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# Copyright (c) 2022 Tulir Asokan
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
from typing import List, NewType, Optional, Union
from attr import dataclass
from .primitive import JSON, DeviceID, UserID
from .util import ExtensibleEnum, Obj, SerializableAttrs, deserializer, field
class LoginType(ExtensibleEnum):
A login type, as specified in the `POST /login endpoint`_
.. _POST /login endpoint:
PASSWORD: "LoginType" = "m.login.password"
TOKEN: "LoginType" = "m.login.token"
SSO: "LoginType" = "m.login.sso"
APPSERVICE: "LoginType" = "m.login.application_service"
UNSTABLE_JWT: "LoginType" = "org.matrix.login.jwt"
DEVTURE_SHARED_SECRET: "LoginType" = "com.devture.shared_secret_auth"
class LoginFlow(SerializableAttrs):
A login flow, as specified in the `GET /login endpoint`_
.. _GET /login endpoint:
type: LoginType
class LoginFlowList(SerializableAttrs):
flows: List[LoginFlow]
def get_first_of_type(self, *types: LoginType) -> Optional[LoginFlow]:
for flow in self.flows:
if flow.type in types:
return flow
return None
def supports_type(self, *types: LoginType) -> bool:
return self.get_first_of_type(*types) is not None
class UserIdentifierType(ExtensibleEnum):
A user identifier type, as specified in the `Identifier types`_ section of the login spec.
.. _Identifier types:
MATRIX_USER: "UserIdentifierType" = ""
THIRD_PARTY: "UserIdentifierType" = ""
PHONE: "UserIdentifierType" = ""
class MatrixUserIdentifier(SerializableAttrs):
A client can identify a user using their Matrix ID. This can either be the fully qualified
Matrix user ID, or just the localpart of the user ID.
user: str
"""The Matrix user ID or localpart"""
type: UserIdentifierType = UserIdentifierType.MATRIX_USER
class ThirdPartyIdentifier(SerializableAttrs):
A client can identify a user using a 3PID associated with the user's account on the homeserver,
where the 3PID was previously associated using the `/account/3pid`_ API. See the `3PID Types`_
Appendix for a list of Third-party ID media.
.. _/account/3pid:
.. _3PID Types:
medium: str
address: str
type: UserIdentifierType = UserIdentifierType.THIRD_PARTY
class PhoneIdentifier(SerializableAttrs):
A client can identify a user using a phone number associated with the user's account, where the
phone number was previously associated using the `/account/3pid`_ API. The phone number can be
passed in as entered by the user; the homeserver will be responsible for canonicalising it.
If the client wishes to canonicalise the phone number, then it can use the ````
identifier type with a ``medium`` of ``msisdn`` instead.
.. _/account/3pid:
country: str
phone: str
type: UserIdentifierType = UserIdentifierType.PHONE
UserIdentifier = NewType(
"UserIdentifier", Union[MatrixUserIdentifier, ThirdPartyIdentifier, PhoneIdentifier]
def deserialize_user_identifier(data: JSON) -> Union[UserIdentifier, Obj]:
identifier_type = UserIdentifierType.deserialize(data["type"])
except KeyError:
return Obj(**data)
if identifier_type == UserIdentifierType.MATRIX_USER:
return MatrixUserIdentifier.deserialize(data)
elif identifier_type == UserIdentifierType.THIRD_PARTY:
return ThirdPartyIdentifier.deserialize(data)
elif identifier_type == UserIdentifierType.PHONE:
return PhoneIdentifier.deserialize(data)
return Obj(**data)
setattr(UserIdentifier, "deserialize", deserialize_user_identifier)
class DiscoveryServer(SerializableAttrs):
base_url: Optional[str] = None
class DiscoveryIntegrationServer(SerializableAttrs):
ui_url: Optional[str] = None
api_url: Optional[str] = None
class DiscoveryIntegrations(SerializableAttrs):
managers: List[DiscoveryIntegrationServer] = field(factory=lambda: [])
class DiscoveryInformation(SerializableAttrs):
.well-known discovery information, as specified in the `GET /.well-known/matrix/client endpoint`_
.. _GET /.well-known/matrix/client endpoint:
homeserver: Optional[DiscoveryServer] = field(json="m.homeserver", factory=DiscoveryServer)
identity_server: Optional[DiscoveryServer] = field(
json="m.identity_server", factory=DiscoveryServer
integrations: Optional[DiscoveryServer] = field(
json="m.integrations", factory=DiscoveryIntegrations
class LoginResponse(SerializableAttrs):
The response for a login request, as specified in the `POST /login endpoint`_
.. _POST /login endpoint:
user_id: UserID
device_id: DeviceID
access_token: str
well_known: DiscoveryInformation = field(factory=DiscoveryInformation)
class WhoamiResponse(SerializableAttrs):
The response for a whoami request, as specified in the `GET /account/whoami endpoint`_
.. _GET /account/whoami endpoint:
user_id: UserID
device_id: Optional[DeviceID] = None
is_guest: bool = False