
123 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2023 Tulir Asokan
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
package commands
import (
type Processor struct {
bridge *bridge.Bridge
log *zerolog.Logger
handlers map[string]Handler
aliases map[string]string
// NewProcessor creates a Processor
func NewProcessor(bridge *bridge.Bridge) *Processor {
proc := &Processor{
bridge: bridge,
log: bridge.ZLog,
handlers: make(map[string]Handler),
aliases: make(map[string]string),
CommandHelp, CommandVersion, CommandCancel,
CommandLoginMatrix, CommandLogoutMatrix, CommandPingMatrix,
CommandDiscardMegolmSession, CommandSetPowerLevel)
return proc
func (proc *Processor) AddHandlers(handlers ...Handler) {
for _, handler := range handlers {
func (proc *Processor) AddHandler(handler Handler) {
proc.handlers[handler.GetName()] = handler
aliased, ok := handler.(AliasedHandler)
if ok {
for _, alias := range aliased.GetAliases() {
proc.aliases[alias] = handler.GetName()
// Handle handles messages to the bridge
func (proc *Processor) Handle(ctx context.Context, roomID id.RoomID, eventID id.EventID, user bridge.User, message string, replyTo id.EventID) {
defer func() {
err := recover()
if err != nil {
Str(zerolog.ErrorStackFieldName, string(debug.Stack())).
Interface(zerolog.ErrorFieldName, err).
Msg("Panic in Matrix command handler")
args := strings.Fields(message)
if len(args) == 0 {
args = []string{"unknown-command"}
command := strings.ToLower(args[0])
rawArgs := strings.TrimLeft(strings.TrimPrefix(message, command), " ")
log := zerolog.Ctx(ctx).With().Str("mx_command", command).Logger()
ctx = log.WithContext(ctx)
ce := &Event{
Bot: proc.bridge.Bot,
Bridge: proc.bridge,
Portal: proc.bridge.Child.GetIPortal(roomID),
Processor: proc,
RoomID: roomID,
EventID: eventID,
User: user,
Command: command,
Args: args[1:],
RawArgs: rawArgs,
ReplyTo: replyTo,
Ctx: ctx,
ZLog: &log,
log.Debug().Msg("Received command")
realCommand, ok := proc.aliases[ce.Command]
if !ok {
realCommand = ce.Command
commandingUser, ok := ce.User.(CommandingUser)
var handler MinimalHandler
handler, ok = proc.handlers[realCommand]
if !ok {
var state *CommandState
if commandingUser != nil {
state = commandingUser.GetCommandState()
if state != nil && state.Next != nil {
ce.Command = ""
ce.RawArgs = message
ce.Args = args
ce.Handler = state.Next
} else {
ce.Reply("Unknown command, use the `help` command for help.")
} else {
ce.Handler = handler