
312 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
extension RoomDataSource {
// MARK: - Private Constants
private enum Constants {
static let emoteMessageSlashCommandPrefix = String(format: "%@ ", MXKSlashCommand.emote.cmd)
// MARK: - NSAttributedString Sending
/// Send a text message to the room.
/// While sending, a fake event will be echoed in the messages list.
/// Once complete, this local echo will be replaced by the event saved by the homeserver.
/// - Parameters:
/// - attributedText: the attributed text to send
/// - completion: http operation completion block
func sendAttributedTextMessage(_ attributedText: NSAttributedString,
completion: @escaping (MXResponse<String?>) -> Void) {
var localEcho: MXEvent?
let isEmote = isAttributedTextMessageAnEmote(attributedText)
let sanitized = sanitizedAttributedMessageText(attributedText)
let rawText: String
let html: String? = htmlMessageFromSanitizedAttributedText(sanitized)
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
rawText = PillsFormatter.stringByReplacingPills(in: sanitized)
} else {
rawText = sanitized.string
if isEmote {
formattedText: html,
threadId: self.threadId,
localEcho: &localEcho,
completion: completion)
} else {
formattedText: html,
threadId: self.threadId,
localEcho: &localEcho,
completion: completion)
if localEcho != nil {
self.queueEvent(forProcessing: localEcho, with: self.roomState, direction: .forwards)
// MARK: - NSAttributedString Sending
/// Send a text message to the room.
/// While sending, a fake event will be echoed in the messages list.
/// Once complete, this local echo will be replaced by the event saved by the homeserver.
/// - Parameters:
/// - rawText: the raw text to send
/// - html: the formatted html to send
/// - completion: http operation completion block
func sendFormattedTextMessage(_ rawText: String,
html: String,
completion: @escaping (MXResponse<String?>) -> Void) {
var localEcho: MXEvent?
formattedText: html,
threadId: self.threadId,
localEcho: &localEcho,
completion: completion)
if localEcho != nil {
self.queueEvent(forProcessing: localEcho, with: self.roomState, direction: .forwards)
/// Send a reply to an event with text message to the room.
/// While sending, a fake event will be echoed in the messages list.
/// Once complete, this local echo will be replaced by the event saved by the homeserver.
/// - Parameters:
/// - eventToReply: the event to reply
/// - attributedText: the attributed text to send
/// - completion: http operation completion block
func sendReply(to eventToReply: MXEvent,
withAttributedTextMessage attributedText: NSAttributedString,
completion: @escaping (MXResponse<String?>) -> Void) {
let sanitized = sanitizedAttributedMessageText(attributedText)
let rawText: String
let html: String? = htmlMessageFromSanitizedAttributedText(sanitized)
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
rawText = PillsFormatter.stringByReplacingPills(in: sanitized)
} else {
rawText = sanitized.string
handleFormattedSendReply(to: eventToReply, rawText: rawText, html: html, completion: completion)
/// Send a reply to an event with a html formatted text message to the room.
/// While sending, a fake event will be echoed in the messages list.
/// Once complete, this local echo will be replaced by the event saved by the homeserver.
/// - Parameters:
/// - eventToReply: the event to reply
/// - rawText: the raw text to send
/// - htmlText: the html text to send
/// - completion: http operation completion block
func sendReply(to eventToReply: MXEvent,
rawText: String,
htmlText: String,
completion: @escaping (MXResponse<String?>) -> Void) {
handleFormattedSendReply(to: eventToReply, rawText: rawText, html: htmlText, completion: completion)
/// Replace a text in an event.
/// - Parameters:
/// - event: The event to replace
/// - attributedText: The new attributed message text
/// - success: A block object called when the operation succeeds. It returns the event id of the event generated on the homeserver
/// - failure: A block object called when the operation fails
func replaceAttributedTextMessage(for event: MXEvent,
withAttributedTextMessage attributedText: NSAttributedString,
success: @escaping ((String?) -> Void),
failure: @escaping ((Error?) -> Void)) {
let sanitized = sanitizedAttributedMessageText(attributedText)
let rawText: String
let html: String? = htmlMessageFromSanitizedAttributedText(sanitized)
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
rawText = PillsFormatter.stringByReplacingPills(in: sanitized)
} else {
rawText = sanitized.string
handleReplaceFormattedMessage(for: event, rawText: rawText, html: html, success: success, failure: failure)
/// Replace a formatted html text in an event
/// - Parameters:
/// - event: The event to replace
/// - rawText: The new rawText
/// - html: The new html text
/// - success: A block object called when the operation succeeds. It returns the event id of the event generated on the homeserver
/// - failure: A block object called when the operation fails
func replaceFormattedTextMessage( for event: MXEvent,
rawText: String,
html: String,
success: @escaping ((String?) -> Void),
failure: @escaping ((Error?) -> Void)) {
handleReplaceFormattedMessage(for: event, rawText: rawText, html: html, success: success, failure: failure)
/// Retrieve editable attributed text message from an event.
