
780 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2024 Tulir Asokan
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
package crypto
import (
// OlmMachine is the main struct for handling Matrix end-to-end encryption.
type OlmMachine struct {
Client *mautrix.Client
SSSS *ssss.Machine
Log *zerolog.Logger
CryptoStore Store
StateStore StateStore
BackgroundCtx context.Context
PlaintextMentions bool
// Never ask the server for keys automatically as a side effect during Megolm decryption.
DisableDecryptKeyFetching bool
// Don't mark outbound Olm sessions as shared for devices they were initially sent to.
DisableSharedGroupSessionTracking bool
SendKeysMinTrust id.TrustState
ShareKeysMinTrust id.TrustState
AllowKeyShare func(context.Context, *id.Device, event.RequestedKeyInfo) *KeyShareRejection
account *OlmAccount
roomKeyRequestFilled *sync.Map
keyVerificationTransactionState *sync.Map
keyWaiters map[id.SessionID]chan struct{}
keyWaitersLock sync.Mutex
// Optional callback which is called when we save a session to store
SessionReceived func(context.Context, id.RoomID, id.SessionID, uint32)
devicesToUnwedge map[id.IdentityKey]bool
devicesToUnwedgeLock sync.Mutex
recentlyUnwedged map[id.IdentityKey]time.Time
recentlyUnwedgedLock sync.Mutex
olmHashSavePoints []time.Time
lastHashDelete time.Time
olmHashSavePointLock sync.Mutex
olmLock sync.Mutex
megolmEncryptLock sync.Mutex
megolmDecryptLock sync.Mutex
otkUploadLock sync.Mutex
lastOTKUpload time.Time
receivedOTKsForSelf atomic.Bool
CrossSigningKeys *CrossSigningKeysCache
crossSigningPubkeys *CrossSigningPublicKeysCache
crossSigningPubkeysFetched bool
DeleteOutboundKeysOnAck bool
DontStoreOutboundKeys bool
DeletePreviousKeysOnReceive bool
RatchetKeysOnDecrypt bool
DeleteFullyUsedKeysOnDecrypt bool
DeleteKeysOnDeviceDelete bool
DisableRatchetTracking bool
DisableDeviceChangeKeyRotation bool
secretLock sync.Mutex
secretListeners map[string]chan<- string
// StateStore is used by OlmMachine to get room state information that's needed for encryption.
type StateStore interface {
// IsEncrypted returns whether a room is encrypted.
IsEncrypted(context.Context, id.RoomID) (bool, error)
// GetEncryptionEvent returns the encryption event's content for an encrypted room.
GetEncryptionEvent(context.Context, id.RoomID) (*event.EncryptionEventContent, error)
// FindSharedRooms returns the encrypted rooms that another user is also in for a user ID.
FindSharedRooms(context.Context, id.UserID) ([]id.RoomID, error)
// NewOlmMachine creates an OlmMachine with the given client, logger and stores.
func NewOlmMachine(client *mautrix.Client, log *zerolog.Logger, cryptoStore Store, stateStore StateStore) *OlmMachine {
if log == nil {
logPtr := zerolog.Nop()
log = &logPtr
mach := &OlmMachine{
Client: client,
SSSS: ssss.NewSSSSMachine(client),
Log: log,
CryptoStore: cryptoStore,
StateStore: stateStore,
BackgroundCtx: context.Background(),
SendKeysMinTrust: id.TrustStateUnset,
ShareKeysMinTrust: id.TrustStateCrossSignedTOFU,
roomKeyRequestFilled: &sync.Map{},
keyVerificationTransactionState: &sync.Map{},
keyWaiters: make(map[id.SessionID]chan struct{}),
devicesToUnwedge: make(map[id.IdentityKey]bool),
recentlyUnwedged: make(map[id.IdentityKey]time.Time),
secretListeners: make(map[string]chan<- string),
mach.AllowKeyShare = mach.defaultAllowKeyShare
return mach
func (mach *OlmMachine) machOrContextLog(ctx context.Context) *zerolog.Logger {
log := zerolog.Ctx(ctx)
if log.GetLevel() == zerolog.Disabled || log == zerolog.DefaultContextLogger {
return mach.Log
return log
// Load loads the Olm account information from the crypto store. If there's no olm account, a new one is created.
