
457 lines
15 KiB

package mautrix
import (
type AuthType string
const (
AuthTypePassword AuthType = "m.login.password"
AuthTypeReCAPTCHA AuthType = "m.login.recaptcha"
AuthTypeOAuth2 AuthType = "m.login.oauth2"
AuthTypeSSO AuthType = "m.login.sso"
AuthTypeEmail AuthType = ""
AuthTypeMSISDN AuthType = "m.login.msisdn"
AuthTypeToken AuthType = "m.login.token"
AuthTypeDummy AuthType = "m.login.dummy"
AuthTypeAppservice AuthType = "m.login.application_service"
AuthTypeSynapseJWT AuthType = "org.matrix.login.jwt"
AuthTypeDevtureSharedSecret AuthType = "com.devture.shared_secret_auth"
type IdentifierType string
const (
IdentifierTypeUser = ""
IdentifierTypeThirdParty = ""
IdentifierTypePhone = ""
type Direction rune
const (
DirectionForward Direction = 'f'
DirectionBackward Direction = 'b'
// ReqRegister is the JSON request for
type ReqRegister struct {
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
DeviceID id.DeviceID `json:"device_id,omitempty"`
InitialDeviceDisplayName string `json:"initial_device_display_name,omitempty"`
InhibitLogin bool `json:"inhibit_login,omitempty"`
RefreshToken bool `json:"refresh_token,omitempty"`
Auth interface{} `json:"auth,omitempty"`
// Type for registration, only used for appservice user registrations
Type AuthType `json:"type,omitempty"`
type BaseAuthData struct {
Type AuthType `json:"type"`
Session string `json:"session,omitempty"`
type UserIdentifier struct {
Type IdentifierType `json:"type"`
User string `json:"user,omitempty"`
Medium string `json:"medium,omitempty"`
Address string `json:"address,omitempty"`
Country string `json:"country,omitempty"`
Phone string `json:"phone,omitempty"`
// ReqLogin is the JSON request for
type ReqLogin struct {
Type AuthType `json:"type"`
Identifier UserIdentifier `json:"identifier"`
Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
DeviceID id.DeviceID `json:"device_id,omitempty"`
InitialDeviceDisplayName string `json:"initial_device_display_name,omitempty"`
// Whether or not the returned credentials should be stored in the Client
StoreCredentials bool `json:"-"`
// Whether or not the returned .well-known data should update the homeserver URL in the Client
StoreHomeserverURL bool `json:"-"`
type ReqUIAuthFallback struct {
Session string `json:"session"`
User string `json:"user"`
type ReqUIAuthLogin struct {
User string `json:"user,omitempty"`
Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
// ReqCreateRoom is the JSON request for
type ReqCreateRoom struct {
Visibility string `json:"visibility,omitempty"`
RoomAliasName string `json:"room_alias_name,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Topic string `json:"topic,omitempty"`
Invite []id.UserID `json:"invite,omitempty"`
Invite3PID []ReqInvite3PID `json:"invite_3pid,omitempty"`
CreationContent map[string]interface{} `json:"creation_content,omitempty"`
InitialState []*event.Event `json:"initial_state,omitempty"`
Preset string `json:"preset,omitempty"`
IsDirect bool `json:"is_direct,omitempty"`
RoomVersion string `json:"room_version,omitempty"`
PowerLevelOverride *event.PowerLevelsEventContent `json:"power_level_content_override,omitempty"`
MeowRoomID id.RoomID `json:"fi.mau.room_id,omitempty"`
BeeperAutoJoinInvites bool `json:"com.beeper.auto_join_invites,omitempty"`
// ReqRedact is the JSON request for
type ReqRedact struct {
Reason string
TxnID string
Extra map[string]interface{}
type ReqMembers struct {
At string `json:"at"`
Membership event.Membership `json:"membership,omitempty"`
NotMembership event.Membership `json:"not_membership,omitempty"`
// ReqInvite3PID is the JSON request for
// It is also a JSON object used in
type ReqInvite3PID struct {
IDServer string `json:"id_server"`
Medium string `json:"medium"`
Address string `json:"address"`
type ReqLeave struct {
Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
// ReqInviteUser is the JSON request for
type ReqInviteUser struct {
Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
UserID id.UserID `json:"user_id"`
// ReqKickUser is the JSON request for
type ReqKickUser struct {
Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
UserID id.UserID `json:"user_id"`
// ReqBanUser is the JSON request for
type ReqBanUser struct {
Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
UserID id.UserID `json:"user_id"`
// ReqUnbanUser is the JSON request for
type ReqUnbanUser struct {
Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
UserID id.UserID `json:"user_id"`
// ReqTyping is the JSON request for
type ReqTyping struct {
Typing bool `json:"typing"`
Timeout int64 `json:"timeout,omitempty"`
type ReqPresence struct {
Presence event.Presence `json:"presence"`
type ReqAliasCreate struct {
RoomID id.RoomID `json:"room_id"`
type OneTimeKey struct {
Key id.Curve25519 `json:"key"`
Fallback bool `json:"fallback,omitempty"`
Signatures signatures.Signatures `json:"signatures,omitempty"`
Unsigned map[string]any `json:"unsigned,omitempty"`
IsSigned bool `json:"-"`
// Raw data in the one-time key. This must be used for signature verification to ensure unrecognized fields
// aren't thrown away (because that would invalidate the signature).
