
202 lines
7.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2020 Nikos Filippakis
// Copyright (c) 2024 Tulir Asokan
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
package crypto
import (
var (
ErrCrossSigningKeysNotCached = errors.New("cross-signing private keys not in cache")
ErrUserSigningKeyNotCached = errors.New("user-signing private key not in cache")
ErrSelfSigningKeyNotCached = errors.New("self-signing private key not in cache")
ErrSignatureUploadFail = errors.New("server-side failure uploading signatures")
ErrCantSignOwnMasterKey = errors.New("signing your own master key is not allowed")
ErrCantSignOtherDevice = errors.New("signing other users' devices is not allowed")
ErrUserNotInQueryResponse = errors.New("could not find user in query keys response")
ErrDeviceNotInQueryResponse = errors.New("could not find device in query keys response")
ErrOlmAccountNotLoaded = errors.New("olm account has not been loaded")
ErrCrossSigningMasterKeyNotFound = errors.New("cross-signing master key not found")
ErrMasterKeyMACNotFound = errors.New("found cross-signing master key, but didn't find corresponding MAC in verification request")
ErrMismatchingMasterKeyMAC = errors.New("mismatching cross-signing master key MAC")
// SignUser creates a cross-signing signature for a user, stores it and uploads it to the server.
func (mach *OlmMachine) SignUser(ctx context.Context, userID id.UserID, masterKey id.Ed25519) error {
if userID == mach.Client.UserID {
return ErrCantSignOwnMasterKey
} else if mach.CrossSigningKeys == nil || mach.CrossSigningKeys.UserSigningKey == nil {
return ErrUserSigningKeyNotCached
masterKeyObj := mautrix.ReqKeysSignatures{
UserID: userID,
Usage: []id.CrossSigningUsage{id.XSUsageMaster},
Keys: map[id.KeyID]string{
id.NewKeyID(id.KeyAlgorithmEd25519, masterKey.String()): masterKey.String(),
signature, err := mach.signAndUpload(ctx, masterKeyObj, userID, masterKey.String(), mach.CrossSigningKeys.UserSigningKey)
if err != nil {
return err
Str("user_id", userID.String()).
Str("signature", signature).
Msg("Signed master key of user with our user-signing key")
if err := mach.CryptoStore.PutSignature(ctx, userID, masterKey, mach.Client.UserID, mach.CrossSigningKeys.UserSigningKey.PublicKey(), signature); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error storing signature in crypto store: %w", err)
return nil
// SignOwnMasterKey uses the current account for signing the current user's master key and uploads the signature.
func (mach *OlmMachine) SignOwnMasterKey(ctx context.Context) error {
if mach.CrossSigningKeys == nil {
return ErrCrossSigningKeysNotCached
} else if mach.account == nil {
return ErrOlmAccountNotLoaded
userID := mach.Client.UserID
deviceID := mach.Client.DeviceID
masterKey := mach.CrossSigningKeys.MasterKey.PublicKey()
masterKeyObj := mautrix.ReqKeysSignatures{
UserID: userID,
Usage: []id.CrossSigningUsage{id.XSUsageMaster},
Keys: map[id.KeyID]string{
id.NewKeyID(id.KeyAlgorithmEd25519, masterKey.String()): masterKey.String(),
signature, err := mach.account.Internal.SignJSON(masterKeyObj)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to sign JSON: %w", err)
masterKeyObj.Signatures = signatures.NewSingleSignature(userID, id.KeyAlgorithmEd25519, deviceID.String(), signature)
Str("device_id", deviceID.String()).
Str("signature", signature).
Msg("Signed own master key with own device key")
resp, err := mach.Client.UploadSignatures(ctx, &mautrix.ReqUploadSignatures{
userID: map[string]mautrix.ReqKeysSignatures{
masterKey.String(): masterKeyObj,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while uploading signatures: %w", err)
} else if len(resp.Failures) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %+v", ErrSignatureUploadFail, resp.Failures)
if err := mach.CryptoStore.PutSignature(ctx, userID, masterKey, userID, mach.account.SigningKey(), signature); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error storing signature in crypto store: %w", err)
return nil
// SignOwnDevice creates a cross-signing signature for a device belonging to the current user and uploads it to the server.
func (mach *OlmMachine) SignOwnDevice(ctx context.Context, device *id.Device) error {
if device.UserID != mach.Client.UserID {
return ErrCantSignOtherDevice
} else if mach.CrossSigningKeys == nil || mach.CrossSigningKeys.SelfSigningKey == nil {
return ErrSelfSigningKeyNotCached
deviceKeys, err := mach.getFullDeviceKeys(ctx, device)
if err != nil {
return err
deviceKeyObj := mautrix.ReqKeysSignatures{
UserID: device.UserID,
DeviceID: device.DeviceID,
Algorithms: deviceKeys.Algorithms,
Keys: make(map[id.KeyID]string),
for keyID, key := range deviceKeys.Keys {
deviceKeyObj.Keys[id.KeyID(keyID)] = key
signature, err := mach.signAndUpload(ctx, deviceKeyObj, device.UserID, device.DeviceID.String(), mach.CrossSigningKeys.SelfSigningKey)
if err != nil {
return err
Str("user_id", device.UserID.String()).
Str("device_id", device.DeviceID.String()).
Str("signature", signature).
Msg("Signed own device key with self-signing key")
if err := mach.CryptoStore.PutSignature(ctx, device.UserID, device.SigningKey, mach.Client.UserID, mach.CrossSigningKeys.SelfSigningKey.PublicKey(), signature); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error storing signature in crypto store: %w", err)
return nil
// getFullDeviceKeys gets the full device keys object for the given device.
// This is used because we don't cache some of the details like list of algorithms and unsupported key types.
func (mach *OlmMachine) getFullDeviceKeys(ctx context.Context, device *id.Device) (*mautrix.DeviceKeys, error) {
devicesKeys, err := mach.Client.QueryKeys(ctx, &mautrix.ReqQueryKeys{
DeviceKeys: mautrix.DeviceKeysRequest{
device.UserID: mautrix.DeviceIDList{device.DeviceID},
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error querying device keys for %s: %w", device.DeviceID, err)
userKeys, ok := devicesKeys.DeviceKeys[device.UserID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrUserNotInQueryResponse
deviceKeys, ok := userKeys[device.DeviceID]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrDeviceNotInQueryResponse
_, err = mach.validateDevice(device.UserID, device.DeviceID, deviceKeys, device)
return &deviceKeys, err
// signAndUpload signs the given key signatures object and uploads it to the server.
func (mach *OlmMachine) signAndUpload(ctx context.Context, req mautrix.ReqKeysSignatures, userID id.UserID, signedThing string, key olm.PKSigning) (string, error) {
signature, err := key.SignJSON(req)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to sign JSON: %w", err)
req.Signatures = signatures.NewSingleSignature(mach.Client.UserID, id.KeyAlgorithmEd25519, key.PublicKey().String(), signature)
resp, err := mach.Client.UploadSignatures(ctx, &mautrix.ReqUploadSignatures{
userID: map[string]mautrix.ReqKeysSignatures{
signedThing: req,
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error while uploading signatures: %w", err)
} else if len(resp.Failures) > 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%w: %+v", ErrSignatureUploadFail, resp.Failures)
return signature, nil