// This must be called before using the machine.
func (mach *OlmMachine) Load(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
mach.account, err = mach.CryptoStore.GetAccount(ctx)
if err != nil {
if mach.account == nil {
mach.account = NewOlmAccount()
return nil
func (mach *OlmMachine) saveAccount(ctx context.Context) error {
err := mach.CryptoStore.PutAccount(ctx, mach.account)
if err != nil {
mach.Log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to save account")
return err
func (mach *OlmMachine) KeyBackupVersion() id.KeyBackupVersion {
return mach.account.KeyBackupVersion
func (mach *OlmMachine) SetKeyBackupVersion(ctx context.Context, version id.KeyBackupVersion) error {
mach.account.KeyBackupVersion = version
return mach.saveAccount(ctx)
// FlushStore calls the Flush method of the CryptoStore.
func (mach *OlmMachine) FlushStore(ctx context.Context) error {
return mach.CryptoStore.Flush(ctx)
func (mach *OlmMachine) timeTrace(ctx context.Context, thing string, expectedDuration time.Duration) func() {
start := time.Now()
return func() {
duration := time.Now().Sub(start)
if duration > expectedDuration {
Str("action", thing).
Dur("duration", duration).
Msg("Executing encryption function took longer than expected")
// Deprecated: moved to SigningKey.Fingerprint
func Fingerprint(key id.SigningKey) string {
return key.Fingerprint()
// Fingerprint returns the fingerprint of the Olm account that can be used for non-interactive verification.
func (mach *OlmMachine) Fingerprint() string {
return mach.account.SigningKey().Fingerprint()
func (mach *OlmMachine) GetAccount() *OlmAccount {
return mach.account
// OwnIdentity returns this device's id.Device struct
func (mach *OlmMachine) OwnIdentity() *id.Device {
return &id.Device{
UserID: mach.Client.UserID,
DeviceID: mach.Client.DeviceID,
IdentityKey: mach.account.IdentityKey(),
SigningKey: mach.account.SigningKey(),
Trust: id.TrustStateVerified,
Deleted: false,
type ASEventProcessor interface {
On(evtType event.Type, handler func(ctx context.Context, evt *event.Event))
OnOTK(func(ctx context.Context, otk *mautrix.OTKCount))
OnDeviceList(func(ctx context.Context, lists *mautrix.DeviceLists, since string))
Dispatch(ctx context.Context, evt *event.Event)
func (mach *OlmMachine) AddAppserviceListener(ep ASEventProcessor) {
// ToDeviceForwardedRoomKey and ToDeviceRoomKey should only be present inside encrypted to-device events
ep.On(event.ToDeviceEncrypted, mach.HandleToDeviceEvent)
ep.On(event.ToDeviceRoomKeyRequest, mach.HandleToDeviceEvent)
ep.On(event.ToDeviceRoomKeyWithheld, mach.HandleToDeviceEvent)
ep.On(event.ToDeviceBeeperRoomKeyAck, mach.HandleToDeviceEvent)
ep.On(event.ToDeviceOrgMatrixRoomKeyWithheld, mach.HandleToDeviceEvent)
ep.On(event.ToDeviceVerificationRequest, mach.HandleToDeviceEvent)
ep.On(event.ToDeviceVerificationStart, mach.HandleToDeviceEvent)
ep.On(event.ToDeviceVerificationAccept, mach.HandleToDeviceEvent)
ep.On(event.ToDeviceVerificationKey, mach.HandleToDeviceEvent)
ep.On(event.ToDeviceVerificationMAC, mach.HandleToDeviceEvent)
ep.On(event.ToDeviceVerificationCancel, mach.HandleToDeviceEvent)
mach.Log.Debug().Msg("Added listeners for encryption data coming from appservice transactions")
func (mach *OlmMachine) HandleDeviceLists(ctx context.Context, dl *mautrix.DeviceLists, since string) {
if len(dl.Changed) > 0 {
traceID := time.Now().Format("15:04:05.000000")
Str("trace_id", traceID).
Interface("changes", dl.Changed).
