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# Copyright (c) 2022 Tulir Asokan
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import ClassVar, NamedTuple
from enum import Enum
import urllib.parse
from yarl import URL
from .primitive import EventID, RoomAlias, RoomID, UserID
from .util import ExtensibleEnum
class IdentifierType(Enum):
"""The type qualifier for entities in a Matrix URI."""
EVENT = "$"
USER = "@"
ROOM_ID = "!"
def sigil(self) -> str:
"""The sigil of the identifier, used in Matrix events, URLs and other places"""
return _type_to_sigil[self]
def uri_type_qualifier(self) -> str:
"""The type qualifier of the identifier, only used in ``matrix:`` URIs."""
return _type_to_path[self]
def from_sigil(cls, sigil: str) -> IdentifierType:
"""Get the IdentifierType corresponding to the given sigil."""
return _sigil_to_type[sigil]
def from_uri_type_qualifier(cls, uri_type_qualifier: str) -> IdentifierType:
"""Get the IdentifierType corresponding to the given ``matrix:`` URI type qualifier."""
return _path_to_type[uri_type_qualifier]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{}"
class URIAction(ExtensibleEnum):
"""Represents an intent for what the client should do with a Matrix URI."""
JOIN = "join"
CHAT = "chat"
_type_to_path: dict[IdentifierType, str] = {
IdentifierType.EVENT: "e",
IdentifierType.USER: "u",
IdentifierType.ROOM_ALIAS: "r",
IdentifierType.ROOM_ID: "roomid",
_path_to_type: dict[str, IdentifierType] = {v: k for k, v in _type_to_path.items()}
_type_to_sigil: dict[IdentifierType, str] = {it: it.value for it in IdentifierType}
_sigil_to_type: dict[str, IdentifierType] = {v: k for k, v in _type_to_sigil.items()}
class _PathPart(NamedTuple):
type: IdentifierType
identifier: str
def from_mxid(cls, mxid: UserID | RoomID | EventID | RoomAlias | str) -> _PathPart:
return _PathPart(type=IdentifierType.from_sigil(mxid[0]), identifier=mxid[1:])
def mxid(self) -> str:
return f"{self.type.sigil}{self.identifier}"
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.mxid
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"_PathPart({self.type!r}, {self.identifier!r})"
def __eq__(self, other: _PathPart) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, _PathPart):
return False
return other.type == self.type and other.identifier == self.identifier
_uri_base ="matrix")
class MatrixURIError(ValueError):
"""Raised by :meth:`MatrixURI.parse` when parsing a URI fails."""
class MatrixURI:
A container for Matrix URI data. Supports parsing and generating both ``matrix:`` URIs
and ```` URLs with the same interface.
URI_BY_DEFAULT: ClassVar[bool] = False
"""Whether :meth:`__str__` should return the matrix: URI instead of URL."""
_part1: _PathPart
_part2: _PathPart | None
via: list[str] | None
"""Servers that know about the resource. Important for room ID links."""
action: URIAction | None
"""The intent for what clients should do with the URI."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Internal initializer for MatrixURI, external users should use
either :meth:`build` or :meth:`parse`."""
self._part2 = None
self.via = None
self.action = None
def build(
part1: RoomID | UserID | RoomAlias,
part2: EventID | None = None,
via: list[str] | None = None,
action: URIAction | None = None,
) -> MatrixURI:
Construct a MatrixURI instance using an identifier.
part1: The first part of the URI, a user ID, room ID, or room alias.
part2: The second part of the URI. Only event IDs are allowed,
and only allowed when the first part is a room ID or alias.
via: Servers that know about the resource. Important for room ID links.
action: The intent for what clients should do with the URI.
The constructed MatrixURI.
ValueError: if one of the identifiers doesn't have a valid sigil.
>>> from mautrix.types import MatrixURI, UserID, RoomAlias, EventID
>>> # Picks the format based on the URI_BY_DEFAULT field.
>>> # The default value will be changed to True in a later release.
>>> str("")))
>>>""), EventID("$abc123")).matrix_uri
uri = cls()
uri._part1 = _PathPart.from_mxid(part1)
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid sigil in part 1 '{part1[0]}'") from e
if uri._part1.type == IdentifierType.EVENT:
raise ValueError(f"Event ID links must have a room ID or alias too")
if part2:
uri._part2 = _PathPart.from_mxid(part2)
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid sigil in part 2 '{part2[0]}'") from e
if uri._part2.type != IdentifierType.EVENT:
raise ValueError("The second part of Matrix URIs can only be an event ID")
if uri._part1.type not in (IdentifierType.ROOM_ID, IdentifierType.ROOM_ALIAS):
raise ValueError("Can't create an event ID link without a room link as the base")
uri.via = via
uri.action = action
return uri
def try_parse(cls, url: str | URL) -> MatrixURI | None:
Try to parse a ``matrix:`` URI or ```` URL into parts.
If parsing fails, return ``None`` instead of throwing an error.
url: The URI to parse, either as a string or a :class:`yarl.URL` instance.
The parsed data, or ``None`` if parsing failed.
return cls.parse(url)
except ValueError:
return None
def parse(cls, url: str | URL) -> MatrixURI:
Parse a ``matrix:`` URI or ```` URL into parts.
url: The URI to parse, either as a string or a :class:`yarl.URL` instance.
The parsed data.
ValueError: if yarl fails to parse the given URL string.
MatrixURIError: if the URL isn't valid in the Matrix spec.
