153 lines
6.3 KiB
153 lines
6.3 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
__package__ = 'archivebox.cli'
import sys
import rich_click as click
from rich import print
from benedict import benedict
from archivebox.misc.util import docstring, enforce_types
from archivebox.misc.toml_util import CustomTOMLEncoder
def config(*keys,
get: bool=False,
set: bool=False,
search: bool=False,
reset: bool=False,
**kwargs) -> None:
"""Get and set your ArchiveBox project configuration values"""
import archivebox
from archivebox.misc.checks import check_data_folder
from archivebox.misc.logging_util import printable_config
from archivebox.config.collection import load_all_config, write_config_file, get_real_name
FLAT_CONFIG = archivebox.pm.hook.get_FLAT_CONFIG()
CONFIGS = archivebox.pm.hook.get_CONFIGS()
config_options: list[str] = list(kwargs.pop('key=value', []) or keys or [f'{key}={val}' for key, val in kwargs.items()])
no_args = not (get or set or reset or config_options)
matching_config = {}
if search:
if config_options:
config_options = [get_real_name(key) for key in config_options]
matching_config = {key: FLAT_CONFIG[key] for key in config_options if key in FLAT_CONFIG}
for config_section in CONFIGS.values():
aliases = getattr(config_section, 'aliases', {})
for search_key in config_options:
# search all aliases in the section
for alias_key, key in aliases.items():
if search_key.lower() in alias_key.lower():
matching_config[key] = dict(config_section)[key]
# search all keys and values in the section
for existing_key, value in dict(config_section).items():
if search_key.lower() in existing_key.lower() or search_key.lower() in str(value).lower():
matching_config[existing_key] = value
raise SystemExit(not matching_config)
elif get or no_args:
if config_options:
config_options = [get_real_name(key) for key in config_options]
matching_config = {key: FLAT_CONFIG[key] for key in config_options if key in FLAT_CONFIG}
failed_config = [key for key in config_options if key not in FLAT_CONFIG]
if failed_config:
print('\n[red][X] These options failed to get[/red]')
print(' {}'.format('\n '.join(config_options)))
raise SystemExit(1)
matching_config = FLAT_CONFIG
for config_section in CONFIGS.values():
if hasattr(config_section, 'toml_section_header'):
print('[grey53]\\[CONSTANTS] # (read-only)[/grey53]')
kv_in_section = {key: val for key, val in dict(config_section).items() if key in matching_config}
print(benedict(kv_in_section).to_toml(encoder=CustomTOMLEncoder()).strip().replace('\n\n', '\n'))
raise SystemExit(not matching_config)
elif set:
new_config = {}
failed_options = []
for line in config_options:
if line.startswith('#') or not line.strip():
if '=' not in line:
print('[red][X] Config KEY=VALUE must have an = sign in it[/red]')
print(f' {line}')
raise SystemExit(2)
raw_key, val = line.split('=', 1)
raw_key = raw_key.upper().strip()
key = get_real_name(raw_key)
if key != raw_key:
print(f'[yellow][i] Note: The config option {raw_key} has been renamed to {key}, please use the new name going forwards.[/yellow]')
if key in FLAT_CONFIG:
new_config[key] = val.strip()
if new_config:
before = FLAT_CONFIG
matching_config = write_config_file(new_config)
after = {**load_all_config(), **archivebox.pm.hook.get_FLAT_CONFIG()}
side_effect_changes = {}
for key, val in after.items():
if key in FLAT_CONFIG and (str(before[key]) != str(after[key])) and (key not in matching_config):
side_effect_changes[key] = after[key]
if side_effect_changes:
print('[yellow][i] Note: This change also affected these other options that depended on it:[/yellow]', file=sys.stderr)
print(' {}'.format(printable_config(side_effect_changes, prefix=' ')), file=sys.stderr)
if failed_options:
print('[red][X] These options failed to set (check for typos):[/red]')
print(' {}'.format('\n '.join(failed_options)))
raise SystemExit(1)
elif reset:
print('[red][X] This command is not implemented yet.[/red]')
print(' Please manually remove the relevant lines from your config file:')
raise SystemExit(2)
print('[red][X] You must pass either --get or --set, or no arguments to get the whole config.[/red]')
print(' archivebox config')
print(' archivebox config --get SOME_KEY')
print(' archivebox config --set SOME_KEY=SOME_VALUE')
raise SystemExit(2)
@click.option('--search', is_flag=True, help='Search config KEYs, VALUEs, and ALIASES for the given term')
@click.option('--get', is_flag=True, help='Get the value for the given config KEYs')
@click.option('--set', is_flag=True, help='Set the given KEY=VALUE config values')
@click.option('--reset', is_flag=True, help='Reset the given KEY config values to their defaults')
@click.argument('KEY=VALUE', nargs=-1, type=str)
def main(**kwargs) -> None:
if __name__ == '__main__':