Msg("Device list changes in /sync")
mach.FetchKeys(ctx, dl.Changed, false)
mach.Log.Debug().Str("trace_id", traceID).Msg("Finished handling device list changes")
func (mach *OlmMachine) otkCountIsForCrossSigningKey(otkCount *mautrix.OTKCount) bool {
if mach.crossSigningPubkeys == nil || otkCount.UserID != mach.Client.UserID {
return false
switch id.Ed25519(otkCount.DeviceID) {
case mach.crossSigningPubkeys.MasterKey, mach.crossSigningPubkeys.UserSigningKey, mach.crossSigningPubkeys.SelfSigningKey:
return true
return false
func (mach *OlmMachine) HandleOTKCounts(ctx context.Context, otkCount *mautrix.OTKCount) {
receivedOTKsForSelf := mach.receivedOTKsForSelf.Load()
if (len(otkCount.UserID) > 0 && otkCount.UserID != mach.Client.UserID) || (len(otkCount.DeviceID) > 0 && otkCount.DeviceID != mach.Client.DeviceID) {
if otkCount.UserID != mach.Client.UserID || (!receivedOTKsForSelf && !mach.otkCountIsForCrossSigningKey(otkCount)) {
Str("target_user_id", otkCount.UserID.String()).
Str("target_device_id", otkCount.DeviceID.String()).
Msg("Dropping OTK counts targeted to someone else")
} else if !receivedOTKsForSelf {
minCount := mach.account.InternalLibolm.MaxNumberOfOneTimeKeys() / 2
if otkCount.SignedCurve25519 < int(minCount) {
traceID := time.Now().Format("15:04:05.000000")
log := mach.Log.With().Str("trace_id", traceID).Logger()
ctx = log.WithContext(ctx)
Int("keys_left", otkCount.SignedCurve25519).
Msg("Sync response said we have less than 50 signed curve25519 keys left, sharing new ones...")
err := mach.ShareKeys(ctx, otkCount.SignedCurve25519)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to share keys")
} else {
log.Debug().Msg("Successfully shared keys")
// ProcessSyncResponse processes a single /sync response.
// This can be easily registered into a mautrix client using .OnSync():
// client.Syncer.(mautrix.ExtensibleSyncer).OnSync(c.crypto.ProcessSyncResponse)
func (mach *OlmMachine) ProcessSyncResponse(ctx context.Context, resp *mautrix.RespSync, since string) bool {
mach.HandleDeviceLists(ctx, &resp.DeviceLists, since)
for _, evt := range resp.ToDevice.Events {
evt.Type.Class = event.ToDeviceEventType
err := evt.Content.ParseRaw(evt.Type)
if err != nil {
mach.Log.Warn().Str("event_type", evt.Type.Type).Err(err).Msg("Failed to parse to-device event")
mach.HandleToDeviceEvent(ctx, evt)
mach.HandleOTKCounts(ctx, &resp.DeviceOTKCount)
return true
// HandleMemberEvent handles a single membership event.
// Currently this is not automatically called, so you must add a listener yourself:
// client.Syncer.(mautrix.ExtensibleSyncer).OnEventType(event.StateMember, c.crypto.HandleMemberEvent)
func (mach *OlmMachine) HandleMemberEvent(ctx context.Context, evt *event.Event) {
if isEncrypted, err := mach.StateStore.IsEncrypted(ctx, evt.RoomID); err != nil {
mach.machOrContextLog(ctx).Err(err).Stringer("room_id", evt.RoomID).
Msg("Failed to check if room is encrypted to handle member event")
} else if !isEncrypted {
content := evt.Content.AsMember()
if content == nil {
var prevContent *event.MemberEventContent
if evt.Unsigned.PrevContent != nil {
_ = evt.Unsigned.PrevContent.ParseRaw(evt.Type)
prevContent = evt.Unsigned.PrevContent.AsMember()
if prevContent == nil {
prevContent = &event.MemberEventContent{Membership: "unknown"}
if prevContent.Membership == content.Membership ||
(prevContent.Membership == event.MembershipInvite && content.Membership == event.MembershipJoin) ||
(prevContent.Membership == event.MembershipBan && content.Membership == event.MembershipLeave) ||
(prevContent.Membership == event.MembershipLeave && content.Membership == event.MembershipBan) {
Str("room_id", evt.RoomID.String()).
