
286 lines
10 KiB

import os
import time
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, render_template, redirect, send_from_directory
from flask_mail import Mail, Message
import psycopg2
from config.db_config import conn_string
from config.mail_config import Config
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder="static")
mail = Mail(app)
def enforce_https():
Redirect to HTTPS if the request is made over HTTP.
if request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-Proto") == "http":
url = request.url.replace("http://", "https://", 1)
return redirect(url, 301)
def db_connect():
Connect to the database with the provied connection string.
# Checking if environment variable exists
# else, using connection string in config/db_config.py
if os.environ["TERMIC_CONN_STRING"]:
conn = psycopg2.connect(os.environ["TERMIC_CONN_STRING"])
conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_string)
print("Connection with database established")
return conn
except Exception as e:
def define_condition(search_option: str, case_sensitive: int) -> str:
Define the condition to use in the SQL query.
match search_option:
case "unexact_match":
# Simply escaping % with %% doesn't work,
# we need to concatenate as well
condition = "LIKE '%%' || %s || '%%'"
case "exact_match":
condition = "LIKE %s"
case "regex":
condition = "~* %s"
case _:
raise ValueError("Invalid result_filter value")
if case_sensitive == 0 and search_option != "regex":
condition = "I" + condition
return condition
def build_sql_queries(modes: list, source_lang: str, target_lang: str,
condition: str, result_count: list[int],
data_period: str) -> dict:
Build the SQL query to execute for each mode.
sql_queries = {}
# 2020+ tables have no data period suffix
if data_period != "2017":
data_period = ""
# We consider en_us to be the "default" and filter language
# because this is the language from which glossary/TM terms are translated.
if "glossary" in modes:
if source_lang == "en_us":
sql_queries["glossary_query"] = f"""SELECT term_en_us, term_{target_lang},
pos_en_us, pos_{target_lang}, def_en_us FROM glossary_{target_lang}
WHERE term_en_us {condition} LIMIT {result_count["result_count_gl"]};"""
elif target_lang == "en_us":
sql_queries["glossary_query"] = f"""SELECT term_{source_lang}, term_en_us,
pos_{source_lang}, pos_en_us, def_en_us FROM glossary_{source_lang}
WHERE term_{source_lang} {condition} LIMIT {result_count["result_count_gl"]};"""
# Join glossary tables based on the English term.
# Joining by ID is not possible because the number of terms
# in each glossary table is different.
sql_queries["glossary_query"] = f"""SELECT term_{source_lang},
term_{target_lang}, glossary_{target_lang}.pos_en_US, pos_{target_lang},
glossary_{target_lang}.def_en_US FROM glossary_{target_lang}
JOIN glossary_{source_lang}
ON glossary_{target_lang}.term_en_us = glossary_{source_lang}.term_en_us
WHERE term_{source_lang} {condition} LIMIT {result_count["result_count_gl"]};"""
if "tm" in modes:
if source_lang == "en_us":
sql_queries["tm_query"] = f"""SELECT source_term, translation,
string_cat, platform, product FROM excerpts_{target_lang}{data_period}
WHERE source_term {condition} LIMIT {result_count["result_count_tm"]};"""
elif target_lang == "en_us":
# Select translation first so it appears in the "Source" column
sql_queries["tm_query"] = f"""SELECT translation, source_term,
string_cat, platform, product FROM excerpts_{source_lang}{data_period}
WHERE translation {condition} LIMIT {result_count["result_count_tm"]};"""
# Join TM tables based on the English ("source") term.
# Joining by ID is not possible because the number of terms
# in each TM table is different.
sql_queries["tm_query"] = f"""SELECT
FROM excerpts_{target_lang}{data_period}
JOIN excerpts_{source_lang}{data_period}
ON excerpts_{target_lang}{data_period}.source_term =
WHERE excerpts_{source_lang}{data_period}.translation {condition}
LIMIT {result_count["result_count_tm"]};"""
if any(mode not in ["glossary", "tm"] for mode in modes):
raise ValueError("Invalid mode value")
return sql_queries
def search(cur, term: str, queries: dict):
Search the term in the database.
