleCellData.reactions = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
roomBubbleCellData.reactions[eventId] = aggregatedReactions;
// unreaction
roomBubbleCellData.reactions[eventId] = nil;
// Indicate that the text message layout should be recomputed.
[roomBubbleCellData invalidateTextLayout];
- (BOOL)canReactToEventWithId:(NSString*)eventId
BOOL canReact = NO;
MXEvent *event = [self eventWithEventId:eventId];
if ([self canPerformActionOnEvent:event])
NSString *messageType = event.content[kMXMessageTypeKey];
if ([messageType isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeKeyVerificationRequest])
canReact = NO;
canReact = YES;
return canReact;
- (void)addReaction:(NSString *)reaction forEventId:(NSString *)eventId success:(void (^)(void))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
[self.mxSession.aggregations addReaction:reaction forEvent:eventId inRoom:self.roomId success:success failure:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] Fail to send reaction on eventId: %@", self, eventId);
if (failure)
- (void)removeReaction:(NSString *)reaction forEventId:(NSString *)eventId success:(void (^)(void))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
[self.mxSession.aggregations removeReaction:reaction forEvent:eventId inRoom:self.roomId success:success failure:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
MXLogDebug(@"[MXKRoomDataSource][%p] Fail to unreact on eventId: %@", self, eventId);
if (failure)
#pragma mark - Editions
- (BOOL)canEditEventWithId:(NSString*)eventId
MXEvent *event = [self eventWithEventId:eventId];
BOOL isRoomMessage = event.eventType == MXEventTypeRoomMessage;
NSString *messageType = event.content[kMXMessageTypeKey];
return isRoomMessage
&& ([messageType isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeText] || [messageType isEqualToString:kMXMessageTypeEmote])
&& [event.sender isEqualToString:self.mxSession.myUserId]
&& [event.roomId isEqualToString:self.roomId];
- (NSString*)editableTextMessageForEvent:(MXEvent*)event
NSString *editableTextMessage;
if (event.isReplyEvent)
MXReplyEventParser *replyEventParser = [MXReplyEventParser new];
MXReplyEventParts *replyEventParts = [replyEventParser parse:event];
editableTextMessage = replyEventParts.bodyParts.replyText;
editableTextMessage = event.content[kMXMessageBodyKey];
return editableTextMessage;
- (void)registerEventEditsListener
if (eventEditsListener)
eventEditsListener = [self.mxSession.aggregations listenToEditsUpdateInRoom:self.roomId block:^(MXEvent * _Nonnull replaceEvent) {
[self updateEventWithReplaceEvent:replaceEvent];
- (void)updateEventWithReplaceEvent:(MXEvent*)replaceEvent
NSString *editedEventId = replaceEvent.relatesTo.eventId;
dispatch_async(MXKRoomDataSource.processingQueue, ^{
// Check whether a message contains the edited event
id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleData = [self cellDataOfEventWithEventId:editedEventId];
if (bubbleData)
BOOL hasChanged = [self updateCellData:bubbleData forEditionWithReplaceEvent:replaceEvent andEventId:editedEventId];
if (hasChanged)
// Update the delegate on main thread
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (self.delegate)
[self.delegate dataSource:self didCellChange:nil];
- (void)unregisterEventEditsListener
if (eventEditsListener)
[self.mxSession.aggregations removeListener:eventEditsListener];
eventEditsListener = nil;
- (BOOL)refreshRepliesWithUpdatedEventId:(NSString*)updatedEventId
BOOL hasChanged = NO;
@synchronized (bubbles) {
for (id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubbleCellData in bubbles)
for (MXEvent *event in bubbleCellData.events)
if ([event.relatesTo.inReplyTo.eventId isEqual:updatedEventId])
[bubbleCellData updateEvent:event.eventId withEvent:event];
[bubbleCellData invalidateTextLayout];
hasChanged = YES;
return hasChanged;
- (BOOL)updateCellData:(id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring>)bubbleCellData forEditionWithReplaceEvent:(MXEvent*)replaceEvent andEventId:(NSString*)eventId
BOOL hasChanged = NO;
hasChanged = [self refreshRepliesWithUpdatedEventId:eventId];
@synchronized (bubbleCellData)
// Retrieve the original event to edit it
NSArray *events = bubbleCellData.events;
MXEvent *editedEvent = nil;
// If not already done, update edited event content in-place
// This is required for:
// - local echo
// - non live timeline in memory store (permalink)
for (MXEvent *event in events)
if ([event.eventId isEqualToString:eventId])
// Check whether the event was not already edited
if (![event.unsignedData.relations.replace.eventId isEqualToString:replaceEvent.eventId])
editedEvent = [event editedEventFromReplacementEvent:replaceEvent];
if (editedEvent)
if (editedEvent.sentState != replaceEvent.sentState)
// Relay the replace event state to the edited event so that the display
// of the edited will rerun the classic sending color flow.
// Note: this must be done on the main thread (this operation triggers
// the call of [self eventDidChangeSentState])
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
editedEvent.sentState = replaceEvent.sentState;
[bubbleCellData updateEvent:eventId withEvent:editedEvent];
[bubbleCellData invalidateTextLayout];
hasChanged = YES;
return hasChanged;
- (void)replaceTextMessageForEvent:(MXEvent*)event
withTextMessage:(NSString *)text
success:(void (^)(NSString *))success
failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
NSString *sanitizedText = [self sanitizedMessageText:text];
NSString *formattedText = [self htmlMessageFromSanitizedText:sanitizedText];
NSString *eventBody = event.content[kMXMessageBodyKey];
NSString *eventFormattedBody = event.content[@"formatted_body"];
if (![sanitizedText isEqualToString:eventBody] && (!eventFormattedBody || ![formattedText isEqualToString:eventFormattedBody]))
[self.mxSession.aggregations replaceTextMessageEvent:event withTextMessage:sanitizedText formattedText:formattedText localEchoBlock:^(MXEvent * _Nonnull replaceEventLocalEcho) {
// Apply the local echo to the timeline
[self updateEventWithReplaceEvent:replaceEventLocalEcho];
// Integrate the replace local event into the timeline like when sending a message
// This also allows to manage read receipt on this replace event
[self queueEventForProcessing:replaceEventLocalEcho withRoomState:self.roomState direction:MXTimelineDirectionForwards];
[self processQueuedEvents:nil];
} success:success failure:failure];
#pragma mark - Virtual Rooms
- (void)virtualRoomsDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
// update secondary room id
self.secondaryRoomId = [self.mxSession virtualRoomOf:self.roomId];
#pragma mark - Use Only Latest Profiles
Refresh avatars and display names (AKA profiles) if needed.
- (void)refreshProfilesIfNeeded
@synchronized (bubbles) {
for (id<MXKRoomBubbleCellDataStoring> bubble in bubbles)
[bubble refreshProfilesIfNeeded:self.roomState];