Str("user_id", evt.GetStateKey()).
Str("prev_membership", string(prevContent.Membership)).
Str("new_membership", string(content.Membership)).
Msg("Got membership state change, invalidating group session in room")
err := mach.CryptoStore.RemoveOutboundGroupSession(ctx, evt.RoomID)
if err != nil {
mach.Log.Warn().Str("room_id", evt.RoomID.String()).Msg("Failed to invalidate outbound group session")
func (mach *OlmMachine) HandleEncryptedEvent(ctx context.Context, evt *event.Event) {
if _, ok := evt.Content.Parsed.(*event.EncryptedEventContent); !ok {
mach.machOrContextLog(ctx).Warn().Msg("Passed invalid event to encrypted handler")
decryptedEvt, err := mach.decryptOlmEvent(ctx, evt)
if err != nil {
mach.machOrContextLog(ctx).Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to decrypt to-device event")
log := mach.machOrContextLog(ctx).With().
Str("decrypted_type", decryptedEvt.Type.Type).
Str("sender_device", decryptedEvt.SenderDevice.String()).
Str("sender_signing_key", decryptedEvt.Keys.Ed25519.String()).
log.Trace().Msg("Successfully decrypted to-device event")
switch decryptedContent := decryptedEvt.Content.Parsed.(type) {
case *event.RoomKeyEventContent:
mach.receiveRoomKey(ctx, decryptedEvt, decryptedContent)
log.Trace().Msg("Handled room key event")
case *event.ForwardedRoomKeyEventContent:
if mach.importForwardedRoomKey(ctx, decryptedEvt, decryptedContent) {
if ch, ok := mach.roomKeyRequestFilled.Load(decryptedContent.SessionID); ok {
// close channel to notify listener that the key was received
close(ch.(chan struct{}))
log.Trace().Msg("Handled forwarded room key event")
case *event.DummyEventContent:
log.Debug().Msg("Received encrypted dummy event")
case *event.SecretSendEventContent:
mach.receiveSecret(ctx, decryptedEvt, decryptedContent)
log.Trace().Msg("Handled secret send event")
log.Debug().Msg("Unhandled encrypted to-device event")
const olmHashSavePointCount = 5
const olmHashDeleteMinInterval = 10 * time.Minute
const minSavePointInterval = 1 * time.Minute
// MarkOlmHashSavePoint marks the current time as a save point for olm hashes and deletes old hashes if needed.
// This should be called after all to-device events in a sync have been processed.
// The function will then delete old olm hashes after enough syncs have happened
// (such that it's unlikely for the olm messages to repeat).
func (mach *OlmMachine) MarkOlmHashSavePoint(ctx context.Context) {
defer mach.olmHashSavePointLock.Unlock()
if len(mach.olmHashSavePoints) > 0 && time.Since(mach.olmHashSavePoints[len(mach.olmHashSavePoints)-1]) < minSavePointInterval {
mach.olmHashSavePoints = append(mach.olmHashSavePoints, time.Now())
if len(mach.olmHashSavePoints) > olmHashSavePointCount {
sp := mach.olmHashSavePoints[0]
mach.olmHashSavePoints = mach.olmHashSavePoints[1:]
if time.Since(mach.lastHashDelete) > olmHashDeleteMinInterval {
err := mach.CryptoStore.DeleteOldOlmHashes(ctx, sp)
mach.lastHashDelete = time.Now()
if err != nil {
zerolog.Ctx(ctx).Err(err).Msg("Failed to delete old olm hashes")
// HandleToDeviceEvent handles a single to-device event. This is automatically called by ProcessSyncResponse, so you
// don't need to add any custom handlers if you use that method.
func (mach *OlmMachine) HandleToDeviceEvent(ctx context.Context, evt *event.Event) {
if len(evt.ToUserID) > 0 && (evt.ToUserID != mach.Client.UserID || evt.ToDeviceID != mach.Client.DeviceID) {
// TODO This log probably needs to be silence-able if someone wants to use encrypted appservices with multiple e2ee sessions
Str("target_user_id", evt.ToUserID.String()).
Str("target_device_id", evt.ToDeviceID.String()).
