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summary: Guest cannot join even if they know the URL
created: 2016-06-26 22:38:09.0
creator: rickcogley
description: |-
Hello - thank you for Matrix, Vector, Synapse.
Ultimately I'd like to be able to enable "live chat" on my website, allowing visitors to connect to a specific room, with a presence message showing whether it's office hours or not.
For now, a URL to a vector room will work for me. However when I try to set that up, I cannot get it to work. Here's what I tried.
In Chrome:
* set up test room in my synapse home server using, set it accessible to "Anyone who knows the room's link, including guests", and set its address.
* connect to test room using user A in, the admin who made the room and did its settings.
* connect to test room using user B via attached to my homeserver.
In firefox,
* access the room's URL on my homeserver, not logged into my homeserver
* see the "You are trying to access a room. Would you like to join in order to participate in the discussion?" message, and click "join"
* returns "It is not currently possible to re-join an empty room."
What I expect is, when I click join without being logged in, that it will smoothly let me join.
What I'd really like, as a feature request, is to _not_ have to ask users to click anything at all, since some non-English-speakers will have trouble just reading that one sentence.
Hope this explains it and please advise if it does not. Thanks!
id: '12720'
key: ORG-55
number: '55'
priority: '3'
project: '10003'
reporter: rickcogley
resolution: '3'
resolutiondate: 2016-06-27 22:39:50.0
status: '5'
type: '1'
updated: 2016-06-28 12:45:45.0
votes: '0'
watches: '2'
workflowId: '12820'
- author: rickcogley
body: |-
I was logged into a different homeserver in another tab in Firefox, so, what I observe is a bit different now.
I logged out of the other tab, then refreshed the test room URL.
When I click "join", it asks what I'd like my username to be. I accept the default it suggests.
Then I get:
"Failed to join the room. This room is private or inaccessible to guests. You may be able to join if you register."
However, the room is set as guest-accessible, confirming both in room settings, and, homeserver "" site (on 8448) settings for that room.
created: 2016-06-26 22:41:57.0
id: '13018'
issue: '12720'
type: comment
updateauthor: rickcogley
updated: 2016-06-26 22:41:57.0
- author: rickcogley
body: I tried making a second room, and I get the same thing twice.
created: 2016-06-26 22:42:31.0
id: '13019'
issue: '12720'
type: comment
updateauthor: rickcogley
updated: 2016-06-26 22:42:31.0
- author: richvdh
body: |-
Indeed this should work; it's quite an important flow to us too. However, I think you're running into at least three problems.
1. For quite a long time, there was a bug in Vector which (sometimes) made it give the "It is not currently possible to re-join an empty room" when you (as a logged-in user) tried to join a room over federation. This was and should be fixed by now, in the latest version of Vector.
2. Guest access doesn't work over federation; this is SYN-655 and as I've commented there, I personally am not really sure why not.
3. This isn't actually something you mention here, but peeking into a room (ie, being able to read the content of the room before you join it - or even before you register a guest username) also doesn't work. This is a long-standing and somewhat tricky bug; I've just raised SYN-715 as a place to track it.
One final suggestion which might help with your usecase: how about hosting your own copy of Vector (it's only static javascript) which uses your homeserver by default? I think that will then Just Work.
created: 2016-06-27 22:38:41.0
id: '13025'
issue: '12720'
type: comment
updateauthor: richvdh
updated: 2016-06-27 22:38:41.0
- author: rickcogley
body: Hosting my own is no problem. I'll try that Richard. Thanks!
created: 2016-06-27 23:47:41.0
id: '13026'
issue: '12720'
type: comment
updateauthor: rickcogley
updated: 2016-06-27 23:47:41.0
- author: rickcogley
body: |-
Just a heads up to close the loop:
I installed my own vector, and it does work to allow the "join" link to work correctly.
There were some problems with VoIP, which required that the private vector be served on httpS rather than straight httP. That's fixed, and it's all working.
However, this still does not help with the problem of there being any link at all to click. It would be best if we can specify a way to "force join" the room immediately.
created: 2016-06-28 12:45:45.0
id: '13027'
issue: '12720'
type: comment
updateauthor: rickcogley
updated: 2016-06-28 12:45:45.0