28 lines
811 B

summary: 'Console: In-App notifications does not work since changes in push rules spec'
assignee: manu
created: 2015-03-13 11:13:23.0
creator: gforet
description: |-
Since last changes in push rules handling, matrixSDK receives the following rule in first position in override section:
{"actions" = ( "dont_notify"); "conditions" = (); "default" = 1; "enabled" = 0; "rule_id" = ".m.rule.master";}
Matrix SDK does not support the field `enabled` into rules definition. So no In-App notification is triggered because of this first rule.
id: '11218'
key: SYIOS-107
number: '107'
priority: '1'
project: '10200'
reporter: gforet
resolution: '1'
resolutiondate: 2015-03-13 14:17:20.0
status: '5'
type: '1'
updated: 2015-03-13 14:17:20.0
votes: '0'
watches: '1'
workflowId: '11318'
actions: null