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// Copyright (c) 2024 Sumner Evans
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package verificationhelper_test
import (
"github.com/rs/zerolog/log" // zerolog-allow-global-log
func TestCrossSignVerification_ScanQRAndConfirmScan(t *testing.T) {
ctx := log.Logger.WithContext(context.TODO())
testCases := []struct {
sendingScansQR bool // false indicates that receiving device should emulate a scan
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("sendingScansQR=%t", tc.sendingScansQR), func(t *testing.T) {
ts, sendingClient, receivingClient, _, _, sendingMachine, receivingMachine := initServerAndLoginAliceBob(t, ctx)
defer ts.Close()
sendingCallbacks, receivingCallbacks, sendingHelper, receivingHelper := initDefaultCallbacks(t, ctx, sendingClient, receivingClient, sendingMachine, receivingMachine)
var err error
// Generate cross-signing keys for both users
_, _, err = sendingMachine.GenerateAndUploadCrossSigningKeys(ctx, nil, "")
require.NoError(t, err)
_, _, err = receivingMachine.GenerateAndUploadCrossSigningKeys(ctx, nil, "")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Fetch each other's keys
sendingMachine.FetchKeys(ctx, []id.UserID{bobUserID}, true)
receivingMachine.FetchKeys(ctx, []id.UserID{aliceUserID}, true)
// Send the verification request from the sender device and accept
// it on the receiving device and receive the verification ready
// event on the sending device.
txnID, err := sendingHelper.StartVerification(ctx, bobUserID)
require.NoError(t, err)
ts.dispatchToDevice(t, ctx, receivingClient)
err = receivingHelper.AcceptVerification(ctx, txnID)
require.NoError(t, err)
ts.dispatchToDevice(t, ctx, sendingClient)
receivingShownQRCode := receivingCallbacks.GetQRCodeShown(txnID)
require.NotNil(t, receivingShownQRCode)
sendingShownQRCode := sendingCallbacks.GetQRCodeShown(txnID)
require.NotNil(t, sendingShownQRCode)
if tc.sendingScansQR {
// Emulate scanning the QR code shown by the receiving device
// on the sending device.
err := sendingHelper.HandleScannedQRData(ctx, receivingShownQRCode.Bytes())
require.NoError(t, err)
// Ensure that the receiving device received a verification
// start event and a verification done event.
receivingInbox := ts.DeviceInbox[bobUserID][receivingDeviceID]
assert.Len(t, receivingInbox, 2)
startEvt := receivingInbox[0].Content.AsVerificationStart()
assert.Equal(t, txnID, startEvt.TransactionID)
assert.Equal(t, sendingDeviceID, startEvt.FromDevice)
assert.Equal(t, event.VerificationMethodReciprocate, startEvt.Method)
assert.EqualValues(t, receivingShownQRCode.SharedSecret, startEvt.Secret)
doneEvt := receivingInbox[1].Content.AsVerificationDone()
assert.Equal(t, txnID, doneEvt.TransactionID)
// Handle the start and done events on the receiving client and
// confirm the scan.
ts.dispatchToDevice(t, ctx, receivingClient)
// Ensure that the receiving device detected that its QR code
// was scanned.
assert.True(t, receivingCallbacks.WasOurQRCodeScanned(txnID))
err = receivingHelper.ConfirmQRCodeScanned(ctx, txnID)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Ensure that the sending device received a verification done
// event.
sendingInbox := ts.DeviceInbox[aliceUserID][sendingDeviceID]
require.Len(t, sendingInbox, 1)
doneEvt = sendingInbox[0].Content.AsVerificationDone()
assert.Equal(t, txnID, doneEvt.TransactionID)
ts.dispatchToDevice(t, ctx, sendingClient)
} else { // receiving scans QR
// Emulate scanning the QR code shown by the sending device on
// the receiving device.
err := receivingHelper.HandleScannedQRData(ctx, sendingShownQRCode.Bytes())
require.NoError(t, err)
// Ensure that the sending device received a verification
// start event and a verification done event.
sendingInbox := ts.DeviceInbox[aliceUserID][sendingDeviceID]
assert.Len(t, sendingInbox, 2)
startEvt := sendingInbox[0].Content.AsVerificationStart()
assert.Equal(t, txnID, startEvt.TransactionID)
assert.Equal(t, receivingDeviceID, startEvt.FromDevice)
assert.Equal(t, event.VerificationMethodReciprocate, startEvt.Method)
assert.EqualValues(t, sendingShownQRCode.SharedSecret, startEvt.Secret)
doneEvt := sendingInbox[1].Content.AsVerificationDone()
assert.Equal(t, txnID, doneEvt.TransactionID)
// Handle the start and done events on the receiving client and
// confirm the scan.
ts.dispatchToDevice(t, ctx, sendingClient)
// Ensure that the sending device detected that its QR code was
// scanned.
assert.True(t, sendingCallbacks.WasOurQRCodeScanned(txnID))
err = sendingHelper.ConfirmQRCodeScanned(ctx, txnID)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Ensure that the receiving device received a verification
// done event.
receivingInbox := ts.DeviceInbox[bobUserID][receivingDeviceID]
require.Len(t, receivingInbox, 1)
doneEvt = receivingInbox[0].Content.AsVerificationDone()
assert.Equal(t, txnID, doneEvt.TransactionID)
ts.dispatchToDevice(t, ctx, receivingClient)
// Ensure that both devices have marked the verification as done.
assert.True(t, sendingCallbacks.IsVerificationDone(txnID))
assert.True(t, receivingCallbacks.IsVerificationDone(txnID))
bobTrustsAlice, err := receivingMachine.IsUserTrusted(ctx, aliceUserID)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, bobTrustsAlice)
aliceTrustsBob, err := sendingMachine.IsUserTrusted(ctx, bobUserID)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, aliceTrustsBob)