>>> from mautrix.types import MatrixURI
>>> MatrixURI.parse("").user_id
>>> MatrixURI.parse("$abc123").event_id
>>> MatrixURI.parse("matrix:r/").event_id
url = URL(url)
if url.scheme == "matrix":
return cls._parse_matrix_uri(url)
elif url.scheme == "https" and == "":
return cls._parse_matrix_to_url(url)
raise MatrixURIError("Invalid URI (not matrix: nor")
def _parse_matrix_to_url(cls, url: URL) -> MatrixURI:
path, *rest = url.raw_fragment.split("?", 1)
path_parts = path.split("/")
if len(path_parts) < 2:
raise MatrixURIError(" URL doesn't have enough parts")
# The first component is the blank part between the # and /
if path_parts[0] != "":
raise MatrixURIError("first component of URL is not empty as expected")
query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(rest[0] if len(rest) > 0 else "")
uri = cls()
part1 = urllib.parse.unquote(path_parts[1])
if len(part1) < 2:
raise MatrixURIError(f"Invalid first entity '{part1}' in URL")
uri._part1 = _PathPart.from_mxid(part1)
except KeyError as e:
raise MatrixURIError(
f"Invalid sigil '{part1[0]}' in first entity of URL"
) from e
if len(path_parts) > 2 and len(path_parts[2]) > 0:
part2 = urllib.parse.unquote(path_parts[2])
if len(part2) < 2:
raise MatrixURIError(f"Invalid second entity '{part2}' in URL")
uri._part2 = _PathPart.from_mxid(part2)
except KeyError as e:
raise MatrixURIError(
f"Invalid sigil '{part2[0]}' in second entity of URL"
) from e
uri.via = query.get("via", None)
uri.action = URIAction(query["action"])
except KeyError:
return uri
def _parse_matrix_uri(cls, url: URL) -> MatrixURI:
components = url.raw_path.split("/")
if len(components) < 2:
raise MatrixURIError("URI doesn't contain enough parts")
type1 = IdentifierType.from_uri_type_qualifier(components[0])
except KeyError as e:
raise MatrixURIError(
f"Invalid type qualifier '{components[0]}' in first entity of matrix: URI"
) from e
if not components[1]:
raise MatrixURIError("Identifier in first entity of matrix: URI is empty")
uri = cls()
uri._part1 = _PathPart(type1, components[1])
if len(components) >= 3 and components[2]:
type2 = IdentifierType.from_uri_type_qualifier(components[2])
except KeyError as e:
raise MatrixURIError(
f"Invalid type qualifier '{components[2]}' in second entity of matrix: URI"
) from e
if len(components) < 4 or not components[3]:
raise MatrixURIError("Identifier in second entity of matrix: URI is empty")
uri._part2 = _PathPart(type2, components[3])
uri.via = url.query.getall("via", None)
uri.action = URIAction(url.query["action"])
except KeyError:
return uri
def user_id(self) -> UserID | None:
Get the user ID from this parsed URI.
The user ID in this URI, or ``None`` if this is not a link to a user.
if self._part1.type == IdentifierType.USER:
return UserID(self._part1.mxid)
return None
def room_id(self) -> RoomID | None:
Get the room ID from this parsed URI.
The room ID in this URI, or ``None`` if this is not a link to a room (or event).
if self._part1.type == IdentifierType.ROOM_ID:
return RoomID(self._part1.mxid)
return None
def room_alias(self) -> RoomAlias | None:
Get the room alias from this parsed URI.
The room alias in this URI, or ``None`` if this is not a link to a room (or event).
if self._part1.type == IdentifierType.ROOM_ALIAS:
return RoomAlias(self._part1.mxid)
return None
def event_id(self) -> EventID | None:
Get the event ID from this parsed URI.
The event ID in this URI, or ``None`` if this is not a link to an event in a room.
if (
and (self.room_id or self.room_alias)
and self._part2.type == IdentifierType.EVENT
return EventID(self._part2.mxid)
return None
def matrix_to_url(self) -> str:
Convert this parsed URI into a ```` URL.
The link as a URL.
url = f"{urllib.parse.quote(self._part1.mxid)}"
if self._part2:
url += f"/{urllib.parse.quote(self._part2.mxid)}"
qp = []
if self.via:
qp += (("via", server) for server in self.via)
if self.action:
qp.append(("action", self.action))
if qp:
url += f"?{urllib.parse.urlencode(qp)}"
return url
def matrix_uri(self) -> str:
Convert this parsed URI into a ``matrix:`` URI.
The link as a ``matrix:`` URI.
u = _uri_base / self._part1.type.uri_type_qualifier / self._part1.identifier
if self._part2:
u = u / self._part2.type.uri_type_qualifier / self._part2.identifier
if self.via:
u = u.update_query({"via": self.via})
if self.action:
u = u.update_query({"action": self.action.value})
return str(u)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.matrix_uri
return self.matrix_to_url
def __repr__(self) -> str:
parts = ", ".join(f"{part!r}" for part in (self._part1, self._part2) if part)
return f"MatrixURI({parts}, via={self.via!r}, action={self.action!r})"
def __eq__(self, other: MatrixURI) -> bool:
Checks equality between two parsed Matrix URIs. The order of the via parameters is ignored,
but otherwise everything has to match exactly.
if not isinstance(other, MatrixURI):
return False
return (
self._part1 == other._part1
and self._part2 == other._part2
and set(self.via or []) == set(other.via or [])
and self.action == other.action