
217 lines
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// mautrix-signal - A Matrix-Signal puppeting bridge.
// Copyright (C) 2024 Tulir Asokan
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package msgconv
import (
signalpb ""
var (
ErrUnsupportedMsgType = errors.New("unsupported msgtype")
ErrMediaDownloadFailed = errors.New("failed to download media")
ErrMediaDecryptFailed = errors.New("failed to decrypt media")
ErrMediaConvertFailed = errors.New("failed to convert")
ErrMediaUploadFailed = errors.New("failed to upload media")
ErrInvalidGeoURI = errors.New("invalid `geo:` URI in message")
func (mc *MessageConverter) ToSignal(ctx context.Context, evt *event.Event, content *event.MessageEventContent, relaybotFormatted bool) (*signalpb.DataMessage, error) {
if evt.Type == event.EventSticker {
content.MsgType = event.MessageType(event.EventSticker.Type)
// Matrix timestamps can be faked, but if the user is using their own Signal account, faking timestamps is their problem.
ts := uint64(evt.Timestamp)
// However, when relaying, timestamps shouldn't be trusted because anyone can send a message with any timestamp.
if relaybotFormatted {
ts = uint64(time.Now().UnixMilli())
dm := &signalpb.DataMessage{
Timestamp: &ts,
Quote: mc.GetSignalReply(ctx, content),
Preview: mc.convertURLPreviewToSignal(ctx, evt),
if expirationTime := mc.GetData(ctx).ExpirationTime; expirationTime != 0 {
dm.ExpireTimer = proto.Uint32(uint32(expirationTime))
if content.MsgType == event.MsgEmote && !relaybotFormatted {
content.Body = "/me " + content.Body
if content.FormattedBody != "" {
content.FormattedBody = "/me " + content.FormattedBody
body, bodyRanges := matrixfmt.Parse(ctx, mc.MatrixFmtParams, content)
switch content.MsgType {
case event.MsgText, event.MsgNotice, event.MsgEmote:
dm.Body = proto.String(body)
dm.BodyRanges = bodyRanges
case event.MsgImage, event.MsgVideo, event.MsgAudio, event.MsgFile:
att, err := mc.convertFileToSignal(ctx, evt, content)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert attachment: %w", err)
if content.FileName != "" && (content.FileName != content.Body || content.Format == event.FormatHTML) {
dm.Body = proto.String(body)
dm.BodyRanges = bodyRanges
dm.Attachments = []*signalpb.AttachmentPointer{att}
case event.MessageType(event.EventSticker.Type):
if content.FileName == "" {
content.FileName = "sticker" + exmime.ExtensionFromMimetype(content.Info.MimeType)
att, err := mc.convertFileToSignal(ctx, evt, content)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert sticker: %w", err)
att.Flags = proto.Uint32(uint32(signalpb.AttachmentPointer_BORDERLESS))
var emoji *string
// TODO check for single grapheme cluster?
if len([]rune(content.Body)) == 1 {
emoji = proto.String(variationselector.Remove(content.Body))
dm.Sticker = &signalpb.DataMessage_Sticker{
// Signal iOS validates that pack id/key are of the correct length.
// Android is fine with any non-nil values (like a zero-length byte string).
PackId: make([]byte, 16),
PackKey: make([]byte, 32),
StickerId: proto.Uint32(0),
Data: att,
Emoji: emoji,
case event.MsgLocation:
lat, lon, err := parseGeoURI(content.GeoURI)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Invalid geo URI")
return nil, err
locationString := fmt.Sprintf(mc.LocationFormat, lat, lon)
dm.Body = &locationString
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w %s", ErrUnsupportedMsgType, content.MsgType)
return dm, nil
func maybeInt[T constraints.Integer](v T) *T {
if v == 0 {
return nil
return &v
func (mc *MessageConverter) convertFileToSignal(ctx context.Context, evt *event.Event, content *event.MessageEventContent) (*signalpb.AttachmentPointer, error) {
log := zerolog.Ctx(ctx)
mxc := content.URL
if content.File != nil {
mxc = content.File.URL
data, err := mc.DownloadMatrixMedia(ctx, mxc)
if err != nil {
return nil, exerrors.NewDualError(ErrMediaDownloadFailed, err)
if content.File != nil {
err = content.File.DecryptInPlace(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, exerrors.NewDualError(ErrMediaDecryptFailed, err)
fileName := content.Body
if content.FileName != "" {
fileName = content.FileName
_, isVoice := evt.Content.Raw["org.matrix.msc3245.voice"]
mime := content.GetInfo().MimeType
if isVoice {
data, err = ffmpeg.ConvertBytes(ctx, data, ".m4a", []string{}, []string{"-c:a", "aac"}, mime)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mime = "audio/aac"
fileName += ".m4a"
} else if evt.Type == event.EventSticker && mime != "image/webp" && mime != "image/png" && mime != "image/apng" {
switch mime {
case "image/webp", "image/png", "image/apng":
// allowed
case "image/gif":
if !mc.ConvertGIFToAPNG {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("converting gif stickers is not supported")
data, err = ffmpeg.ConvertBytes(ctx, data, ".apng", []string{}, []string{}, mime)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w gif to apng: %w", ErrMediaConvertFailed, err)
fileName += ".apng"
mime = "image/apng"
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported content type for sticker %s", mime)
att, err := mc.GetClient(ctx).UploadAttachment(ctx, data)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to upload file")
return nil, exerrors.NewDualError(ErrMediaUploadFailed, err)
if isVoice {
att.Flags = proto.Uint32(uint32(signalpb.AttachmentPointer_VOICE_MESSAGE))
att.ContentType = proto.String(mime)
att.FileName = &fileName
att.Height = maybeInt(uint32(content.Info.Height))
att.Width = maybeInt(uint32(content.Info.Width))
if content.Info.Blurhash != "" {
att.BlurHash = proto.String(content.Info.Blurhash)
} else if content.Info.AnoaBlurhash != "" {
att.BlurHash = proto.String(content.Info.AnoaBlurhash)
return att, nil
func parseGeoURI(uri string) (lat, long string, err error) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(uri, "geo:") {
err = fmt.Errorf("uri doesn't have geo: prefix")
// Remove geo: prefix and anything after ;
coordinates := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(uri, "geo:"), ";")[0]
splitCoordinates := strings.Split(coordinates, ",")
if len(splitCoordinates) != 2 {
err = fmt.Errorf("didn't find exactly two numbers separated by a comma")
} else {
lat = splitCoordinates[0]
long = splitCoordinates[1]