/// - Parameter event: the event
/// - Returns: event attributed text editable by user
@objc func editableAttributedTextMessage(for event: MXEvent) -> NSAttributedString? {
let editableTextMessage: NSAttributedString?
if event.isReply() {
let body: String
if let newContent = event.content[kMXMessageContentKeyNewContent] as? [String: Any] {
// Use new content if available.
body = newContent["formatted_body"] as? String ?? newContent[kMXMessageBodyKey] as? String ?? ""
} else {
// Otherwise parse MXReply.
let parser = MXReplyEventParser()
let replyEventParts = parser.parse(event)
body = replyEventParts?.formattedBodyParts?.replyText ?? replyEventParts?.bodyParts.replyText ?? ""
let attributed = eventFormatter.renderHTMLString(body, for: event, with: nil, andLatestRoomState: nil)
if let attributed = attributed, #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
editableTextMessage = PillsFormatter.insertPills(in: attributed,
withSession: self.mxSession,
eventFormatter: self.eventFormatter,
event: event,
roomState: self.roomState,
andLatestRoomState: nil,
isEditMode: true)
} else {
editableTextMessage = attributed
} else {
let body: String = event.content["formatted_body"] as? String ?? event.content["body"] as? String ?? ""
let attributed = eventFormatter.renderHTMLString(body, for: event, with: nil, andLatestRoomState: nil)
if let attributed = attributed, #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
editableTextMessage = PillsFormatter.insertPills(in: attributed,
withSession: self.mxSession,
eventFormatter: self.eventFormatter,
event: event,
roomState: self.roomState,
andLatestRoomState: nil,
isEditMode: true)
} else {
editableTextMessage = attributed
return editableTextMessage
@objc func editableHtmlTextMessage(for event: MXEvent) -> String {
event.content["formatted_body"] as? String ?? event.content["body"] as? String ?? ""
// MARK: - Private Helpers
private extension RoomDataSource {
func sanitizedAttributedMessageText(_ attributedString: NSAttributedString) -> NSAttributedString {
let newAttr = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: attributedString)
newAttr.mutableString.replaceOccurrences(of: String(format: "%C", 0x00000000), with: "", range: .init(location: 0, length: newAttr.length))
if isAttributedTextMessageAnEmote(attributedString) {
// Remove "/me " string
newAttr.mutableString.replaceCharacters(in: .init(location: 0, length: Constants.emoteMessageSlashCommandPrefix.count),
with: "")
return newAttr
func htmlMessageFromSanitizedAttributedText(_ sanitizedText: NSAttributedString) -> String? {
let rawText: String
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
rawText = PillsFormatter.stringByReplacingPills(in: sanitizedText, mode: .markdown)
} else {
rawText = sanitizedText.string
let html = eventFormatter.htmlString(fromMarkdownString: rawText)
return html == sanitizedText.string ? nil : html
func isAttributedTextMessageAnEmote(_ attributedText: NSAttributedString) -> Bool {
return attributedText.string.starts(with: Constants.emoteMessageSlashCommandPrefix)
func handleReplaceFormattedMessage(for event: MXEvent,
rawText: String,
html: String?,
success: @escaping ((String?) -> Void),
failure: @escaping ((Error?) -> Void)) {
let eventBody = event.content[kMXMessageBodyKey] as? String
let eventFormattedBody = event.content["formatted_body"] as? String
if rawText != eventBody && (eventFormattedBody == nil || html != eventFormattedBody) {
withTextMessage: rawText,
formattedText: html,
localEcho: { localEcho in
// Apply the local echo to the timeline
self.updateEvent(withReplace: localEcho)
// Integrate the replace local event into the timeline like when sending a message
// This also allows to manage read receipt on this replace event
self.queueEvent(forProcessing: localEcho, with: self.roomState, direction: .forwards)
success: success,
failure: failure)
} else {
func handleFormattedSendReply(to eventToReply: MXEvent,
rawText: String,
html: String?,
completion: @escaping (MXResponse<String?>) -> Void) {
var localEcho: MXEvent?
let stringLocalizer: MXSendReplyEventStringLocalizerProtocol = MXKSendReplyEventStringLocalizer()
room.sendReply(to: eventToReply,
textMessage: rawText,
formattedTextMessage: html,
stringLocalizer: stringLocalizer,
threadId: self.threadId,
localEcho: &localEcho,
completion: completion)
if localEcho != nil {
self.queueEvent(forProcessing: localEcho, with: self.roomState, direction: .forwards)