Msg("Dropping to-device event targeted to someone else")
traceID := time.Now().Format("15:04:05.000000")
// TODO use context log?
log := mach.Log.With().
Str("trace_id", traceID).
Str("sender", evt.Sender.String()).
Str("type", evt.Type.Type).
ctx = log.WithContext(ctx)
if evt.Type != event.ToDeviceEncrypted {
log.Debug().Msg("Starting handling to-device event")
switch content := evt.Content.Parsed.(type) {
case *event.EncryptedEventContent:
mach.HandleEncryptedEvent(ctx, evt)
case *event.RoomKeyRequestEventContent:
go mach.HandleRoomKeyRequest(ctx, evt.Sender, content)
case *event.BeeperRoomKeyAckEventContent:
mach.HandleBeeperRoomKeyAck(ctx, evt.Sender, content)
case *event.RoomKeyWithheldEventContent:
mach.HandleRoomKeyWithheld(ctx, content)
case *event.SecretRequestEventContent:
if content.Action == event.SecretRequestRequest {
mach.HandleSecretRequest(ctx, evt.Sender, content)
log.Trace().Msg("Handled secret request event")
deviceID, _ := evt.Content.Raw["device_id"].(string)
log.Debug().Str("maybe_device_id", deviceID).Msg("Unhandled to-device event")
log.Debug().Msg("Finished handling to-device event")
// GetOrFetchDevice attempts to retrieve the device identity for the given device from the store
// and if it's not found it asks the server for it.
func (mach *OlmMachine) GetOrFetchDevice(ctx context.Context, userID id.UserID, deviceID id.DeviceID) (*id.Device, error) {
device, err := mach.CryptoStore.GetDevice(ctx, userID, deviceID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get sender device from store: %w", err)
} else if device != nil {
return device, nil
if usersToDevices, err := mach.FetchKeys(ctx, []id.UserID{userID}, true); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch keys: %w", err)
} else if devices, ok := usersToDevices[userID]; ok {
if device, ok = devices[deviceID]; ok {
return device, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("didn't get identity for device %s of %s", deviceID, userID)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("didn't get any devices for %s", userID)
// GetOrFetchDeviceByKey attempts to retrieve the device identity for the device with the given identity key from the
// store and if it's not found it asks the server for it. This returns nil if the server doesn't return a device with
// the given identity key.
func (mach *OlmMachine) GetOrFetchDeviceByKey(ctx context.Context, userID id.UserID, identityKey id.IdentityKey) (*id.Device, error) {
deviceIdentity, err := mach.CryptoStore.FindDeviceByKey(ctx, userID, identityKey)
if err != nil || deviceIdentity != nil {
return deviceIdentity, err
Str("user_id", userID.String()).
Str("identity_key", identityKey.String()).
Msg("Didn't find identity in crypto store, fetching from server")
devices := mach.LoadDevices(ctx, userID)
for _, device := range devices {
if device.IdentityKey == identityKey {
return device, nil
return nil, nil
// SendEncryptedToDevice sends an Olm-encrypted event to the given user device.
func (mach *OlmMachine) SendEncryptedToDevice(ctx context.Context, device *id.Device, evtType event.Type, content event.Content) error {
if err := mach.createOutboundSessions(ctx, map[id.UserID]map[id.DeviceID]*id.Device{
device.UserID: {
device.DeviceID: device,
}); err != nil {
return err
defer mach.olmLock.Unlock()
olmSess, err := mach.CryptoStore.GetLatestSession(ctx, device.IdentityKey)
if err != nil {
return err
if olmSess == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("didn't find created outbound session for device %s of %s", device.DeviceID, device.UserID)
encrypted := mach.encryptOlmEvent(ctx, olmSess, device, evtType, content)
encryptedContent := &event.Content{Parsed: &encrypted}
Str("decrypted_type", evtType.Type).
Str("to_user_id", device.UserID.String()).
Str("to_device_id", device.DeviceID.String()).
Str("to_identity_key", device.IdentityKey.String()).
Str("olm_session_id", olmSess.ID().String()).
