mirror of https://github.com/Hypfer/Valetudo.git
188 lines
6.2 KiB
188 lines
6.2 KiB
const ntp = require("@destinationstransfers/ntp");
const execSync = require("child_process").execSync;
const Logger = require("./Logger");
const States = require("./entities/core/ntpClient");
const Tools = require("./utils/Tools");
class NTPClient {
* @param {object} options
* @param {import("./Configuration")} options.config
constructor(options) {
this.config = options.config;
this.nextPollTimeout = undefined;
this.retryWaitTime = BASE_RETRY_WAIT_TIME;
this.config.onUpdate((key) => {
if (key === "ntpClient") {
if (this.config.get("ntpClient").enabled) {
this.state = new States.ValetudoNTPClientEnabledState({});
} else {
this.state = new States.ValetudoNTPClientDisabledState({});
// On startup, we need to wait for a while for Valetudo to fully start up (at least when using pkg) or else
// we will get ntp sync timeouts in the log due to something blocking the process for a while
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000);
reconfigure() {
this.retryWaitTime = BASE_RETRY_WAIT_TIME;
const ntpConfig = this.config.get("ntpClient");
if (ntpConfig.enabled === true) {
this.state = new States.ValetudoNTPClientEnabledState({});
if (this.config.get("embedded") === true) {
this.pollTime().catch(() => {
/* intentional */
} else {
this.state = new States.ValetudoNTPClientDisabledState({});
* @private
async pollTime() {
const ntpConfig = this.config.get("ntpClient");
try {
Logger.debug("Starting NTP Query for", {
server: ntpConfig.server,
port: ntpConfig.port,
timeout: ntpConfig.timeout
const currentNTPTime = await ntp.getNetworkTime({
server: ntpConfig.server,
port: ntpConfig.port,
timeout: ntpConfig.timeout
const preSyncTime = new Date();
Logger.debug("Got Time from NTP Server:", currentNTPTime);
this.state = new States.ValetudoNTPClientSyncedState({
offset: currentNTPTime.getTime() - preSyncTime.getTime()
this.retryWaitTime = BASE_RETRY_WAIT_TIME;
Logger.debug(`Next NTP sync in ${ntpConfig.interval}ms`);
this.nextPollTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.pollTime().catch(() => {
/* intentional */
}, ntpConfig.interval);
} catch (e) {
let error = {
type: States.ValetudoNTPClientErrorState.ERROR_TYPE.UNKNOWN,
message: e.message
if (typeof e.code === "string") {
switch (e.code) {
case "EAI_AGAIN":
case "ENETDOWN":
case "EAGAIN":
case "EPIPE":
error.type = States.ValetudoNTPClientErrorState.ERROR_TYPE.TRANSIENT;
error.type = States.ValetudoNTPClientErrorState.ERROR_TYPE.NAME_RESOLUTION;
} else if (typeof e.message === "string" && e.message.indexOf("Timeout waiting") === 0) {
error.type = States.ValetudoNTPClientErrorState.ERROR_TYPE.CONNECTION;
error.message = e.message;
} else if (e.stdout !== undefined) {
error.type = States.ValetudoNTPClientErrorState.ERROR_TYPE.PERSISTING;
error.message = e.stdout.toString() + " " + e.stderr.toString();
if (error.type !== States.ValetudoNTPClientErrorState.ERROR_TYPE.TRANSIENT) {
Logger.warn(`${Tools.CAPITALIZE(error.type)} error during time sync: ${error.message}`);
} else {
Logger.debug(`${Tools.CAPITALIZE(error.type)} error during time sync: ${error.message}`);
this.state = new States.ValetudoNTPClientErrorState(error);
Logger.debug(`Next NTP sync attempt in ${this.retryWaitTime}ms`);
this.nextPollTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.pollTime().catch(() => {
/* intentional */
}, this.retryWaitTime);
this.retryWaitTime = Math.min(this.retryWaitTime * 2, 8 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
setTime(date) {
if (this.config.get("embedded") === true) {
let dateString = "";
dateString += date.getFullYear().toString();
dateString += "-";
dateString += (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, 0);
dateString += "-";
dateString += date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, 0);
dateString += " ";
dateString += date.getHours().toString().padStart(2,0);
dateString += ":";
dateString += date.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2,0);
dateString += ":";
dateString += date.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2,0);
execSync("date -s \""+dateString+"\"");
Logger.info("Successfully set the robot time via NTP to", date);
} else {
Logger.warn("Cannot set the time. We are not embedded.");
* Shutdown NTPClient
* @public
* @returns {Promise<void>}
shutdown() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Logger.debug("NTPClient shutdown in progress...");
Logger.debug("NTPClient shutdown done");
const BASE_RETRY_WAIT_TIME = 60*1000; //1 Minute
module.exports = NTPClient;