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// Copyright 2021-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
// Please see LICENSE in the repository root for full details.
import RiotSwiftUI
import XCTest
class AuthenticationChoosePasswordUITests: MockScreenTestCase {
func testEmptyPassword() {
XCTAssertTrue(app.staticTexts["titleLabel"].exists, "The title should be shown.")
XCTAssertTrue(app.staticTexts["messageLabel"].exists, "The message should be shown.")
let passwordTextField = app.secureTextFields["passwordTextField"]
XCTAssertTrue(passwordTextField.exists, "The text field should be shown.")
XCTAssertEqual(passwordTextField.label, "New Password", "The text field should be showing the placeholder before text is input.")
let submitButton = app.buttons["submitButton"]
XCTAssertTrue(submitButton.exists, "The submit button should be shown.")
XCTAssertFalse(submitButton.isEnabled, "The submit button should be disabled before text is input.")
let signoutAllDevicesToggle = app.switches["signoutAllDevicesToggle"]
XCTAssertTrue(signoutAllDevicesToggle.exists, "Sign out all devices toggle should exist")
XCTAssertFalse(signoutAllDevicesToggle.isOn, "Sign out all devices should be unchecked")
func testEnteredInvalidPassword() {
XCTAssertTrue(app.staticTexts["titleLabel"].exists, "The title should be shown.")
XCTAssertTrue(app.staticTexts["messageLabel"].exists, "The message should be shown.")
let passwordTextField = app.secureTextFields["passwordTextField"]
XCTAssertTrue(passwordTextField.exists, "The text field should be shown.")
XCTAssertEqual(passwordTextField.value as? String, "••••", "The text field should be showing the placeholder before text is input.")
let submitButton = app.buttons["submitButton"]
XCTAssertTrue(submitButton.exists, "The submit button should be shown.")
XCTAssertFalse(submitButton.isEnabled, "The submit button should be disabled when password is invalid.")
let signoutAllDevicesToggle = app.switches["signoutAllDevicesToggle"]
XCTAssertTrue(signoutAllDevicesToggle.exists, "Sign out all devices toggle should exist")
XCTAssertFalse(signoutAllDevicesToggle.isOn, "Sign out all devices should be unchecked")
func testEnteredValidPassword() {
XCTAssertTrue(app.staticTexts["titleLabel"].exists, "The title should be shown.")
XCTAssertTrue(app.staticTexts["messageLabel"].exists, "The message should be shown.")
let passwordTextField = app.secureTextFields["passwordTextField"]
XCTAssertTrue(passwordTextField.exists, "The text field should be shown.")
XCTAssertEqual(passwordTextField.value as? String, "••••••••", "The text field should be showing the placeholder before text is input.")
let submitButton = app.buttons["submitButton"]
XCTAssertTrue(submitButton.exists, "The submit button should be shown.")
XCTAssertTrue(submitButton.isEnabled, "The submit button should be enabled after password is valid.")
let signoutAllDevicesToggle = app.switches["signoutAllDevicesToggle"]
XCTAssertTrue(signoutAllDevicesToggle.exists, "Sign out all devices toggle should exist")
XCTAssertFalse(signoutAllDevicesToggle.isOn, "Sign out all devices should be unchecked")
func testEnteredValidPasswordAndSignoutAllDevicesChecked() {
XCTAssertTrue(app.staticTexts["titleLabel"].exists, "The title should be shown.")
XCTAssertTrue(app.staticTexts["messageLabel"].exists, "The message should be shown.")
let passwordTextField = app.secureTextFields["passwordTextField"]
XCTAssertTrue(passwordTextField.exists, "The text field should be shown.")
XCTAssertEqual(passwordTextField.value as? String, "••••••••", "The text field should be showing the placeholder before text is input.")
let submitButton = app.buttons["submitButton"]
XCTAssertTrue(submitButton.exists, "The submit button should be shown.")
XCTAssertTrue(submitButton.isEnabled, "The submit button should be enabled after password is valid.")
let signoutAllDevicesToggle = app.switches["signoutAllDevicesToggle"]
XCTAssertTrue(signoutAllDevicesToggle.exists, "Sign out all devices toggle should exist")
XCTAssertTrue(signoutAllDevicesToggle.isOn, "Sign out all devices should be checked")
extension XCUIElement {
var isOn: Bool {
(value as? String) == "1"