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How to release matrix-synapse-ldap3

Releasing matrix-synapse-ldap3 involves bumping the version number, creating a new tag on Github, then uploading release packages to PyPi.

You will need push access to this repo as well as an account on PyPi with push access to the matrix-synapse-ldap3 package.

You will need to install the build and twine packages.

  1. Edit the __version__ variable of to the new release version. This repository uses Semantic Versioning.

  2. Set a variable to the version number for convenience:

    ver=$(python3 -c 'import ldap_auth_provider; print(ldap_auth_provider.__version__)')
  3. Push your changes:

    git add -u && git commit -m $ver && git push
  4. Create a signed git tag for the release:

    git tag -s v$ver

    Set the first line of the message to vX.Y.Z, and the rest to the changes since the last release (hint: git log --pretty=%s --reverse v<old ver>...)

  5. Push the tag:

    git push origin tag v$ver
  6. Build and upload to PyPI:

    python -m build
    twine upload dist/matrix-synapse-ldap3-$ver.tar.gz dist/matrix_synapse_ldap3-$ver-py3-none-any.whl
  7. Create release on GH project page:
