128 lines
9.0 KiB

summary: Synapse config makes debianising package difficult
created: 2015-06-16 17:17:43.0
creator: leonerd
description: |-
The current arrangement of the config file makes building a debian package somewhat harder than it probably ought to be.
Of specific note is the fact that a single default config file cannot be shipped in the package, because it would have to specify a hostname. Instead, one has to be created by the administrator after it's installed.
However, the default new config file will want to place things like the PID file and {{media_store}} directory next to the config file, as siblings in the directory. Given as this directory would be {{/etc/matrix-synapse}} in a debian package, that is non-ideal.
Ideally the PID file lives in {{/var/run/synapse}} and the media store is somewhere under {{/var/lib/synapse}}
id: '11658'
key: SYN-420
number: '420'
priority: '3'
project: '10000'
reporter: leonerd
resolution: '1'
resolutiondate: 2015-08-07 17:57:25.0
status: '5'
type: '4'
updated: 2015-08-07 17:57:25.0
votes: '0'
watches: '2'
workflowId: '11759'
- author: leonerd
body: Actually there's a suggestion (yet to be confirmed) that {{generate-config}} can read an existing config file as a template. So if that's the case that may suffice.
created: 2015-08-06 10:16:53.0
id: '12053'
issue: '11658'
type: comment
updateauthor: leonerd
updated: 2015-08-06 10:16:53.0
- author: leonerd
body: |-
$ /usr/bin/python -m "" --config-path /etc/matrix-synapse/homeserver.yaml --generate-config
Must specify a server_name to a generate config for.
My config file already has the server name in it; why do I need to specify it a second time?
Maybe it would be better to have a {{--generate-keys}} instead?
created: 2015-08-06 17:18:48.0
id: '12054'
issue: '11658'
type: comment
updateauthor: leonerd
updated: 2015-08-06 17:18:48.0
- author: markjh
body: Yeah. That's not intended behaviour. It would probably be better --generate-config just handled the case where we wanted to generate a config file, and --generate-keys created the keys if they didn't exist.
created: 2015-08-06 17:29:40.0
id: '12055'
issue: '11658'
type: comment
updateauthor: markjh
updated: 2015-08-06 17:29:40.0
- author: leonerd
body: |-
Right. Some improvement. I now have a debian package that asks the user for server name via debconf and manages that in the config file. It generates keys on startup.
It's a bit noisy though:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/matrix-synapse restart
[....] Restarting matrix-synapse: matrix-synapseConfig file '/etc/matrix-synapse/homeserver.yaml' already exists
Generating any missing keys for ''
2015-08-06 17:31:29,973 - synapse.python_dependencies - 102 - INFO - - Using 'yaml' version '3.11' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/yaml/__init__.pyc' to satisfy 'pyyaml'
2015-08-06 17:31:29,973 - synapse.python_dependencies - 102 - INFO - - Using 'bcrypt' version None from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bcrypt/__init__.pyc' to satisfy 'py-bcrypt'
2015-08-06 17:31:29,973 - synapse.python_dependencies - 102 - INFO - - Using 'PIL' version None from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PIL/__init__.pyc' to satisfy 'pillow'
2015-08-06 17:31:29,973 - synapse.python_dependencies - 102 - INFO - - Using 'frozendict' version None from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/frozendict/__init__.pyc' to satisfy 'frozendict>=0.4'
2015-08-06 17:31:29,974 - synapse.python_dependencies - 102 - INFO - - Using 'syweb' version '0.6.6' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/syweb/__init__.pyc' to satisfy 'matrix_angular_sdk>=0.6.6'
2015-08-06 17:31:29,974 - synapse.python_dependencies - 102 - INFO - - Using 'OpenSSL' version '0.15.1' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/OpenSSL/__init__.pyc' to satisfy 'pyopenssl>=0.14'
2015-08-06 17:31:29,974 - synapse.python_dependencies - 102 - INFO - - Using 'twisted' version '14.0.2' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/__init__.pyc' to satisfy 'Twisted==14.0.2'
2015-08-06 17:31:29,974 - synapse.python_dependencies - 102 - INFO - - Using 'pydenticon' version None from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pydenticon/__init__.pyc' to satisfy 'pydenticon'
2015-08-06 17:31:29,974 - synapse.python_dependencies - 102 - INFO - - Using 'service_identity' version '1.0.0' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/service_identity/__init__.pyc' to satisfy 'service_identity>=1.0.0'
2015-08-06 17:31:29,974 - synapse.python_dependencies - 102 - INFO - - Using 'daemonize' version None from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/daemonize.pyc' to satisfy 'daemonize'
2015-08-06 17:31:29,974 - synapse.python_dependencies - 102 - INFO - - Using 'nacl' version '0.3.0' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nacl/__init__.pyc' to satisfy 'pynacl>=0.0.3'
2015-08-06 17:31:29,975 - synapse.python_dependencies - 102 - INFO - - Using 'syutil' version '0.0.7' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/syutil/__init__.pyc' to satisfy 'syutil>=0.0.7'
2015-08-06 17:31:29,975 - synapse.python_dependencies - 102 - INFO - - Using 'pyasn1' version '0.1.7' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyasn1/__init__.pyc' to satisfy 'pyasn1'
2015-08-06 17:31:29,975 - synapse.python_dependencies - 102 - INFO - - Using 'ujson' version '1.33' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/' to satisfy 'ujson'
2015-08-06 17:31:29,999 - - 423 - INFO - - Server hostname:
2015-08-06 17:31:29,999 - - 424 - INFO - - Server version: Synapse/0.9.2
2015-08-06 17:31:30,033 - - 177 - INFO - - Adding the web client.
