
222 lines
7.6 KiB

import logging
import os
import re
import sys
from typing import Any, List
import yaml
from matrix_reminder_bot.errors import ConfigError
logger = logging.getLogger()
) # Prevent debug messages from peewee lib
class DatabaseConfig:
def __init__(self):
# The type of database. Supported types are 'sqlite' and 'postgres'
self.type: str = ""
self.connection_string: str = ""
class Config:
def __init__(self):
filepath: Path to the config file
# TODO: Add some comments for each of these
# TODO: Also ensure that this commit diff is sane. Did I replace config everywhere?
self.database: DatabaseConfig = DatabaseConfig()
self.store_path: str = ""
self.user_id: str = ""
self.user_password: str = ""
self.device_id: str = ""
self.device_name: str = ""
self.homeserver_url: str = ""
self.command_prefix: str = ""
self.timezone: str = ""
self.allowlist_enabled: bool = False
self.allowlist_regexes: list[re.Pattern] = []
self.blocklist_enabled: bool = False
self.blocklist_regexes: list[re.Pattern] = []
def read_config(self, filepath: str):
if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
raise ConfigError(f"Config file '{filepath}' does not exist")
# Load in the config file at the given filepath
with open(filepath) as file_stream:
self.config = yaml.safe_load(
# Logging setup
formatter = logging.Formatter(
"%(asctime)s | %(name)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s"
log_level = self._get_cfg(["logging", "level"], default="INFO")
file_logging_enabled = self._get_cfg(
["logging", "file_logging", "enabled"], default=False
file_logging_filepath = self._get_cfg(
["logging", "file_logging", "filepath"], default="bot.log"
if file_logging_enabled:
handler = logging.FileHandler(file_logging_filepath)
console_logging_enabled = self._get_cfg(
["logging", "console_logging", "enabled"], default=True
if console_logging_enabled:
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
# Storage setup
database_path = self._get_cfg(["storage", "database"], required=True)
# We support both SQLite and Postgres backends
# Determine which one the user intends
sqlite_scheme = "sqlite://"
postgres_scheme = "postgres://"
if database_path.startswith(sqlite_scheme):
self.database.type = "sqlite"
self.database.connection_string = database_path[len(sqlite_scheme) :]
elif database_path.startswith(postgres_scheme):
self.database.type = "postgres"
self.database.connection_string = database_path
raise ConfigError("Invalid connection string for storage.database")
self.store_path = self._get_cfg(["storage", "store_path"], default="store")
# Create the store folder if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.isdir(self.store_path):
if not os.path.exists(self.store_path):
raise ConfigError(
f"storage.store_path '{self.store_path}' is not a directory"
# Matrix bot account setup
user_id = self._get_cfg(["matrix", "user_id"], required=True)
if not re.match("@.*:.*", user_id):
raise ConfigError("matrix.user_id must be in the form @name:domain")
self.user_id = user_id
self.user_password = self._get_cfg(["matrix", "user_password"], required=True)
self.device_id = self._get_cfg(["matrix", "device_id"], required=True)
self.device_name = self._get_cfg(
["matrix", "device_name"], default="nio-template"
self.homeserver_url = self._get_cfg(["matrix", "homeserver_url"], required=True)
self.command_prefix = self._get_cfg(["command_prefix"], default="!")
# Reminder configuration
self.timezone = self._get_cfg(["reminders", "timezone"], default="Etc/UTC")
# Allowlist configuration
allowlist_enabled = self._get_cfg(["allowlist", "enabled"], required=True)
if not isinstance(allowlist_enabled, bool):
raise ConfigError("allowlist.enabled must be a boolean value")
self.allowlist_enabled = allowlist_enabled
self.allowlist_regexes = self._compile_regexes(
["allowlist", "regexes"], required=True
# Blocklist configuration
blocklist_enabled = self._get_cfg(["blocklist", "enabled"], required=True)
if not isinstance(blocklist_enabled, bool):
raise ConfigError("blocklist.enabled must be a boolean value")
self.blocklist_enabled = blocklist_enabled
self.blocklist_regexes = self._compile_regexes(
["blocklist", "regexes"], required=True
def _compile_regexes(
self, path: list[str], required: bool = True
) -> list[re.Pattern]:
"""Compile a config option containing a list of strings into re.Pattern objects.
path: The path to the config option.
required: True, if the config option is mandatory.
A list of re.Pattern objects.
- If required is specified, but the config option does not exist.
- If the config option is not a list of strings.
- If the config option contains an invalid regular expression.
readable_path = ".".join(path)
regex_strings = self._get_cfg(path, required=required) # raises ConfigError
if not isinstance(regex_strings, list) or (
isinstance(regex_strings, list)
and any(not isinstance(x, str) for x in regex_strings)
raise ConfigError(f"{readable_path} must be a list of strings")
compiled_regexes = []
for regex in regex_strings:
except re.error as e:
raise ConfigError(
f"'{e.pattern}' contained in {readable_path} is not a valid regular expression"
return compiled_regexes
def _get_cfg(
path: List[str],
default: Any = None,
required: bool = True,
) -> Any:
"""Get a config option from a path and option name, specifying whether it is
ConfigError: If required is specified and the object is not found
(and there is no default value provided), this error will be raised
# Sift through the config until we reach our option
config = self.config
for name in path:
config = config.get(name)
# If at any point we don't get our expected option...
if config is None:
# Raise an error if it was required
if required and not default:
raise ConfigError(f"Config option {'.'.join(path)} is required")
# or return the default value
return default
# We found the option. Return it
return config
CONFIG: Config = Config()