mirror of https://github.com/mautrix/go.git
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// Copyright (c) 2023 Tulir Asokan
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package cryptohelper
import (
type CryptoHelper struct {
client *mautrix.Client
mach *crypto.OlmMachine
log zerolog.Logger
lock sync.RWMutex
pickleKey []byte
managedStateStore *sqlstatestore.SQLStateStore
unmanagedCryptoStore crypto.Store
dbForManagedStores *dbutil.Database
DecryptErrorCallback func(*event.Event, error)
LoginAs *mautrix.ReqLogin
ASEventProcessor crypto.ASEventProcessor
CustomPostDecrypt func(context.Context, *event.Event)
DBAccountID string
var _ mautrix.CryptoHelper = (*CryptoHelper)(nil)
// NewCryptoHelper creates a struct that helps a mautrix client struct with Matrix e2ee operations.
// The client and pickle key are always required. Additionally, you must either:
// - Provide a crypto.Store here and set a StateStore in the client, or
// - Provide a dbutil.Database here to automatically create missing stores.
// - Provide a string here to use it as a path to a SQLite database, and then automatically create missing stores.
// The same database may be shared across multiple clients, but note that doing that will allow all clients access to
// decryption keys received by any one of the clients. For that reason, the pickle key must also be same for all clients
// using the same database.
func NewCryptoHelper(cli *mautrix.Client, pickleKey []byte, store any) (*CryptoHelper, error) {
if len(pickleKey) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pickle key must be provided")
_, isExtensible := cli.Syncer.(mautrix.ExtensibleSyncer)
if !cli.SetAppServiceDeviceID && !isExtensible {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the client syncer must implement ExtensibleSyncer")
var managedStateStore *sqlstatestore.SQLStateStore
var dbForManagedStores *dbutil.Database
var unmanagedCryptoStore crypto.Store
switch typedStore := store.(type) {
case crypto.Store:
if cli.StateStore == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("when passing a crypto.Store to NewCryptoHelper, the client must have a state store set beforehand")
} else if _, isCryptoCompatible := cli.StateStore.(crypto.StateStore); !isCryptoCompatible {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the client state store must implement crypto.StateStore")
unmanagedCryptoStore = typedStore
case string:
db, err := dbutil.NewWithDialect(typedStore, "sqlite3")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dbForManagedStores = db
case *dbutil.Database:
dbForManagedStores = typedStore
return nil, fmt.Errorf("you must pass a *dbutil.Database or *crypto.StateStore to NewCryptoHelper")
log := cli.Log.With().Str("component", "crypto").Logger()
if cli.StateStore == nil && dbForManagedStores != nil {
managedStateStore = sqlstatestore.NewSQLStateStore(dbForManagedStores, dbutil.ZeroLogger(log.With().Str("db_section", "matrix_state").Logger()), false)
cli.StateStore = managedStateStore
} else if _, isCryptoCompatible := cli.StateStore.(crypto.StateStore); !isCryptoCompatible {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the client state store must implement crypto.StateStore")
return &CryptoHelper{
client: cli,
log: log,
pickleKey: pickleKey,
unmanagedCryptoStore: unmanagedCryptoStore,
managedStateStore: managedStateStore,
dbForManagedStores: dbForManagedStores,
DecryptErrorCallback: func(_ *event.Event, _ error) {},
}, nil
func (helper *CryptoHelper) Init(ctx context.Context) error {
if helper == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("crypto helper is nil")
syncer, ok := helper.client.Syncer.(mautrix.ExtensibleSyncer)
if !ok {
if !helper.client.SetAppServiceDeviceID {
return fmt.Errorf("the client syncer must implement ExtensibleSyncer")
var stateStore crypto.StateStore
if helper.managedStateStore != nil {
err := helper.managedStateStore.Upgrade(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to upgrade client state store: %w", err)
stateStore = helper.managedStateStore
} else {
stateStore = helper.client.StateStore.(crypto.StateStore)
var cryptoStore crypto.Store
if helper.unmanagedCryptoStore == nil {
managedCryptoStore := crypto.NewSQLCryptoStore(helper.dbForManagedStores, dbutil.ZeroLogger(helper.log.With().Str("db_section", "crypto").Logger()), helper.DBAccountID, helper.client.DeviceID, helper.pickleKey)
if helper.client.Store == nil {
helper.client.Store = managedCryptoStore
} else if _, isMemory := helper.client.Store.(*mautrix.MemorySyncStore); isMemory {
helper.client.Store = managedCryptoStore
err := managedCryptoStore.DB.Upgrade(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to upgrade crypto state store: %w", err)
cryptoStore = managedCryptoStore
} else {
cryptoStore = helper.unmanagedCryptoStore
shouldFindDeviceID := helper.LoginAs != nil || helper.unmanagedCryptoStore == nil
if rawCryptoStore, ok := cryptoStore.(*crypto.SQLCryptoStore); ok && shouldFindDeviceID {
storedDeviceID, err := rawCryptoStore.FindDeviceID(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to find existing device ID: %w", err)
if helper.LoginAs != nil && helper.LoginAs.Type == mautrix.AuthTypeAppservice && helper.client.SetAppServiceDeviceID {
if storedDeviceID == "" {
Str("username", helper.LoginAs.Identifier.User).