RawData json.RawMessage `json:"-"`
type serializableOTK OneTimeKey
func (otk *OneTimeKey) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error) {
if len(data) > 0 && data[0] == '"' && data[len(data)-1] == '"' {
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &otk.Key)
otk.Signatures = nil
otk.Unsigned = nil
otk.IsSigned = false
} else {
err = json.Unmarshal(data, (*serializableOTK)(otk))
otk.RawData = data
otk.IsSigned = true
return err
func (otk *OneTimeKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if !otk.IsSigned {
return json.Marshal(otk.Key)
} else {
return json.Marshal((*serializableOTK)(otk))
type ReqUploadKeys struct {
DeviceKeys *DeviceKeys `json:"device_keys,omitempty"`
OneTimeKeys map[id.KeyID]OneTimeKey `json:"one_time_keys"`
type ReqKeysSignatures struct {
UserID id.UserID `json:"user_id"`
DeviceID id.DeviceID `json:"device_id,omitempty"`
Algorithms []id.Algorithm `json:"algorithms,omitempty"`
Usage []id.CrossSigningUsage `json:"usage,omitempty"`
Keys map[id.KeyID]string `json:"keys"`
Signatures signatures.Signatures `json:"signatures"`
type ReqUploadSignatures map[id.UserID]map[string]ReqKeysSignatures
type DeviceKeys struct {
UserID id.UserID `json:"user_id"`
DeviceID id.DeviceID `json:"device_id"`
Algorithms []id.Algorithm `json:"algorithms"`
Keys KeyMap `json:"keys"`
Signatures signatures.Signatures `json:"signatures"`
Unsigned map[string]interface{} `json:"unsigned,omitempty"`
type CrossSigningKeys struct {
UserID id.UserID `json:"user_id"`
Usage []id.CrossSigningUsage `json:"usage"`
Keys map[id.KeyID]id.Ed25519 `json:"keys"`
Signatures signatures.Signatures `json:"signatures,omitempty"`
func (csk *CrossSigningKeys) FirstKey() id.Ed25519 {
for _, key := range csk.Keys {
return key
return ""
type UploadCrossSigningKeysReq struct {
Master CrossSigningKeys `json:"master_key"`
SelfSigning CrossSigningKeys `json:"self_signing_key"`
UserSigning CrossSigningKeys `json:"user_signing_key"`
Auth interface{} `json:"auth,omitempty"`
type KeyMap map[id.DeviceKeyID]string
func (km KeyMap) GetEd25519(deviceID id.DeviceID) id.Ed25519 {
val, ok := km[id.NewDeviceKeyID(id.KeyAlgorithmEd25519, deviceID)]
if !ok {
return ""
return id.Ed25519(val)
func (km KeyMap) GetCurve25519(deviceID id.DeviceID) id.Curve25519 {
val, ok := km[id.NewDeviceKeyID(id.KeyAlgorithmCurve25519, deviceID)]
if !ok {
return ""
return id.Curve25519(val)
type ReqQueryKeys struct {
DeviceKeys DeviceKeysRequest `json:"device_keys"`
Timeout int64 `json:"timeout,omitempty"`
type DeviceKeysRequest map[id.UserID]DeviceIDList
type DeviceIDList []id.DeviceID
type ReqClaimKeys struct {
OneTimeKeys OneTimeKeysRequest `json:"one_time_keys"`
Timeout int64 `json:"timeout,omitempty"`
type OneTimeKeysRequest map[id.UserID]map[id.DeviceID]id.KeyAlgorithm
type ReqSendToDevice struct {
Messages map[id.UserID]map[id.DeviceID]*event.Content `json:"messages"`
// ReqDeviceInfo is the JSON request for
type ReqDeviceInfo struct {
DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"`
// ReqDeleteDevice is the JSON request for
type ReqDeleteDevice struct {
Auth interface{} `json:"auth,omitempty"`
// ReqDeleteDevices is the JSON request for
type ReqDeleteDevices struct {
Devices []id.DeviceID `json:"devices"`
Auth interface{} `json:"auth,omitempty"`
type ReqPutPushRule struct {
Before string `json:"-"`
After string `json:"-"`
Actions []pushrules.PushActionType `json:"actions"`
Conditions []pushrules.PushCondition `json:"conditions"`
Pattern string `json:"pattern"`
// Deprecated: MSC2716 was abandoned
type ReqBatchSend struct {
PrevEventID id.EventID `json:"-"`
BatchID id.BatchID `json:"-"`
BeeperNewMessages bool `json:"-"`
BeeperMarkReadBy id.UserID `json:"-"`
StateEventsAtStart []*event.Event `json:"state_events_at_start"`
Events []*event.Event `json:"events"`
type ReqBeeperBatchSend struct {
// ForwardIfNoMessages should be set to true if the batch should be forward
// backfilled if there are no messages currently in the room.
