97 lines
2.8 KiB
97 lines
2.8 KiB
This plugin adds `ReStructuredText`_ support to `Jekyll`_ and `Octopress`_.
It renders ReST in posts and pages, and provides a custom directive to
support Octopress-compatible syntax highlighting.
* Jekyll *or* Octopress >= 2.0
* Docutils
* Pygments
* `RbST`_
1. Install Docutils and Pygments.
The most convenient way is to use virtualenv_burrito:
$ curl -s https://raw.github.com/brainsik/virtualenv-burrito/master/virtualenv-burrito.sh | bash
$ source /Users/xdissent/.venvburrito/startup.sh
$ mkvirtualenv jekyll-rst
$ pip install docutils pygments
2. Install RbST.
If you use `bundler`_ with Octopress, add ``gem 'RbST'`` to
your ``Gemfile`` in the ``development`` group, then run
``bundle install``. Otherwise, ``gem install RbST``.
3. Install the plugin.
For Jekyll:
$ cd <jekyll-project-path>
$ git submodule add https://github.com/xdissent/jekyll-rst.git _plugins/jekyll-rst
For Octopress:
$ cd <octopress-project-path>
$ git submodule add https://github.com/xdissent/jekyll-rst.git plugins/jekyll-rst
4. Start blogging in ReStructuredText. Any file with the ``.rst`` extension
will be parsed as ReST and rendered into HTML.
.. note:: Be sure to activate the ``jekyll-rst`` virtualenv before generating
the site by issuing a ``workon jekyll-rst``. I suggest you follow `Harry
Marr's advice`_ and create a ``.venv`` file that will automatically
activate the ``jekyll-rst`` virtualenv when you ``cd`` into your project.
Source Code Highlighting
A ``code-block`` ReST directive is registered and aliased as ``sourcecode``.
It adds syntax highlighting to code blocks in your documents::
.. code-block:: ruby
# Output "I love ReST"
say = "I love ReST"
puts say
Optional arguments exist to supply a caption, link, and link title::
.. code-block:: console
:caption: Read Hacker News on a budget
:url: http://news.ycombinator.com
:title: Hacker News
$ curl http://news.ycombinator.com | less
Octopress already includes style sheets for syntax highlighting, but you'll
need to generate one yourself if using Jekyll::
$ pygmentize -S default -f html > css/pygments.css
Octopress Tips
* Use ``.. more`` in your ReST documents to indicate where Octopress's
``excerpt`` tag should split your content for summary views.
.. _ReStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html
.. _Jekyll: http://jekyllrb.com/
.. _Octopress: http://octopress.com/
.. _RbST: http://rubygems.org/gems/RbST
.. _bundler: http://gembundler.com/
.. _Harry Marr's advice: http://hmarr.com/2010/jan/19/making-virtualenv-play-nice-with-git/ |