Msg("Logging in with appservice")
var resp *mautrix.RespLogin
resp, err = helper.client.Login(ctx, helper.LoginAs)
if err != nil {
return err
rawCryptoStore.DeviceID = resp.DeviceID
helper.client.DeviceID = resp.DeviceID
} else {
Str("username", helper.LoginAs.Identifier.User).
Stringer("device_id", storedDeviceID).
Msg("Using existing device")
rawCryptoStore.DeviceID = storedDeviceID
helper.client.DeviceID = storedDeviceID
} else if helper.LoginAs != nil {
if storedDeviceID != "" {
helper.LoginAs.DeviceID = storedDeviceID
helper.LoginAs.StoreCredentials = true
Str("username", helper.LoginAs.Identifier.User).
Str("device_id", helper.LoginAs.DeviceID.String()).
Msg("Logging in")
_, err = helper.client.Login(ctx, helper.LoginAs)
if err != nil {
return err
if storedDeviceID == "" {
rawCryptoStore.DeviceID = helper.client.DeviceID
} else if storedDeviceID != "" && storedDeviceID != helper.client.DeviceID {
return fmt.Errorf("mismatching device ID in client and crypto store (%q != %q)", storedDeviceID, helper.client.DeviceID)
} else if helper.LoginAs != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("LoginAs can only be used with a managed crypto store")
if helper.client.DeviceID == "" || helper.client.UserID == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("the client must be logged in")
helper.mach = crypto.NewOlmMachine(helper.client, &helper.log, cryptoStore, stateStore)
err := helper.mach.Load(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to load olm account: %w", err)
} else if err = helper.verifyDeviceKeysOnServer(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if syncer != nil {
syncer.OnEventType(event.StateMember, helper.mach.HandleMemberEvent)
if _, ok = helper.client.Syncer.(mautrix.DispatchableSyncer); ok {
syncer.OnEventType(event.EventEncrypted, helper.HandleEncrypted)
} else {
helper.log.Warn().Msg("Client syncer does not implement DispatchableSyncer. Events will not be decrypted automatically.")
if helper.managedStateStore != nil {
} else if helper.ASEventProcessor != nil {
helper.ASEventProcessor.On(event.EventEncrypted, helper.HandleEncrypted)
if helper.client.SetAppServiceDeviceID {
err = helper.mach.ShareKeys(ctx, -1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to share keys: %w", err)
return nil
func (helper *CryptoHelper) Close() error {
if helper != nil && helper.dbForManagedStores != nil {
err := helper.dbForManagedStores.Close()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (helper *CryptoHelper) Machine() *crypto.OlmMachine {
if helper == nil || helper.mach == nil {
panic("Machine() called before initing CryptoHelper")
return helper.mach
func (helper *CryptoHelper) verifyDeviceKeysOnServer(ctx context.Context) error {
helper.log.Debug().Msg("Making sure our device has the expected keys on the server")
resp, err := helper.client.QueryKeys(ctx, &mautrix.ReqQueryKeys{
DeviceKeys: map[id.UserID]mautrix.DeviceIDList{
helper.client.UserID: {helper.client.DeviceID},
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to query own keys to make sure device is properly configured: %w", err)
ownID := helper.mach.OwnIdentity()
isShared := helper.mach.GetAccount().Shared
device, ok := resp.DeviceKeys[helper.client.UserID][helper.client.DeviceID]
if !ok || len(device.Keys) == 0 {
if isShared {
return fmt.Errorf("olm account is marked as shared, keys seem to have disappeared from the server")
} else {
helper.log.Debug().Msg("Olm account not shared and keys not on server, so device is probably fine")
return nil
} else if !isShared {
return fmt.Errorf("olm account is not marked as shared, but there are keys on the server")
} else if ed := device.Keys.GetEd25519(helper.client.DeviceID); ownID.SigningKey != ed {
return fmt.Errorf("mismatching identity key on server (%q != %q)", ownID.SigningKey, ed)
if !isShared {
helper.log.Debug().Msg("Olm account not marked as shared, but keys on server match?")
} else {
helper.log.Debug().Msg("Olm account marked as shared and keys on server match, device is fine")
return nil
var NoSessionFound = crypto.NoSessionFound
const initialSessionWaitTimeout = 3 * time.Second
const extendedSessionWaitTimeout = 22 * time.Second
func (helper *CryptoHelper) HandleEncrypted(ctx context.Context, evt *event.Event) {
if helper == nil {
content := evt.Content.AsEncrypted()
// TODO use context log instead of helper?
log := helper.log.With().
Str("event_id", evt.ID.String()).
