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// Copyright (c) 2020 Nikos Filippakis
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package event
import (
type VerificationMethod string
const (
VerificationMethodSAS VerificationMethod = "m.sas.v1"
VerificationMethodReciprocate VerificationMethod = "m.reciprocate.v1"
VerificationMethodQRCodeShow VerificationMethod = "m.qr_code.show.v1"
VerificationMethodQRCodeScan VerificationMethod = "m.qr_code.scan.v1"
type VerificationTransactionable interface {
GetTransactionID() id.VerificationTransactionID
// ToDeviceVerificationEvent contains the fields common to all to-device
// verification events.
type ToDeviceVerificationEvent struct {
// TransactionID is an opaque identifier for the verification request. Must
// be unique with respect to the devices involved.
TransactionID id.VerificationTransactionID `json:"transaction_id,omitempty"`
var _ VerificationTransactionable = (*ToDeviceVerificationEvent)(nil)
func (ve *ToDeviceVerificationEvent) GetTransactionID() id.VerificationTransactionID {
return ve.TransactionID
func (ve *ToDeviceVerificationEvent) SetTransactionID(id id.VerificationTransactionID) {
ve.TransactionID = id
// InRoomVerificationEvent contains the fields common to all in-room
// verification events.
type InRoomVerificationEvent struct {
// RelatesTo indicates the m.key.verification.request that this message is
// related to. Note that for encrypted messages, this property should be in
// the unencrypted portion of the event.
RelatesTo *RelatesTo `json:"m.relates_to,omitempty"`
var _ Relatable = (*InRoomVerificationEvent)(nil)
func (ve *InRoomVerificationEvent) GetRelatesTo() *RelatesTo {
if ve.RelatesTo == nil {
ve.RelatesTo = &RelatesTo{}
return ve.RelatesTo
func (ve *InRoomVerificationEvent) OptionalGetRelatesTo() *RelatesTo {
return ve.RelatesTo
func (ve *InRoomVerificationEvent) SetRelatesTo(rel *RelatesTo) {
ve.RelatesTo = rel
// VerificationRequestEventContent represents the content of an
// [m.key.verification.request] to-device event as described in [Section
//] of the Spec.
// For the in-room version, use a standard [MessageEventContent] struct.
// [m.key.verification.request]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#mkeyverificationrequest
// [Section]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#key-verification-framework
type VerificationRequestEventContent struct {
// FromDevice is the device ID which is initiating the request.
FromDevice id.DeviceID `json:"from_device"`
// Methods is a list of the verification methods supported by the sender.
Methods []VerificationMethod `json:"methods"`
// Timestamp is the time at which the request was made.
Timestamp jsontime.UnixMilli `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
// VerificationRequestEventContentFromMessage converts an in-room verification
// request message event to a [VerificationRequestEventContent].
func VerificationRequestEventContentFromMessage(evt *Event) *VerificationRequestEventContent {
content := evt.Content.AsMessage()
return &VerificationRequestEventContent{
ToDeviceVerificationEvent: ToDeviceVerificationEvent{
TransactionID: id.VerificationTransactionID(evt.ID),
Timestamp: jsontime.UMInt(evt.Timestamp),
FromDevice: content.FromDevice,
Methods: content.Methods,
// VerificationReadyEventContent represents the content of an
// [m.key.verification.ready] event (both the to-device and the in-room
// version) as described in [Section] of the Spec.
// [m.key.verification.ready]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#mkeyverificationready
// [Section]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#key-verification-framework
type VerificationReadyEventContent struct {
// FromDevice is the device ID which is initiating the request.
FromDevice id.DeviceID `json:"from_device"`
// Methods is a list of the verification methods supported by the sender.
Methods []VerificationMethod `json:"methods"`
type KeyAgreementProtocol string
const (
KeyAgreementProtocolCurve25519 KeyAgreementProtocol = "curve25519"
KeyAgreementProtocolCurve25519HKDFSHA256 KeyAgreementProtocol = "curve25519-hkdf-sha256"
type VerificationHashMethod string
const VerificationHashMethodSHA256 VerificationHashMethod = "sha256"
type MACMethod string
const (
MACMethodHKDFHMACSHA256 MACMethod = "hkdf-hmac-sha256"
MACMethodHKDFHMACSHA256V2 MACMethod = "hkdf-hmac-sha256.v2"
type SASMethod string
const (
SASMethodDecimal SASMethod = "decimal"
SASMethodEmoji SASMethod = "emoji"
// VerificationStartEventContent represents the content of an
// [m.key.verification.start] event (both the to-device and the in-room
// version) as described in [Section] of the Spec.
// This struct also contains the fields for an [m.key.verification.start] event
// using the [VerificationMethodSAS] method as described in [Section
//] and an [m.key.verification.start] using
// [VerificationMethodReciprocate] as described in [Section].
// [m.key.verification.start]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#mkeyverificationstart
// [Section]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#key-verification-framework
// [Section]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#verification-messages-specific-to-sas
// [Section]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#verification-messages-specific-to-qr-codes
type VerificationStartEventContent struct {
// FromDevice is the device ID which is initiating the request.
FromDevice id.DeviceID `json:"from_device"`
// Method is the verification method to use.
Method VerificationMethod `json:"method"`
// NextMethod is an optional method to use to verify the other user's key.
// Applicable when the method chosen only verifies one user’s key. This
// field will never be present if the method verifies keys both ways.
NextMethod VerificationMethod `json:"next_method,omitempty"`
// Hashes are the hash methods the sending device understands. This field
// is only applicable when the method is m.sas.v1.
