
177 lines
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const SerializableEntity = require("../SerializableEntity");
* A map layer is an array of pixels in a 2d space
* Examples include Walls, Floor and Rooms
* Pixels were originally stored in a 1-dimensional array
* e.g. [17,24,18,25] would be two pixels [17,24] and [18,25]
* To save memory and bandwidth, CompressedPixels are stored in a RLE fashion
* [37, 5, 3] maps to the three plain pixels [37,5], [38,5] and [39,5]
* A Map can have multiple map layers.
* All of them are required to use the same coordinate space as well as pixel size.
* Any viewport pixel shifting has to be done beforehand
* Pixel coordinates must be integers
class MapLayer extends SerializableEntity {
* @param {object} options
* @param {MapLayerType} options.type
* @param {Array<number>} options.pixels These have to be sorted for the compression to work. Unsorted pixel compressed maps will become larger than uncompressed ones
* @param {object} [options.metaData] Probably something like name, id, whatever
constructor(options) {
if (options.pixels.length === 0 || options.pixels.length % 2 !== 0) {
throw new Error(`Invalid pixels array. Pixel count: ${options.pixels.length}`);
this.type = options.type;
this.pixels = [];
this.metaData = options.metaData ?? {};
* @param {Array<number>} pixels
* @private
calculateDimensions(pixels) {
const sums = {
x: 0,
y: 0
this.dimensions = {
x: {
min: Infinity,
max: -Infinity,
mid: undefined,
avg: undefined
y: {
min: Infinity,
max: -Infinity,
mid: undefined,
avg: undefined
pixelCount: pixels.length / 2
for (let i = 0; i < pixels.length; i = i + 2) {
sums.x += pixels[i];
sums.y += pixels[i+1];
if (pixels[i] < this.dimensions.x.min) {
this.dimensions.x.min = pixels[i];
if (pixels[i] > this.dimensions.x.max) {
this.dimensions.x.max = pixels[i];
if (pixels[i+1] < this.dimensions.y.min) {
this.dimensions.y.min = pixels[i+1];
if (pixels[i+1] > this.dimensions.y.max) {
this.dimensions.y.max = pixels[i+1];
By only checking these two sums instead of all individual coordinates, we can save a lot of cpu cycles
The downside of this approach is that we might miss invalid (containing non-integer coordinate) pixels arrays,
because the sums added up to an integer. That's an acceptable trade-off though
if (!(Number.isInteger(sums.x) && Number.isInteger(sums.y))) {
throw new Error("Only integer coordinates are allowed");
this.dimensions.x.mid = Math.round((
this.dimensions.x.max +
) / 2);
this.dimensions.y.mid = Math.round((
this.dimensions.y.max +
) / 2);
this.dimensions.x.avg = Math.round(sums.x / (pixels.length/2));
this.dimensions.y.avg = Math.round(sums.y / (pixels.length/2));
* @param {Array<number>} pixels
* @private
compressPixels(pixels) {
const currentBlock = {
xStart: -Infinity,
y: -Infinity,
count: 0
const compressedPixels = [];
for (let i = 0; i < pixels.length; i = i + 2) {
const x = pixels[i];
const y = pixels[i + 1];
if (y !== currentBlock.y || x > currentBlock.xStart + currentBlock.count) {
compressedPixels.push(currentBlock.xStart, currentBlock.y, currentBlock.count);
currentBlock.xStart = x;
currentBlock.y = y;
currentBlock.count = 1;
} else if (x !== currentBlock.xStart) {
//Add final block
compressedPixels.push(currentBlock.xStart, currentBlock.y, currentBlock.count);
//remove first bogus elements
compressedPixels.splice(0, 3);
this.compressedPixels = compressedPixels;
MapLayer.COORDINATE_TUPLE_SORT = (a, b) => {
const xA = a[0];
const yA = a[1];
const xB = b[0];
const yB = b[1];
if (yB > yA) {
return -1;
} else if (xB > xA) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
* @typedef {string} MapLayerType
* @enum {string}
MapLayer.TYPE = Object.freeze({
FLOOR: "floor",
WALL: "wall",
SEGMENT: "segment"
module.exports = MapLayer;