Msg("Sending encrypted to-device event")
_, err = mach.Client.SendToDevice(ctx, event.ToDeviceEncrypted,
Messages: map[id.UserID]map[id.DeviceID]*event.Content{
device.UserID: {
device.DeviceID: encryptedContent,
return err
func (mach *OlmMachine) createGroupSession(ctx context.Context, senderKey id.SenderKey, signingKey id.Ed25519, roomID id.RoomID, sessionID id.SessionID, sessionKey string, maxAge time.Duration, maxMessages int, isScheduled bool) error {
log := zerolog.Ctx(ctx)
igs, err := NewInboundGroupSession(senderKey, signingKey, roomID, sessionKey, maxAge, maxMessages, isScheduled)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create inbound group session: %w", err)
} else if igs.ID() != sessionID {
Str("expected_session_id", sessionID.String()).
Str("actual_session_id", igs.ID().String()).
Msg("Mismatched session ID while creating inbound group session")
return fmt.Errorf("mismatched session ID while creating inbound group session")
err = mach.CryptoStore.PutGroupSession(ctx, igs)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Str("session_id", sessionID.String()).Msg("Failed to store new inbound group session")
return fmt.Errorf("failed to store new inbound group session: %w", err)
if igs.InternalLibolm.FirstKnownIndex() != igs.InternalGoolm.FirstKnownIndex() {
panic("different index")
mach.markSessionReceived(ctx, roomID, sessionID, igs.InternalLibolm.FirstKnownIndex())
Str("session_id", sessionID.String()).
Str("sender_key", senderKey.String()).
Str("max_age", maxAge.String()).
Int("max_messages", maxMessages).
Bool("is_scheduled", isScheduled).
Msg("Received inbound group session")
return nil
func (mach *OlmMachine) markSessionReceived(ctx context.Context, roomID id.RoomID, id id.SessionID, firstKnownIndex uint32) {
if mach.SessionReceived != nil {
mach.SessionReceived(ctx, roomID, id, firstKnownIndex)
ch, ok := mach.keyWaiters[id]
if ok {
delete(mach.keyWaiters, id)
// WaitForSession waits for the given Megolm session to arrive.
func (mach *OlmMachine) WaitForSession(ctx context.Context, roomID id.RoomID, senderKey id.SenderKey, sessionID id.SessionID, timeout time.Duration) bool {
ch, ok := mach.keyWaiters[sessionID]
if !ok {
ch = make(chan struct{})
mach.keyWaiters[sessionID] = ch
// Handle race conditions where a session appears between the failed decryption and WaitForSession call.
sess, err := mach.CryptoStore.GetGroupSession(ctx, roomID, sessionID)
if sess != nil || errors.Is(err, ErrGroupSessionWithheld) {
return true
select {
case <-ch:
return true
case <-time.After(timeout):
sess, err = mach.CryptoStore.GetGroupSession(ctx, roomID, sessionID)
// Check if the session somehow appeared in the store without telling us
// We accept withheld sessions as received, as then the decryption attempt will show the error.
return sess != nil || errors.Is(err, ErrGroupSessionWithheld)
case <-ctx.Done():
return false
func (mach *OlmMachine) receiveRoomKey(ctx context.Context, evt *DecryptedOlmEvent, content *event.RoomKeyEventContent) {
log := zerolog.Ctx(ctx).With().
Str("algorithm", string(content.Algorithm)).
Str("session_id", content.SessionID.String()).
Str("room_id", content.RoomID.String()).
if content.Algorithm != id.AlgorithmMegolmV1 || evt.Keys.Ed25519 == "" {
log.Debug().Msg("Ignoring weird room key")
config, err := mach.StateStore.GetEncryptionEvent(ctx, content.RoomID)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to get encryption event for room")
var maxAge time.Duration
var maxMessages int
if config != nil {
maxAge = time.Duration(config.RotationPeriodMillis) * time.Millisecond
if maxAge == 0 {
maxAge = 7 * 24 * time.Hour
maxMessages = config.RotationPeriodMessages
if maxMessages == 0 {
maxMessages = 100
if content.MaxAge != 0 {
maxAge = time.Duration(content.MaxAge) * time.Millisecond
if content.MaxMessages != 0 {
maxMessages = content.MaxMessages
if mach.DeletePreviousKeysOnReceive && !content.IsScheduled {
log.Debug().Msg("Redacting previous megolm sessions from sender in room")
sessionIDs, err := mach.CryptoStore.RedactGroupSessions(ctx, content.RoomID, evt.SenderKey, "received new key from device")
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to redact previous megolm sessions")
} else {
Array("session_ids", exzerolog.ArrayOfStrs(sessionIDs)).