2015-08-06 17:31:30,033 - - 196 - INFO - - Attaching <twisted.web.resource.EncodingResourceWrapper object at 0x7f91a15f3b90> to path /_matrix/client/api/v1
2015-08-06 17:31:30,034 - - 196 - INFO - - Attaching <twisted.web.resource.EncodingResourceWrapper object at 0x7f91a15f3e50> to path /_matrix/client/v2_alpha
2015-08-06 17:31:30,034 - - 196 - INFO - - Attaching <synapse.http.server.JsonResource object at 0x7f91a16a09d0> to path /_matrix/federation/v1
2015-08-06 17:31:30,034 - - 196 - INFO - - Attaching < instance at 0x7f91a15cd518> to path /_matrix/content
2015-08-06 17:31:30,034 - - 196 - INFO - - Attaching < instance at 0x7f91a15e6710> to path /_matrix/key/v1
2015-08-06 17:31:30,034 - - 196 - INFO - - Attaching < instance at 0x7f91a161fcb0> to path /_matrix/key/v2
2015-08-06 17:31:30,034 - - 196 - INFO - - Attaching < instance at 0x7f91a15c6290> to path /_matrix/media/v1
2015-08-06 17:31:30,035 - - 196 - INFO - - Attaching FilePath('/home/leo/src/matrix/deb/matrix-synapse-0.9.2/static') to path /_matrix/static
2015-08-06 17:31:30,035 - - 196 - INFO - - Attaching FilePath('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/syweb/webclient') to path /_matrix/client
2015-08-06 17:31:30,035 - - 454 - INFO - - Preparing database: {'args': {'cp_max': 1, 'cp_openfun': <bound method Sqlite3Engine.on_new_connection of < object at 0x7f91a7e5a4d0>>, 'check_same_thread': False, 'cp_min': 1, 'database': '/var/lib/matrix-synapse/homeserver.db'}, 'name': 'sqlite3'}...
2015-08-06 17:31:30,037 - - 476 - INFO - - Database prepared in {'args': {'cp_max': 1, 'cp_openfun': <bound method Sqlite3Engine.on_new_connection of < object at 0x7f91a7e5a4d0>>, 'check_same_thread': False, 'cp_min': 1, 'database': '/var/lib/matrix-synapse/homeserver.db'}, 'name': 'sqlite3'}.
2015-08-06 17:31:30,039 - twisted - 455 - INFO - - SynapseSite (TLS) starting on 8448
2015-08-06 17:31:30,039 - twisted - 455 - INFO - - Starting factory <__main__.SynapseSite instance at 0x7f91a15e6488>
2015-08-06 17:31:30,040 - - 265 - INFO - - Synapse now listening on port 8448
2015-08-06 17:31:30,040 - twisted - 455 - INFO - - SynapseSite starting on 8008
2015-08-06 17:31:30,040 - twisted - 455 - INFO - - Starting factory <__main__.SynapseSite instance at 0x7f91a15e6758>
2015-08-06 17:31:30,041 - - 277 - INFO - - Synapse now listening on port 8008
. ok
created: 2015-08-06 17:35:39.0
id: '12056'
issue: '11658'
type: comment
updateauthor: leonerd
updated: 2015-08-06 17:35:39.0
- author: leonerd
body: |-
These issues are now resolved by
created: 2015-08-07 17:57:25.0
id: '12057'
issue: '11658'
type: comment
updateauthor: leonerd
updated: 2015-08-07 17:57:25.0