if queries.get("glossary_query"):
print(f"Searching '{term}' in glossary…")
# %s in sql_query gets replaced with the term
cur.execute(queries["glossary_query"], (term,))
results_gl = cur.fetchall()
results_gl = list(zip(*results_gl))
results_gl = []
if queries.get("tm_query"):
print(f"Searching '{term}' in TM…")
# %s in sql_query gets replaced with the term
cur.execute(queries["tm_query"], (term,))
results_tm = cur.fetchall()
results_tm = list(zip(*results_tm))
results_tm = []
return process_results(results_tm, results_gl)
def process_results(results_tm: list[tuple],
results_gl: list[tuple]):
Process the results and return a JSON response.
if len(results_gl) > 0:
gl_source = results_gl[0]
gl_translation = results_gl[1]
gl_source_pos = results_gl[2]
gl_target_pos = results_gl[3]
gl_source_def = results_gl[4]
gl_source, gl_translation, gl_source_pos, \
gl_target_pos, gl_source_def = [''] * 5
if len(results_tm) > 0:
tm_source = results_tm[0]
tm_translation = results_tm[1]
tm_cat = results_tm[2]
tm_platform = results_tm[3]
tm_product = results_tm[4]
tm_source, tm_translation, tm_cat, \
tm_platform, tm_product = [''] * 5
# JSON Response
response = {"gl_source": gl_source, "gl_translation": gl_translation,
"gl_source_pos": gl_source_pos, "gl_target_pos": gl_target_pos,
"gl_source_def": gl_source_def,
"tm_source": tm_source, "tm_translation": tm_translation, "tm_cat": tm_cat,
"tm_platform": tm_platform, "tm_product": tm_product}
return jsonify(response)
def index():
Render the index page.
return render_template("index.html")
def changelog():
Render the changelog page.
return render_template("changelog.html")
def about():
Render the about page.
return render_template("about.html")
@app.route("/about/", methods=["POST", "GET"])
def send_message():
Send a message from the contact form.
if request.method == "POST":
name = request.json["name"]
email = request.json["email"]
message = request.json["message"]
msg = Message(f"Termic Contact Form: Message from {name}",
sender="termic@edoyen.com", recipients=["termic@edoyen.com"])
msg.body = f"Name: {name}\nEmail: {email}\n\n{message}"
return jsonify(success=True)
return jsonify(success=False)
def static_from_root():
Serve static files from root.
return send_from_directory(app.static_folder, request.path[1:])
def page_not_found(e):
Render the 404 page.
return render_template("404.html"), 404
@app.route("/", methods=["POST", "GET"])
def main():
start_time = time.time()
conn = db_connect()
cur = conn.cursor()
term = request.json["term"] # str: source term input in the search bar
source_lang = request.json["source_lang"] # str: source language
target_lang = request.json["target_lang"] # str: target language
# dict[str, int]: number of results to return for each mode
result_count = {"result_count_gl": int(request.json["result_count_gl"]),
"result_count_tm": int(request.json["result_count_tm"])}
search_option = request.json["search_option"] # str: search option (exact match, unexact match, regex)
case_sensitive = int(request.json["case_sensitive"]) # int: case sensitivity
modes = request.json["modes"] # list[str]: modes to search in (glossary, TM, both)
data_period = request.json["data_period"] # str: data period (2017, 2020+)
Query: {term}
Source lang: {source_lang}
Target lang: {target_lang}
Result count: {result_count}
Search option: {search_option}
Case sensitivity: {case_sensitive}
Modes: {modes}
Data period: {data_period}\n""")
if result_count["result_count_gl"] <= 100 and result_count["result_count_tm"] <= 100:
# Escape wildcard characters
term = term.replace("%", "\%").replace("_", "\_")
sql_queries = build_sql_queries(modes, source_lang, target_lang,
define_condition(search_option, case_sensitive), result_count, data_period)
response = search(cur, term, sql_queries)
print(f"Time elapsed: {time.time() - start_time:.2f}s")
return response
return jsonify({"msg": "Result count can't be above 100"}), 500
if __name__ == "__main__":