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// Copyright 2021-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
// Please see LICENSE in the repository root for full details.
import RiotSwiftUI
import XCTest
class AuthenticationRegistrationUITests: MockScreenTestCase {
func testMatrixDotOrg() {
let state = "matrix.org"
validateRegistrationFormIsVisible(for: state)
validateSSOButtonsAreShown(for: state)
validateFallbackButtonIsHidden(for: state)
validateUnknownUsernameAvailability(for: state)
validateNoPasswordErrorsAreShown(for: state)
func testPasswordOnly() {
let state = "a password only server"
validateRegistrationFormIsVisible(for: state)
validateSSOButtonsAreHidden(for: state)
validateFallbackButtonIsHidden(for: state)
validateNextButtonIsDisabled(for: state)
validateUnknownUsernameAvailability(for: state)
validateNoPasswordErrorsAreShown(for: state)
func testPasswordWithCredentials() {
let state = "a password only server with credentials entered"
validateRegistrationFormIsVisible(for: state)
validateSSOButtonsAreHidden(for: state)
validateFallbackButtonIsHidden(for: state)
validateNextButtonIsEnabled(for: state)
validateUsernameAvailable(for: state)
validateNoPasswordErrorsAreShown(for: state)
func testPasswordWithUsernameError() {
let state = "a password only server with an invalid username"
validateRegistrationFormIsVisible(for: state)
validateSSOButtonsAreHidden(for: state)
validateFallbackButtonIsHidden(for: state)
validateNextButtonIsDisabled(for: state)
validateUsernameError(for: state)
func testSSOOnly() {
let state = "an SSO only server"
validateRegistrationFormIsHidden(for: state)
validateSSOButtonsAreShown(for: state)
validateFallbackButtonIsHidden(for: state)
func testFallback() {
let state = "fallback"
validateRegistrationFormIsHidden(for: state)
validateSSOButtonsAreHidden(for: state)
validateFallbackButtonIsShown(for: state)
/// Checks that the username and password text fields are shown along with the next button.
func validateRegistrationFormIsVisible(for state: String) {
let usernameTextField = app.textFields.element
let passwordTextField = app.secureTextFields.element
let nextButton = app.buttons["nextButton"]
XCTAssertTrue(usernameTextField.exists, "Username input should be shown for \(state).")
XCTAssertTrue(passwordTextField.exists, "Password input should be shown for \(state).")
XCTAssertTrue(nextButton.exists, "The next button should be shown for \(state).")
/// Checks that the username and password text fields are hidden along with the next button.
func validateRegistrationFormIsHidden(for state: String) {
let usernameTextField = app.textFields.element
let passwordTextField = app.secureTextFields.element
let nextButton = app.buttons["nextButton"]
XCTAssertFalse(usernameTextField.exists, "Username input should not be shown for \(state).")
XCTAssertFalse(passwordTextField.exists, "Password input should not be shown for \(state).")
XCTAssertFalse(nextButton.exists, "The next button should not be shown for \(state).")
/// Checks that the fallback button is hidden.
func validateFallbackButtonIsHidden(for state: String) {
let fallbackButton = app.buttons["fallbackButton"]
XCTAssertFalse(fallbackButton.exists, "The fallback button should not be shown for \(state).")
/// Checks that the fallback button is hidden.
func validateFallbackButtonIsShown(for state: String) {
let fallbackButton = app.buttons["fallbackButton"]
XCTAssertTrue(fallbackButton.exists, "The fallback button should be shown for \(state).")
XCTAssertTrue(fallbackButton.isEnabled, "The fallback button should be enabled for \(state).")
/// Checks that there is at least one SSO button shown on the screen.
func validateSSOButtonsAreShown(for state: String) {
let ssoButtons = app.buttons.matching(identifier: "ssoButton")
XCTAssertGreaterThan(ssoButtons.count, 0, "There should be at least 1 SSO button shown for \(state).")
/// Checks that no SSO buttons shown on the screen.
func validateSSOButtonsAreHidden(for state: String) {
let ssoButtons = app.buttons.matching(identifier: "ssoButton")
XCTAssertEqual(ssoButtons.count, 0, "There should not be any SSO buttons shown for \(state).")
/// Checks that the next button is shown but is disabled.
func validateNextButtonIsDisabled(for state: String) {
let nextButton = app.buttons["nextButton"]
XCTAssertTrue(nextButton.exists, "The next button should be shown.")
XCTAssertFalse(nextButton.isEnabled, "The next button should be disabled for \(state).")
/// Checks that the next button is shown and is enabled.
func validateNextButtonIsEnabled(for state: String) {
let nextButton = app.buttons["nextButton"]
XCTAssertTrue(nextButton.exists, "The next button should be shown.")
XCTAssertTrue(nextButton.isEnabled, "The next button should be enabled for \(state).")
/// Checks that the username text field footer is showing an error.
func validateUsernameError(for state: String) {
let usernameFooter = textFieldFooter(for: "usernameTextField")
XCTAssertTrue(usernameFooter.exists, "The username footer should be shown for \(state).")
XCTAssertEqual(usernameFooter.label, VectorL10n.authInvalidUserName, "The username footer should be showing an error for \(state).")
func validateUsernameAvailable(for state: String) {
let usernameFooter = textFieldFooter(for: "usernameTextField")
XCTAssertTrue(usernameFooter.exists, "The username footer should be shown for \(state).")
XCTAssertTrue(usernameFooter.label.starts(with: VectorL10n.authenticationRegistrationUsernameFooterAvailable("")),
"The username footer should be showing the username as available for \(state).")
func validateUnknownUsernameAvailability(for state: String) {
let usernameFooter = textFieldFooter(for: "usernameTextField")
XCTAssertTrue(usernameFooter.exists, "The username footer should be shown for \(state).")
XCTAssertEqual(usernameFooter.label, VectorL10n.authenticationRegistrationUsernameFooter,
"The username footer should be showing the default message for \(state).")
/// Checks that neither the username or password text field footers are showing an error.
func validateNoPasswordErrorsAreShown(for state: String) {
let passwordFooter = textFieldFooter(for: "passwordTextField")
XCTAssertTrue(passwordFooter.exists, "The password footer should be shown for \(state).")
XCTAssertEqual(passwordFooter.label, VectorL10n.authenticationRegistrationPasswordFooter,
"The password footer should be showing the default message for \(state).")
/// Gets the text field footer for the supplied identifier.
func textFieldFooter(for identifier: String) -> XCUIElement {
let matches = app.staticTexts.matching(identifier: identifier)
return matches.element(boundBy: matches.count - 1)