Hashes []VerificationHashMethod `json:"hashes,omitempty"`
// KeyAgreementProtocols is the list of key agreement protocols the sending
// device understands. This field is only applicable when the method is
// m.sas.v1.
KeyAgreementProtocols []KeyAgreementProtocol `json:"key_agreement_protocols,omitempty"`
// MessageAuthenticationCodes is a list of the MAC methods that the sending
// device understands. This field is only applicable when the method is
// m.sas.v1.
MessageAuthenticationCodes []MACMethod `json:"message_authentication_codes"`
// ShortAuthenticationString is a list of SAS methods the sending device
// (and the sending device's user) understands. This field is only
// applicable when the method is m.sas.v1.
ShortAuthenticationString []SASMethod `json:"short_authentication_string"`
// Secret is the shared secret from the QR code. This field is only
// applicable when the method is m.reciprocate.v1.
Secret jsonbytes.UnpaddedBytes `json:"secret,omitempty"`
// VerificationDoneEventContent represents the content of an
// [m.key.verification.done] event (both the to-device and the in-room version)
// as described in [Section] of the Spec.
// This type is an alias for [VerificationRelatable] since there are no
// additional fields defined by the spec.
// [m.key.verification.done]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#mkeyverificationdone
// [Section]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#mkeyverificationdone
type VerificationDoneEventContent struct {
type VerificationCancelCode string
const (
VerificationCancelCodeUser VerificationCancelCode = "m.user"
VerificationCancelCodeTimeout VerificationCancelCode = "m.timeout"
VerificationCancelCodeUnknownTransaction VerificationCancelCode = "m.unknown_transaction"
VerificationCancelCodeUnknownMethod VerificationCancelCode = "m.unknown_method"
VerificationCancelCodeUnexpectedMessage VerificationCancelCode = "m.unexpected_message"
VerificationCancelCodeKeyMismatch VerificationCancelCode = "m.key_mismatch"
VerificationCancelCodeUserMismatch VerificationCancelCode = "m.user_mismatch"
VerificationCancelCodeInvalidMessage VerificationCancelCode = "m.invalid_message"
VerificationCancelCodeAccepted VerificationCancelCode = "m.accepted"
VerificationCancelCodeSASMismatch VerificationCancelCode = "m.mismatched_sas"
VerificationCancelCodeCommitmentMismatch VerificationCancelCode = "m.mismatched_commitment"
// Non-spec codes
VerificationCancelCodeInternalError VerificationCancelCode = "com.beeper.internal_error"
VerificationCancelCodeMasterKeyNotTrusted VerificationCancelCode = "com.beeper.master_key_not_trusted" // the master key is not trusted by this device, but the QR code that was scanned was from a device that doesn't trust the master key
// VerificationCancelEventContent represents the content of an
// [m.key.verification.cancel] event (both the to-device and the in-room
// version) as described in [Section] of the Spec.
// [m.key.verification.cancel]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#mkeyverificationcancel
// [Section]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#mkeyverificationdone
type VerificationCancelEventContent struct {
// Code is the error code for why the process/request was cancelled by the
// user.
Code VerificationCancelCode `json:"code"`
// Reason is a human readable description of the code. The client should
// only rely on this string if it does not understand the code.
Reason string `json:"reason"`
// VerificationAcceptEventContent represents the content of an
// [m.key.verification.accept] event (both the to-device and the in-room
// version) as described in [Section] of the Spec.
// [m.key.verification.accept]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#mkeyverificationaccept
// [Section]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#verification-messages-specific-to-sas
type VerificationAcceptEventContent struct {
// Commitment is the hash of the concatenation of the device's ephemeral
// public key (encoded as unpadded base64) and the canonical JSON
// representation of the m.key.verification.start message.
Commitment jsonbytes.UnpaddedBytes `json:"commitment"`
// Hash is the hash method the device is choosing to use, out of the
// options in the m.key.verification.start message.
Hash VerificationHashMethod `json:"hash"`
// KeyAgreementProtocol is the key agreement protocol the device is
// choosing to use, out of the options in the m.key.verification.start
// message.
KeyAgreementProtocol KeyAgreementProtocol `json:"key_agreement_protocol"`
// MessageAuthenticationCode is the message authentication code the device
// is choosing to use, out of the options in the m.key.verification.start
// message.
MessageAuthenticationCode MACMethod `json:"message_authentication_code"`
// ShortAuthenticationString is a list of SAS methods both devices involved
// in the verification process understand. Must be a subset of the options
// in the m.key.verification.start message.
ShortAuthenticationString []SASMethod `json:"short_authentication_string"`
// VerificationKeyEventContent represents the content of an
// [m.key.verification.key] event (both the to-device and the in-room version)
// as described in [Section] of the Spec.
// [m.key.verification.key]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#mkeyverificationkey
// [Section]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#verification-messages-specific-to-sas
type VerificationKeyEventContent struct {
// Key is the device’s ephemeral public key.
Key jsonbytes.UnpaddedBytes `json:"key"`
// VerificationMACEventContent represents the content of an
// [m.key.verification.mac] event (both the to-device and the in-room version)
// as described in [Section] of the Spec.
// [m.key.verification.mac]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#mkeyverificationmac
// [Section]: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/client-server-api/#verification-messages-specific-to-sas
type VerificationMACEventContent struct {
// Keys is the MAC of the comma-separated, sorted, list of key IDs given in
// the MAC property.
Keys jsonbytes.UnpaddedBytes `json:"keys"`
// MAC is a map of the key ID to the MAC of the key, using the algorithm in
// the verification process.
MAC map[id.KeyID]jsonbytes.UnpaddedBytes `json:"mac"`