Msg("Redacted previous megolm sessions")
err = mach.createGroupSession(ctx, evt.SenderKey, evt.Keys.Ed25519, content.RoomID, content.SessionID, content.SessionKey, maxAge, maxMessages, content.IsScheduled)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to create inbound group session")
func (mach *OlmMachine) HandleRoomKeyWithheld(ctx context.Context, content *event.RoomKeyWithheldEventContent) {
if content.Algorithm != id.AlgorithmMegolmV1 {
zerolog.Ctx(ctx).Debug().Interface("content", content).Msg("Non-megolm room key withheld event")
// TODO log if there's a conflict? (currently ignored)
err := mach.CryptoStore.PutWithheldGroupSession(ctx, *content)
if err != nil {
zerolog.Ctx(ctx).Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to save room key withheld event")
// ShareKeys uploads necessary keys to the server.
// If the Olm account hasn't been shared, the account keys will be uploaded.
// If currentOTKCount is less than half of the limit (100 / 2 = 50), enough one-time keys will be uploaded so exactly
// half of the limit is filled.
func (mach *OlmMachine) ShareKeys(ctx context.Context, currentOTKCount int) error {
log := mach.machOrContextLog(ctx)
start := time.Now()
defer mach.otkUploadLock.Unlock()
if mach.lastOTKUpload.Add(1*time.Minute).After(start) || currentOTKCount < 0 {
log.Debug().Msg("Checking OTK count from server due to suspiciously close share keys requests or negative OTK count")
resp, err := mach.Client.UploadKeys(ctx, &mautrix.ReqUploadKeys{})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to check current OTK counts: %w", err)
Int("input_count", currentOTKCount).
Int("server_count", resp.OneTimeKeyCounts.SignedCurve25519).
Msg("Fetched current OTK count from server")
currentOTKCount = resp.OneTimeKeyCounts.SignedCurve25519
var deviceKeys *mautrix.DeviceKeys
if !mach.account.Shared {
deviceKeys = mach.account.getInitialKeys(mach.Client.UserID, mach.Client.DeviceID)
err := mach.CryptoStore.PutDevice(ctx, mach.Client.UserID, &id.Device{
UserID: mach.Client.UserID,
DeviceID: mach.Client.DeviceID,
IdentityKey: deviceKeys.Keys.GetCurve25519(mach.Client.DeviceID),
SigningKey: deviceKeys.Keys.GetEd25519(mach.Client.DeviceID),
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save initial keys: %w", err)
log.Debug().Msg("Going to upload initial account keys")
oneTimeKeys := mach.account.getOneTimeKeys(mach.Client.UserID, mach.Client.DeviceID, currentOTKCount)
if len(oneTimeKeys) == 0 && deviceKeys == nil {
log.Debug().Msg("No one-time keys nor device keys got when trying to share keys")
return nil
// Save the keys before sending the upload request in case there is a
// network failure.
if err := mach.saveAccount(ctx); err != nil {
return err
req := &mautrix.ReqUploadKeys{
DeviceKeys: deviceKeys,
OneTimeKeys: oneTimeKeys,
log.Debug().Int("count", len(oneTimeKeys)).Msg("Uploading one-time keys")
_, err := mach.Client.UploadKeys(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return err
mach.lastOTKUpload = time.Now()
mach.account.Shared = true
return mach.saveAccount(ctx)
func (mach *OlmMachine) ExpiredKeyDeleteLoop(ctx context.Context) {
log := mach.Log.With().Str("action", "redact expired sessions").Logger()
for {
sessionIDs, err := mach.CryptoStore.RedactExpiredGroupSessions(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to redact expired megolm sessions")
} else if len(sessionIDs) > 0 {
log.Info().Array("session_ids", exzerolog.ArrayOfStrs(sessionIDs)).Msg("Redacted expired megolm sessions")
} else {
log.Debug().Msg("Didn't find any expired megolm sessions")
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Debug().Msg("Loop stopped")
case <-time.After(24 * time.Hour):