39 lines
939 B

summary: don't keep the event stream open when the app is closed
created: 2015-07-28 18:19:08.0
creator: neb
description: |-
Submitted by
later builds on develop are sucking my battery because there is an open tcp connection from the app. See bug report I sent.
id: '11769'
key: SYAND-108
number: '108'
priority: '1'
project: '10201'
reporter: neb
resolution: '1'
resolutiondate: 2015-07-29 07:58:08.0
status: '5'
type: '1'
updated: 2015-07-29 07:58:08.0
votes: '0'
watches: '2'
workflowId: '11870'
- author: m-ylecollen
body: |-
the steps to reproduce
1- the application is active and there is a network connection
2- the network connection is lost
3- the application is put in background
4- the network connection is retrieved -
created: 2015-07-29 07:57:58.0
id: '12035'
issue: '11769'
type: comment
updateauthor: m-ylecollen
updated: 2015-07-29 07:57:58.0