Str("session_id", content.SessionID.String()).
log.Debug().Msg("Decrypting received event")
ctx = log.WithContext(ctx)
decrypted, err := helper.Decrypt(ctx, evt)
if errors.Is(err, NoSessionFound) {
Int("wait_seconds", int(initialSessionWaitTimeout.Seconds())).
Msg("Couldn't find session, waiting for keys to arrive...")
if helper.mach.WaitForSession(ctx, evt.RoomID, content.SenderKey, content.SessionID, initialSessionWaitTimeout) {
log.Debug().Msg("Got keys after waiting, trying to decrypt event again")
decrypted, err = helper.Decrypt(ctx, evt)
} else {
go helper.waitLongerForSession(ctx, log, evt)
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to decrypt event")
helper.DecryptErrorCallback(evt, err)
helper.postDecrypt(ctx, decrypted)
func (helper *CryptoHelper) postDecrypt(ctx context.Context, decrypted *event.Event) {
decrypted.Mautrix.EventSource |= event.SourceDecrypted
if helper.CustomPostDecrypt != nil {
helper.CustomPostDecrypt(ctx, decrypted)
} else if helper.ASEventProcessor != nil {
helper.ASEventProcessor.Dispatch(ctx, decrypted)
} else {
helper.client.Syncer.(mautrix.DispatchableSyncer).Dispatch(ctx, decrypted)
func (helper *CryptoHelper) RequestSession(ctx context.Context, roomID id.RoomID, senderKey id.SenderKey, sessionID id.SessionID, userID id.UserID, deviceID id.DeviceID) {
if helper == nil {
defer helper.lock.RUnlock()
if deviceID == "" {
deviceID = "*"
// TODO get log from context
log := helper.log.With().
Str("session_id", sessionID.String()).
Str("user_id", userID.String()).
Str("device_id", deviceID.String()).
Str("room_id", roomID.String()).
err := helper.mach.SendRoomKeyRequest(ctx, roomID, senderKey, sessionID, "", map[id.UserID][]id.DeviceID{
userID: {deviceID},
helper.client.UserID: {"*"},
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to send key request")
} else {
log.Debug().Msg("Sent key request")
func (helper *CryptoHelper) waitLongerForSession(ctx context.Context, log zerolog.Logger, evt *event.Event) {
content := evt.Content.AsEncrypted()
log.Debug().Int("wait_seconds", int(extendedSessionWaitTimeout.Seconds())).Msg("Couldn't find session, requesting keys and waiting longer...")
go helper.RequestSession(context.TODO(), evt.RoomID, content.SenderKey, content.SessionID, evt.Sender, content.DeviceID)
if !helper.mach.WaitForSession(ctx, evt.RoomID, content.SenderKey, content.SessionID, extendedSessionWaitTimeout) {
log.Debug().Msg("Didn't get session, giving up")
helper.DecryptErrorCallback(evt, NoSessionFound)
log.Debug().Msg("Got keys after waiting longer, trying to decrypt event again")
decrypted, err := helper.Decrypt(ctx, evt)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to decrypt event")
helper.DecryptErrorCallback(evt, err)
helper.postDecrypt(ctx, decrypted)
func (helper *CryptoHelper) WaitForSession(ctx context.Context, roomID id.RoomID, senderKey id.SenderKey, sessionID id.SessionID, timeout time.Duration) bool {
if helper == nil {
return false
defer helper.lock.RUnlock()
return helper.mach.WaitForSession(ctx, roomID, senderKey, sessionID, timeout)
func (helper *CryptoHelper) Decrypt(ctx context.Context, evt *event.Event) (*event.Event, error) {
if helper == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("crypto helper is nil")
return helper.mach.DecryptMegolmEvent(ctx, evt)
func (helper *CryptoHelper) Encrypt(ctx context.Context, roomID id.RoomID, evtType event.Type, content any) (encrypted *event.EncryptedEventContent, err error) {
return helper.EncryptWithStateKey(ctx, roomID, evtType, nil, content)
func (helper *CryptoHelper) EncryptWithStateKey(ctx context.Context, roomID id.RoomID, evtType event.Type, stateKey *string, content any) (encrypted *event.EncryptedEventContent, err error) {
if helper == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("crypto helper is nil")
defer helper.lock.RUnlock()
encrypted, err = helper.mach.EncryptMegolmEventWithStateKey(ctx, roomID, evtType, stateKey, content)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, crypto.SessionExpired) && err != crypto.NoGroupSession && !errors.Is(err, crypto.SessionNotShared) {
Str("room_id", roomID.String()).
Msg("Got session error while encrypting event, sharing group session and trying again")
var users []id.UserID
users, err = helper.client.StateStore.GetRoomJoinedOrInvitedMembers(ctx, roomID)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to get room member list: %w", err)
} else if err = helper.mach.ShareGroupSession(ctx, roomID, users); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to share group session: %w", err)
} else if encrypted, err = helper.mach.EncryptMegolmEventWithStateKey(ctx, roomID, evtType, stateKey, content); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to encrypt event after re-sharing group session: %w", err)