98 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File
98 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File
from re import match
from pathlib import Path
class DesktopFile:
"""Representation of a desktop file created by AppImage Launcher
change_icon_name -- Change long icon name created by AppImage Launcher with a shorter icon name
from Nordzy-icon theme.
path -- The path to the desktop file.
appname -- The name of the application represented by the desktop file.
filename -- The name of the desktop file.
def __init__(self, path, appname, filename):
self.path = path
self.appname = appname
self.name = filename
def __str__(self):
return f"File: {self.name}\n" \
f"Application: {self.appname}\n" \
f"Path: {self.path}"
def change_icon_name(self):
"""Change long icon name created by AppImage Launcher with a shorter icon name from Nordzy-icon theme
The function reads each line of the current desktop file,
if the line does not start with 'Icon=', the line is not changed and wrote into a temporary file ('.temp').
if the line does start with 'Icon=', the name of the icon is modified before being written into the temporary
file ('.temp').
Since all the desktop files created by AppImage Launcher contains two lines beginning with 'Icon=', but only the
first line needs to be modified, a flag is created and its value is turned to true when the first line is found,
avoiding modifying the second line starting with 'Icon='.
At the end, current desktop file is replaced with temporary file recently created. The temporary file is an
exact copy of the current file with the first line starting with 'Icon=' modified.
flag_line_found = False
temp_file = Path(str(self.path) + ".temp")
with open(self.path, 'r+') as f:
# Create a temporary file to write the modified version of the original file
with open(temp_file, 'w+') as f2:
# write each line of the file into the temporary file
for line in f.readlines():
# check for the line defining the icon
pattern_icon = "^Icon=.*"
# Using a flag to avoid matching every line after the line was found
if not flag_line_found:
if match(pattern_icon, line):
# Replace the line setting the icon with a custom one pointing to a Nord themed icon
flag_line_found = True
# Replace old file with the newly created version
# Give the execution permission to the file
if __name__ == "__main__":
appimage_desktop_path = Path.joinpath(Path.home(), ".local/share/applications")
# Create a DesktopFile object for each file matching the pattern of the .desktop file created by AppImageLauncher
# and store them in a list.
pattern = "appimagekit_.*-(.*)\.desktop"
files = []
for file in appimage_desktop_path.iterdir():
matching = match(pattern, str(file.name))
if matching:
files.append(DesktopFile(file, matching.group(1).lower(), str(file.name)))
# If an error is thrown because the file does not exist
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"The path {appimage_desktop_path} does not point to an existing file or directory")
# Print a summary:
# Should contain a message if no file were found
# List the number of file that were altered as well as the name of the applications that were concerned
if len(files) == 0:
print(f"There are no desktop file at the mentioned location ({appimage_desktop_path})")
print(f"{len(files)} files were modified:")
for file in files:
# Open the file, find the name setting the icon and change it to match the name of the application
# which match the corresponding icon in Nordzy theme
print(f" - {file.name} (App: {file.appname})")