
260 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2020 Tulir Asokan
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
package crypto
import (
var (
SessionNotShared = errors.New("session has not been shared")
SessionExpired = errors.New("session has expired")
// OlmSessionList is a list of OlmSessions.
// It implements sort.Interface so that the session with recent successful decryptions comes first.
type OlmSessionList []*OlmSession
func (o OlmSessionList) Len() int {
return len(o)
func (o OlmSessionList) Less(i, j int) bool {
return o[i].LastDecryptedTime.After(o[j].LastEncryptedTime)
func (o OlmSessionList) Swap(i, j int) {
o[i], o[j] = o[j], o[i]
type OlmSession struct {
Internal olm.Session
id id.SessionID
func (session *OlmSession) ID() id.SessionID {
if == "" { = session.Internal.ID()
func (session *OlmSession) Describe() string {
return session.Internal.Describe()
func wrapSession(session *olm.Session) *OlmSession {
return &OlmSession{
Internal: *session,
ExpirationMixin: ExpirationMixin{
TimeMixin: TimeMixin{
CreationTime: time.Now(),
LastEncryptedTime: time.Now(),
LastDecryptedTime: time.Now(),
func (account *OlmAccount) NewInboundSessionFrom(senderKey id.Curve25519, ciphertext string) (*OlmSession, error) {
session, err := account.Internal.NewInboundSessionFrom(senderKey, ciphertext)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_ = account.Internal.RemoveOneTimeKeys(session)
return wrapSession(session), nil
func (session *OlmSession) Encrypt(plaintext []byte) (id.OlmMsgType, []byte) {
session.LastEncryptedTime = time.Now()
return session.Internal.Encrypt(plaintext)
func (session *OlmSession) Decrypt(ciphertext string, msgType id.OlmMsgType) ([]byte, error) {
msg, err := session.Internal.Decrypt(ciphertext, msgType)
if err == nil {
session.LastDecryptedTime = time.Now()
return msg, err
type RatchetSafety struct {
NextIndex uint `json:"next_index"`
MissedIndices []uint `json:"missed_indices,omitempty"`
LostIndices []uint `json:"lost_indices,omitempty"`
type InboundGroupSession struct {
Internal olm.InboundGroupSession
SigningKey id.Ed25519
SenderKey id.Curve25519
RoomID id.RoomID
ForwardingChains []string
RatchetSafety RatchetSafety
ReceivedAt time.Time
MaxAge int64
MaxMessages int
IsScheduled bool
KeyBackupVersion id.KeyBackupVersion
id id.SessionID
func NewInboundGroupSession(senderKey id.SenderKey, signingKey id.Ed25519, roomID id.RoomID, sessionKey string, maxAge time.Duration, maxMessages int, isScheduled bool) (*InboundGroupSession, error) {
igs, err := olm.NewInboundGroupSession([]byte(sessionKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &InboundGroupSession{
Internal: *igs,
SigningKey: signingKey,
SenderKey: senderKey,
RoomID: roomID,
ForwardingChains: nil,
ReceivedAt: time.Now().UTC(),
MaxAge: maxAge.Milliseconds(),
MaxMessages: maxMessages,
IsScheduled: isScheduled,
}, nil
func (igs *InboundGroupSession) ID() id.SessionID {
if == "" { = igs.Internal.ID()
func (igs *InboundGroupSession) RatchetTo(index uint32) error {
exported, err := igs.Internal.Export(index)
if err != nil {
return err
imported, err := olm.InboundGroupSessionImport(exported)
if err != nil {
return err
igs.Internal = *imported
return nil
type OGSState int
const (
OGSNotShared OGSState = iota
type UserDevice struct {
UserID id.UserID
DeviceID id.DeviceID
type OutboundGroupSession struct {
Internal olm.OutboundGroupSession
MaxMessages int
MessageCount int
Users map[UserDevice]OGSState
RoomID id.RoomID
Shared bool
id id.SessionID
content *event.RoomKeyEventContent
func NewOutboundGroupSession(roomID id.RoomID, encryptionContent *event.EncryptionEventContent) *OutboundGroupSession {
ogs := &OutboundGroupSession{
Internal: *olm.NewOutboundGroupSession(),
ExpirationMixin: ExpirationMixin{
TimeMixin: TimeMixin{
CreationTime: time.Now(),
LastEncryptedTime: time.Now(),
MaxAge: 7 * 24 * time.Hour,
MaxMessages: 100,
Shared: false,
Users: make(map[UserDevice]OGSState),
RoomID: roomID,
if encryptionContent != nil {
if encryptionContent.RotationPeriodMillis != 0 {
ogs.MaxAge = time.Duration(encryptionContent.RotationPeriodMillis) * time.Millisecond
if encryptionContent.RotationPeriodMessages != 0 {
ogs.MaxMessages = encryptionContent.RotationPeriodMessages
return ogs
func (ogs *OutboundGroupSession) ShareContent() event.Content {
if ogs.content == nil {
ogs.content = &event.RoomKeyEventContent{
Algorithm: id.AlgorithmMegolmV1,
RoomID: ogs.RoomID,
SessionID: ogs.ID(),
SessionKey: ogs.Internal.Key(),
return event.Content{Parsed: ogs.content}
func (ogs *OutboundGroupSession) ID() id.SessionID {
if == "" { = ogs.Internal.ID()
func (ogs *OutboundGroupSession) Expired() bool {
return ogs.MessageCount >= ogs.MaxMessages || ogs.ExpirationMixin.Expired()
func (ogs *OutboundGroupSession) Encrypt(plaintext []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if !ogs.Shared {
return nil, SessionNotShared
} else if ogs.Expired() {
return nil, SessionExpired
ogs.LastEncryptedTime = time.Now()
return ogs.Internal.Encrypt(plaintext), nil
type TimeMixin struct {
CreationTime time.Time
LastEncryptedTime time.Time
LastDecryptedTime time.Time
type ExpirationMixin struct {
MaxAge time.Duration
func (exp *ExpirationMixin) Expired() bool {
if exp.MaxAge == 0 {
return false
return exp.CreationTime.Add(exp.MaxAge).Before(time.Now())