37 lines
925 B

summary: Number of unread messages disappears when entering another room
created: 2015-03-04 19:36:52.0
creator: bob
description: |-
There are new messages in two room.
When entering the first room and afterwards going back to the overview (list) of the rooms, the number of unread message in room 2 disappeared even if I only entered room 1.
id: '11154'
key: SYAND-33
number: '33'
priority: '3'
project: '10201'
reporter: bob
resolution: '1'
resolutiondate: 2015-03-05 10:45:35.0
status: '5'
type: '1'
updated: 2015-03-05 10:45:35.0
votes: '0'
watches: '2'
workflowId: '11254'
- author: m-ylecollen
body: |-
This issue was only triggered when the back button in the navigation bar is tapped.
It was fine with the android back button.
created: 2015-03-05 10:38:49.0
id: '11346'
issue: '11154'
type: comment
updateauthor: m-ylecollen
updated: 2015-03-05 10:38:49.0