
99 lines
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# #!/usr/bin/env python3
################## DEPRECATED IN FAVOR OF abx-dl #####################
# __package__ = 'archivebox.cli'
# __command__ = 'archivebox oneshot'
# import sys
# import argparse
# from pathlib import Path
# from typing import List, Optional, IO
# from archivebox.misc.util import docstring
# from archivebox.config import DATA_DIR
# from archivebox.misc.logging_util import SmartFormatter, accept_stdin, stderr
# @enforce_types
# def oneshot(url: str, extractors: str="", out_dir: Path=DATA_DIR, created_by_id: int | None=None) -> List[Link]:
# """
# Create a single URL archive folder with an index.json and index.html, and all the archive method outputs.
# You can run this to archive single pages without needing to create a whole collection with archivebox init.
# """
# oneshot_link, _ = parse_links_memory([url])
# if len(oneshot_link) > 1:
# stderr(
# '[X] You should pass a single url to the oneshot command',
# color='red'
# )
# raise SystemExit(2)
# methods = extractors.split(",") if extractors else ignore_methods(['title'])
# archive_link(oneshot_link[0], out_dir=out_dir, methods=methods, created_by_id=created_by_id)
# return oneshot_link
# @docstring(oneshot.__doc__)
# def main(args: Optional[List[str]]=None, stdin: Optional[IO]=None, pwd: Optional[str]=None) -> None:
# parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
# prog=__command__,
# description=oneshot.__doc__,
# add_help=True,
# formatter_class=SmartFormatter,
# )
# parser.add_argument(
# 'url',
# type=str,
# default=None,
# help=(
# 'URLs or paths to archive e.g.:\n'
# '\n'
# '\n'
# '\n'
# ' ~/Downloads/firefox_bookmarks_export.html\n'
# ' ~/Desktop/sites_list.csv\n'
# )
# )
# parser.add_argument(
# "--extract",
# type=str,
# help="Pass a list of the extractors to be used. If the method name is not correct, it will be ignored. \
# This does not take precedence over the configuration",
# default=""
# )
# parser.add_argument(
# '--out-dir',
# type=str,
# default=DATA_DIR,
# help= "Path to save the single archive folder to, e.g. ./example.com_archive"
# )
# command = parser.parse_args(args or ())
# stdin_url = None
# url = command.url
# if not url:
# stdin_url = accept_stdin(stdin)
# if (stdin_url and url) or (not stdin and not url):
# stderr(
# '[X] You must pass a URL/path to add via stdin or CLI arguments.\n',
# color='red',
# )
# raise SystemExit(2)
# oneshot(
# url=stdin_url or url,
# out_dir=Path(command.out_dir).resolve(),
# extractors=command.extract,
# )
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# main(args=sys.argv[1:], stdin=sys.stdin)