39 lines
882 B

summary: Cannot reject invites from remote servers when the inviter has already left
created: 2016-03-19 19:03:57.0
creator: richvdh
description: |-
Steps to repeat:
* Send an invite to a room to a user on another HS
* Leave the room
* On the other account, reject the invite
* Nothing appears to happen (the room is still shown)
* Reject it again
id: '12568'
key: SYN-657
number: '657'
priority: '3'
project: '10000'
reporter: richvdh
resolution: '1'
resolutiondate: 2016-06-01 09:10:51.0
status: '5'
type: '1'
updated: 2016-06-01 09:11:10.0
votes: '0'
watches: '1'
workflowId: '12668'
- author: richvdh
body: Apparently [~erikj] fixed this in
created: 2016-06-01 09:10:51.0
id: '12933'
issue: '12568'
type: comment
updateauthor: richvdh
updated: 2016-06-01 09:10:51.0