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summary: Tor sees 1000 presence events on all clients on his HS whenever he restarts ivarbot
created: 2015-11-30 01:03:12.0
creator: matthew
description: |-
Tor runs his own HS. Whenever he restarts ivarbot (connected to it), his other clients receive ~1000 presence events: snippets of convo below:
<Tor> Something strange is happening here on my matrix-client
whenever I restart ivarbot, my other clients on the same server gets a 1000-entry eventstream with a bunch of presence messages
and many of them aren't even unique
debug output of json:
it comes in 3 chunks I think
3 different event responses
first one is almost all verkstad, but not quite
trying to load one of the URLs up in firefox for inspecting and it's complaining about invalid json, but it loads fine in jq.. so I'm still investigating
so the invalid json is error on my part
but why restarting one client resulsts in over 100k json presence events is still weird
id: '12152'
key: SYN-530
number: '530'
priority: '1'
project: '10000'
reporter: matthew
status: '10100'
type: '1'
updated: 2016-11-07 18:28:38.0
votes: '0'
watches: '2'
workflowId: '12255'
- author: matthew
body: |-
<Tor> "remember I told you about that account that is not on any rooms? Now I restarted ivarbot, which means full login+initialsync on that client. And now my bob-client got a presence updated with exactly 1000 entries in it. With most of them being offline
type: m.presence
presence: offline
created: 2015-12-01 12:36:54.0
id: '12392'
issue: '12152'
type: comment
updateauthor: matthew
updated: 2015-12-01 12:36:54.0
- author: richvdh
body: 'Migrated to github:'
created: 2016-11-07 18:28:38.0
id: '13735'
issue: '12152'
type: comment
updateauthor: richvdh
updated: 2016-11-07 18:28:38.0