
262 lines
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# mautrix-telegram - A Matrix-Telegram puppeting bridge
# Copyright (C) 2021 Tulir Asokan
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Awaitable
import asyncio
from import ChannelForbidden, ChatForbidden
from mautrix.types import EventID, RoomID
from mautrix.util import background_task
from ... import portal as po
from ...types import TelegramID
from .. import SECTION_CREATING_PORTALS, CommandEvent, command_handler
from .util import get_initial_state, user_has_power_level, warn_missing_power
"Bridge the current Matrix room to the Telegram chat with the given ID. The ID must be "
"the prefixed version that you get with the `/id` command of the Telegram-side bot."
async def bridge(evt: CommandEvent) -> EventID:
if len(evt.args) == 0:
return await evt.reply(
"**Usage:** `$cmdprefix+sp bridge <Telegram chat ID> [Matrix room ID]`"
force_use_bot = False
if evt.args[0] == "--usebot" and evt.sender.is_admin:
force_use_bot = True
evt.args = evt.args[1:]
room_id = RoomID(evt.args[1]) if len(evt.args) > 1 else evt.room_id
that_this = "This" if room_id == evt.room_id else "That"
portal = await po.Portal.get_by_mxid(room_id)
if portal:
return await evt.reply(f"{that_this} room is already a portal room.")
if not await user_has_power_level(room_id,, evt.sender, "bridge"):
return await evt.reply(
f"You do not have the permissions to bridge {that_this.lower()} room."
# The /id bot command provides the prefixed ID, so we assume
tgid_str = evt.args[0]
tgid = None
if tgid_str.startswith("-100"):
tgid = TelegramID(int(tgid_str[4:]))
peer_type = "channel"
elif tgid_str.startswith("-"):
tgid = TelegramID(-int(tgid_str))
peer_type = "chat"
except ValueError:
# Invalid integer
if not tgid:
return await evt.reply(
"That doesn't seem like a prefixed Telegram chat ID.\n\n"
"If you did not get the ID using the `/id` bot command, please prefix"
"channel/supergroup IDs with `-100` and non-super group IDs with `-`.\n\n"
"Bridging private chats to existing rooms is not allowed."
portal = await po.Portal.get_by_tgid(tgid, peer_type=peer_type)
if not portal.allow_bridging:
return await evt.reply(
"This bridge doesn't allow bridging that Telegram chat.\n"
"If you're the bridge admin, try "
"`$cmdprefix+sp filter whitelist <Telegram chat ID>` first."
elif portal.mxid:
has_portal_message = (
"That Telegram chat already has a portal at "
f"[{portal.alias or portal.mxid}]({portal.mxid}). "
if not await user_has_power_level(portal.mxid,, evt.sender, "unbridge"):
return await evt.reply(
"Additionally, you do not have the permissions to unbridge that room."
evt.sender.command_status = {
"next": confirm_bridge,
"action": "Room bridging",
"mxid": portal.mxid,
"bridge_to_mxid": room_id,
"tgid": portal.tgid,
"peer_type": peer_type,
"force_use_bot": force_use_bot,
return await evt.reply(
"However, you have the permissions to unbridge that room.\n\n"
"To delete that portal completely and continue bridging, use "
"`$cmdprefix+sp delete-and-continue`. To unbridge the portal "
"without kicking Matrix users, use `$cmdprefix+sp unbridge-and-"
"continue`. To cancel, use `$cmdprefix+sp cancel`"
evt.sender.command_status = {
"next": confirm_bridge,
"action": "Room bridging",
"bridge_to_mxid": room_id,
"tgid": portal.tgid,
"peer_type": peer_type,
"force_use_bot": force_use_bot,
return await evt.reply(
"That Telegram chat has no existing portal. To confirm bridging the "
"chat to this room, use `$cmdprefix+sp continue`"
async def cleanup_old_portal_while_bridging(
evt: CommandEvent, portal: po.Portal
) -> tuple[bool, Awaitable[None] | None]:
if not portal.mxid:
await evt.reply(
"The portal seems to have lost its Matrix room between you"
"calling `$cmdprefix+sp bridge` and this command.\n\n"
"Continuing without touching previous Matrix room..."