ForwardIfNoMessages bool `json:"forward_if_no_messages"`
Forward bool `json:"forward"`
SendNotification bool `json:"send_notification"`
MarkReadBy id.UserID `json:"mark_read_by,omitempty"`
Events []*event.Event `json:"events"`
type ReqSetReadMarkers struct {
Read id.EventID `json:",omitempty"`
ReadPrivate id.EventID `json:",omitempty"`
FullyRead id.EventID `json:"m.fully_read,omitempty"`
BeeperReadExtra interface{} `json:",omitempty"`
BeeperReadPrivateExtra interface{} `json:",omitempty"`
BeeperFullyReadExtra interface{} `json:"com.beeper.fully_read.extra,omitempty"`
type ReqSendReceipt struct {
ThreadID string `json:"thread_id,omitempty"`
// ReqHierarchy contains the parameters for
// As it's a GET method, there is no JSON body, so this is only query parameters.
type ReqHierarchy struct {
// A pagination token from a previous Hierarchy call.
// If specified, max_depth and suggested_only cannot be changed from the first request.
From string
// Limit for the maximum number of rooms to include per response.
// The server will apply a default value if a limit isn't provided.
Limit int
// Limit for how far to go into the space. When reached, no further child rooms will be returned.
// The server will apply a default value if a max depth isn't provided.
MaxDepth *int
// Flag to indicate whether the server should only consider suggested rooms.
// Suggested rooms are annotated in their event contents.
SuggestedOnly bool
func (req *ReqHierarchy) Query() map[string]string {
query := map[string]string{}
if req == nil {
return query
if req.From != "" {
query["from"] = req.From
if req.Limit > 0 {
query["limit"] = strconv.Itoa(req.Limit)
if req.MaxDepth != nil {
query["max_depth"] = strconv.Itoa(*req.MaxDepth)
if req.SuggestedOnly {
query["suggested_only"] = "true"
return query
type ReqAppservicePing struct {
TxnID string `json:"transaction_id,omitempty"`
type ReqBeeperMergeRoom struct {
NewRoom ReqCreateRoom `json:"create"`
Key string `json:"key"`
Rooms []id.RoomID `json:"rooms"`
User id.UserID `json:"user_id"`
type BeeperSplitRoomPart struct {
UserID id.UserID `json:"user_id"`
Values []string `json:"values"`
NewRoom ReqCreateRoom `json:"create"`
type ReqBeeperSplitRoom struct {
RoomID id.RoomID `json:"-"`
Key string `json:"key"`
Parts []BeeperSplitRoomPart `json:"parts"`
type ReqRoomKeysVersionCreate[A any] struct {
Algorithm id.KeyBackupAlgorithm `json:"algorithm"`
AuthData A `json:"auth_data"`
type ReqRoomKeysVersionUpdate[A any] struct {
Algorithm id.KeyBackupAlgorithm `json:"algorithm"`
AuthData A `json:"auth_data"`
Version id.KeyBackupVersion `json:"version,omitempty"`
type ReqKeyBackup struct {
Rooms map[id.RoomID]ReqRoomKeyBackup `json:"rooms"`
type ReqRoomKeyBackup struct {
Sessions map[id.SessionID]ReqKeyBackupData `json:"sessions"`
type ReqKeyBackupData struct {
FirstMessageIndex int `json:"first_message_index"`
ForwardedCount int `json:"forwarded_count"`
IsVerified bool `json:"is_verified"`
SessionData json.RawMessage `json:"session_data"`