return True, None
elif evt.args[0] == "delete-and-continue":
return True, portal.cleanup_portal("Portal deleted (moving to another room)", delete=False)
elif evt.args[0] == "unbridge-and-continue":
return True, portal.cleanup_portal(
"Room unbridged (portal moving to another room)", puppets_only=True, delete=False
await evt.reply(
"The chat you were trying to bridge already has a Matrix portal room.\n\n"
"Please use `$cmdprefix+sp delete-and-continue` or `$cmdprefix+sp unbridge-and-"
"continue` to either delete or unbridge the existing room (respectively) and "
"continue with the bridging.\n\n"
"If you changed your mind, use `$cmdprefix+sp cancel` to cancel."
return False, None
async def confirm_bridge(evt: CommandEvent) -> EventID | None:
status = evt.sender.command_status
portal = await po.Portal.get_by_tgid(status["tgid"], peer_type=status["peer_type"])
bridge_to_mxid = status["bridge_to_mxid"]
except KeyError:
evt.sender.command_status = None
return await evt.reply(
"Fatal error: tgid or peer_type missing from command_status. "
"This shouldn't happen unless you're messing with the command handler code."
is_logged_in = await evt.sender.is_logged_in() and not status["force_use_bot"]
if "mxid" in status:
if portal.peer_type != status["peer_type"]:
"Portal %d in database has mismatching peer type %s (expected %s),"
" trusting database as a room already existed",
await evt.reply(
"Mismatching peer type in command and portal table, "
"trusting portal as room already existed"
ok, coro = await cleanup_old_portal_while_bridging(evt, portal)
if not ok:
return None
elif coro:
await evt.reply("Cleaning up previous portal room...")
elif portal.mxid:
evt.sender.command_status = None
return await evt.reply(
"The portal seems to have created a Matrix room between you "
"calling `$cmdprefix+sp bridge` and this command.\n\n"
"Please start over by calling the bridge command again."
elif evt.args[0] != "continue":
return await evt.reply(
"Please use `$cmdprefix+sp continue` to confirm the bridging or "
"`$cmdprefix+sp cancel` to cancel."
elif portal.peer_type != status["peer_type"]:
"Portal %d in database has mismatching peer type %s (expected %s),"
" trusting new peer type as there's no existing room",
await evt.reply(
"Mismatching peer type in command and portal table, "
"trusting you as portal room doesn't exist"
portal.peer_type = status["peer_type"]
evt.sender.command_status = None
async with portal._room_create_lock:
await _locked_confirm_bridge(
evt, portal=portal, room_id=bridge_to_mxid, is_logged_in=is_logged_in
async def _locked_confirm_bridge(
evt: CommandEvent, portal: po.Portal, room_id: RoomID, is_logged_in: bool
) -> EventID | None:
user = evt.sender if is_logged_in else evt.tgbot
entity = await user.client.get_entity(portal.peer)
except Exception:
evt.log.exception("Failed to get_entity(%s) for manual bridging.", portal.peer)
if is_logged_in:
return await evt.reply(
"Failed to get info of telegram chat. You are logged in, are you in that chat?"
return await evt.reply(
"Failed to get info of telegram chat. "
"You're not logged in, is the relay bot in the chat?"
if isinstance(entity, (ChatForbidden, ChannelForbidden)):
if is_logged_in:
return await evt.reply("You don't seem to be in that chat.")
return await evt.reply("The bot doesn't seem to be in that chat.")
portal.mxid = room_id
portal.by_mxid[portal.mxid] = portal
(portal.title, portal.about, levels, portal.encrypted) = await get_initial_state(, evt.room_id
portal.photo_id = ""
await portal.update_bridge_info()
background_task.create(portal.update_matrix_room(user, entity, levels=levels))
await warn_missing_power(levels, evt)
return await evt.reply("Bridging complete. Portal synchronization should begin momentarily.")